My 1979

Chapter 1026 It’s hard to return a favor

Li He said, "No matter how big of a deal it is, it's my fault. I don't have a memory, otherwise it would have been solved long ago."

Old Man Tang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't say that, absolutely don't. If you say that again, I'll have to find someone to slander you. I don't even know how to repay your friendship."

Wang Yulan had already served the dishes. Li He helped clear the table and said to Old Man Tang with a smile, "Then have a good drink. If you drink too much, let's dig into the ground together."

"When it comes to drinking, you're the only one who blames me for it." When it comes to drinking, Old Man Tang refuses to admit defeat.

Together with Li Zhaokun, the three of them drank two bottles of liquor effortlessly.

After drinking, Li He didn't take a nap and took Awang to sunbathe.

The sand stirred up by his left foot flew into the right shoe, and the sand stirred up by his right foot flew into the left shoe. It was caught between the shoe and the sock and stung his feet. When he got angry, he threw off the shoes and walked naked on the beach. feet walking.

Perhaps the wine aroused his temper, so he simply took off his clothes and plunged into the sea.

Ding Shiping had already taken off his clothes and was ready to rescue at any time. If he drowned while drunk, it would be great fun.

"Mr. Li is still in such a good mood." Shen Daoru stood next to Ding Shiping at some point.

"Mr. Shen." Ding Shiping nodded towards him.

When Li He saw Shen Daoru, he didn't stay in the water for long and swam ashore quickly. When he saw Awang rushing towards him, he kicked him and said, "How did you get here?"

"It was fine. I just heard about the performance of Kunqu Opera actress Deng Wanxia, ​​so I bought two and sent them to you on the way." Shen Daoru also liked Li He.

"It's her, she sings very well." Li He took the ticket, looked at the time, shook his head with regret and said, "It's a pity, I can't make it, I'll leave in two days."

Shen Daoru smiled and said, "That's okay, we will have a corporate performance at the end of the year, and I can invite her over then."

"We'll talk about it then." Li He wiped the water on his body casually with a towel, and then asked, "How many of my collections have you recovered? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Shen Daoru said, "These things are all handled by Lao Yu and Chen Lihua. I have also heard a little about the details. Some are easy to inquire about, and some are not easy to inquire about. Some are foreign buyers, all in Malaya and Indonesia. , Singapore, it’s hard to find them, and some of them are in Hong Kong, but they don’t necessarily sell them for face, they are all real collectors, and those who are willing to sell them for face will directly arrange for people to send them over without charging a penny.”

"I'm not afraid of people who don't sell face, but I'm afraid that if they sell face too much, they'll be under a lot of pressure to return favors." Li He thought for a while and said, "If you don't want to sell face, it's just a matter of money. Give me more money."

Shen Daoru smiled and said, "These collectors are either rich or noble, and they are not short of money. If the original price is doubled several times, they may not be happy. After all, it is difficult to buy what you like with money."

Li He sneered, "Does that mean you are going against me?"

"I'm afraid it's easy to offend people." Shen Daoru understood what Li He meant.

Li He said nonchalantly, "I am not afraid of offending people the most. How can I be afraid of offending people when doing business? Good people should not do business. There is a prerequisite for making money by being friendly. That is, you and I are good. If I am not good, then we must be kind. what?"

This is Li Laoer's new realization over the years. In essence, he is not a true gentleman to begin with.

"Understood, I will pass it on." Shen Daoru knew that Li He really wanted to cause trouble. It was easy to take advantage of Li Lao Er, but it was a bit difficult to take advantage of him in vain. Then he asked, "When we go to Malaya this time, do you want me to accompany you? I'm familiar with it and I've been there many times over the years."

Li He asked, "Where does Yuanda have business?"

Shen Daoru nodded, "We have a real estate cooperation project in Kuala Lumpur with Parkson Group, a subsidiary of Golden Lion Group. This was introduced by Miss Guo."

"Golden Lion?" Li He also thought it sounded familiar, but he didn't know what it was for.

Shen Daoru explained, "This is one of the top ten large consortiums in Malaya. It belongs to the Zhong family. It has hundreds of group subsidiaries. There are five or six listed companies alone. Parkson Group is one of them. It has operations in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Have a pivotal position.

In recent years, investment has also begun in the mainland. For example, Hengdi Pharmaceutical was established together with the Huangshi Antibiotics Factory in Northern Hubei. Alto's engines are also produced in a joint venture with the Jiangling Factory of Norinco. Dongfeng Golden Lion Tire is also a joint venture with the Dongfeng Tire Factory. The ones established are already exporting, and there is also the Jinlongquan Beer Group, which they also invested in. "

He is very familiar with these.

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