My 1979

Chapter 1054 Pleading

After Guo Dongyun left, Qi Hua came in with a phone from outside. He stood in front of Li He and wanted to speak but hesitated. Finally, he couldn't help but said, "Look at Miss Fu's phone number?"

"Are you in more trouble than me?" Li He rolled his eyes at Qi Hua. To Dong Hao and Qi Hua beside him, his matter was no longer a secret.

"No." Qi Hua lowered his head, not daring to say much on this matter for fear of offending Li He's taboo.

Even if there is no risk of being killed or silenced, I am still afraid of being put in the wrong shoes!

"Go out and do your work." Li He took a deep breath, picked up the phone, and said, "Hello."

"Hey." There was a hint of surprise in Fu Xia's voice, "I read the newspaper and TV, and originally thought I had mistakenly identified the person. But when I saw the name, it turned out to be you. I didn't expect you to come to Singapore."

"Yes, I've been here for a few days and I haven't had time to tell you yet." Even if Fu Xia didn't call him, Li He would have taken a look at the couple before leaving.

In the adult world, it is not only easy to gain weight, suffer from kidney deficiency, lose hair, but also make mistakes.

To be human, you have to make mistakes.

If he admits he is wrong, he admits it. Sometimes he comforts himself by thinking about it, and now he is not as coy as before.

"It's okay. I'll call you and ask you if I have time."

Li He said, "Let's have lunch together."

"No, your stall is so big now, it must be very busy. We are all very good. You don't have to worry about it. You are busy with your own business. I am already very happy just thinking about us two." Fu Xia said sincerely.

"That's it. You wait at home and I'll have someone pick you up." Li He had no intention of discussing it with her.

"How about this? How about coming home?" Fu Xia said with a bit of pleading in her tone, "Come home and I will cook. You are not used to eating outside, I know. Besides, the child is still young and it is inconvenient to take him out with him. .”

"Okay." Li He agreed, "I'll be there later."

After hanging up the phone, he changed into a pair of shoes and asked Dong Hao to go out.

When Dong Hao saw Li He walking directly to the gate, he asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to call the driver?"

He, Li He and others do not have Singapore driver's licenses, so Guo Dongyun or her driver usually drives.

Li He shook his head, "It's better to take a taxi."

He didn't want anyone to know.

"Okay, you wait here, I'll call for a taxi." Dong Hao jogged a few steps to try his luck at the intersection ahead.

Because this was a villa area, there were very few people and not many taxis came. He waited for about ten minutes before hailing a taxi at the intersection, and then went back to borrow Li He.

The two of them got in the car and passed the shopping mall. Li He even got out of the car and bought a bunch of toys and snacks.

Fu Xia lives in a luxury area arranged by Li He. It is also a small single-family villa. The conditions are no worse than Lao Wu's.

When he arrived at the place, Dong Hao followed the taxi and walked nearby without Li He's need to explain.

Li He stood at the door, hesitating whether to ring the doorbell, when he saw Fu Xia running over happily through the carved hollows of the European iron door.

"Brother, come in." Fu Xia couldn't wait to open the door for Li He, the joy on her face was indescribable.

"It's pretty good." Li He entered the door carrying large and small bags, and at first sight he saw Fu Yao sitting on a wooden chair and playing. The child just glanced at him and continued to fold the paper boats with his head down.

"You don't need to bring anything, we have everything at home." Fu Xia took the things from Li He's hands and closed the door.

"It's for the child." Li He squatted in front of Fu Yao. Seeing that he didn't feel distressed when he touched his head, he boldly took him into his arms and said with a smile, "Very well-behaved."

Fu Xia also stayed with her, touched Fu Yao's head, and said with a smile, "He suffered a lot in the first two months here. He was not acclimatized and had stomach problems. I stayed with him in the hospital and felt so distressed. If anything happened, I would be there." I don’t know how to live anymore.”

"Have you adapted to it now?" Li He also worried.

"I'm used to it now. I eat well and sleep well." Fu Xia took Li He into the house and made him a cup of tea. "I plan to send him to kindergarten after the new year, and then I will go out to work."

"You don't speak the language, what are you going to do?" Li He asked with a frown, "Is the money not enough? I will give you more if it is not enough. The child is still young, so don't go out and mess around. Just stay at home and take care of the child."

"You're looking down on me again. I graduated from high school after all. I have a basic knowledge of English. Now I'm learning spoken English from the servants. Sooner or later, I'll impress you. I'm a person who is used to doing things. If I have nothing to do for a day, my whole body will feel... I don't feel comfortable at all." Fu Xia said cheerfully, "When the child gets older and becomes a little more sensible, there are servants at home and teachers at school, so I can rest assured that I don't need to worry much at all."

"I'm not worried." Li He still didn't agree.

Fu Xia said sadly, "You are giving me money, and I am not short of money, but I am only in my thirties. If I continue like this, doing nothing all day long, I will feel that I am no different from a useless person. Brother, I beg you, I can’t just wait for retirement at such a young age!”

She is still not convinced!

"Understood." Li He said expressionlessly.

"Brother, just think of me as begging you, let me go out to do things. Don't worry, I can take good care of the child and won't cause you any trouble."

"Have you decided what to do?" Li He took a sip of tea and didn't say yes or no.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, but I always feel that there are too many opportunities here and I can always meet something suitable for me.

I don't have any hope of working. I've seen all the job advertisements here. They all want college students. If I want to be a nanny with a high school degree, people will definitely dislike me.

I just want to start a small business again, not to make a lot of money, but to have something to do so that I won’t feel like I am wasting my life. "Fu Xia looked at Li He expectantly, hoping that Li He would nod in agreement.

"Let's talk about it then. Anyway, you haven't thought about it yet." Li He stopped talking to her and just held Fu Yao on his lap, opened the blocks in front of him, and took him to play with him.

Seeing that there was no use in talking, Fu Xia stopped pressing and went to work in the kitchen.

Although there were only three of them eating together with the children, she still prepared a large table of dishes. Needless to say, they were all Li He liked very much.

"See if my level has improved?" Fu Xia gave Li He a piece of braised pork.

"It's pretty good, oily but not greasy." Li He said it sincerely. Seeing Fu Xia holding the chopsticks motionless and just looking at him, he said, "You eat too, don't be in a daze."

"I'm eating." Fu Xia also quickly sat down, picked up the wine glass and said, "I want to toast you."

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