My 1979

Chapter 1061 Tai Su

After bringing all the fishing rods and barbecue cooking utensils, everyone got on the yacht together.

Yu Dehua personally drove the boat, while Pan Youlin, Shen Daoru and others were busy grilling, while Li He held a fishing rod in one hand and a beer in the other, looking at the blue sky and turquoise sea water, feeling happy.

Seeing that the speakers next to him were all listless, he smiled and said, "What? Does it feel too plain?"

"Huh?" Xiaoxiao didn't understand what "prime" meant at all.

Li He joked, "Generally when traveling on a yacht, isn't it necessary to be accompanied by beautiful women and fine wine?"

"No, no." Speaker Quan waved his hands hurriedly.

"What? Isn't it like this in movies? Besides, Lao Yu and Lao Shen are usually not idle." Li He didn't believe that the speaker could do anything alone.

The speakers are all very awkward and I don’t know how to speak!

Could it be that I am not the same person as Shen Daoru and Yu Dehua, these two old perverts?

Offend people!

These two old perverts haven't found an opportunity to put on his little shoes?

"Brother Fu is a strict wife." Gu Xiaohua not only answered the conversation from the side, but also had the courage to tease Quan Quan.

Li He scoffed, "It turns out he is afraid of his wife."

"No, no, how can you be afraid of your wife!" Xiao Xiaoquan retorted Li He with all his heart. You, Mr. Li, are not afraid of your wife? But he said, "I just don't bother to do this. Mr. Li, you have seen my wife. Although she is not beautiful, she is okay.

I am the eldest in my family, with four brothers and one sister, and I am in a very difficult situation.

What's more, I was a bad boy back then. After eating one meal, I never thought about the next one. Few neighbors could really think highly of me.

She was selling vegetables in the vegetable market. It was very strange. Just to look at her more, I would buy them when I had time. After buying, I would take them home when I had time. If I was unhappy, I would give them away when I left home.

The little money I earned was spent on her vegetable stall. My mother scolded me so many times for this.

And you know my personality, I am carefree, but when I saw her, I seemed to be unable to speak. "

"This is the power of love." Li He listened with great interest and encouraged Xiaoquan to continue.

He didn't expect that Trumpet Quan had a tender side.

Xiao Xiaoquan continued, "She is not a fool. Over time, of course she knows my thoughts. Once she asked me directly if I wanted to chase her? Mr. Li, how brave do you think this woman is? I can't even figure it out now. Where can I go?" You have so much courage."

"Then what?" Li He asked. It was the first time he saw Xiao Xiaoquan, an innocent boy. He was even more of a noob than he was back then!

"My brain shut down on the spot. I was so nervous that I couldn't speak. I ran away immediately." Xiao Xiaoquan looked ashamed.

"Ha ha."

Li He and Gu Xiaohua laughed.

Xiaoxiao Quan sighed and said, "Later, I went back to look for her, and I boldly said that I liked her. Mr. Li, you know, I am not merciless in killing people. When I saw her, she actually spoke in a snarky voice." bar.

One thing I didn't expect was that she agreed.

Then, we started dating, but everyone in her family objected. No matter how unseemly it is to sell vegetables, you can't become a girl with a bad guy!

Her parents were so angry that they wanted to cut off relations with her. I didn't want her to have too much trouble with her family, so I was ready to run away at any time, so I couldn't embarrass her. But she accepted the truth and accepted me, so she followed me. I borrowed some money from here and there and opened a flower stall in Central, and she became the boss lady.

I have an out-of-touch personality and am the most impatient. I rely on her alone to support me. Everyone in Central knows her.

I was half-hearted and wanted to make quick money or gain popularity. She almost fought me hard, saying that it was harmful to people. Fortunately, I listened to him. In Hong Kong, you can get away with anything, but once you get fans, what’s the point of reputation? , status is nothing.

Mr. Li, tell me, for such a woman, what reason do I have to do something that is sorry for her? "

"Not at all privately?" Li He didn't believe it.

Take him as a lesson.

It's not that simple.

Speaker Quan waved his hands and said, "No, really not. This woman is too sophisticated and Hong Kong is too small. How could she not know about any trouble?

If I really dare to play around outside, she can do anything. If she divorces me, how can I live?

I'm not afraid of your jokes. I just feel uncomfortable when I can't see her for a day.

My greatest achievement in my life is marrying her, and I know it in my heart. Even if my conditions are not bad now, it is difficult to meet such a woman. She is willing to be good to me wholeheartedly, and does not care whether I have money or status. A woman without status.

Mr. Li, think about it, can I afford to lose?

I can't afford to lose.

So, I don't dare to bet.

Hey, anyway, I’m going to fall into her hands for the rest of my life. "

"For your words, I'd like to toast you." Li He raised his beer can toward the speaker.

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Xiaoxiao was flattered.

"Okay, you can add another meal." With a flick of the fishing rod, Li He caught a large yellow croaker.

"It's quite fat." Gu Xiaohua helped put the fish into the bucket, then sent it to Shen Daoru to clean it up and finally grill it.

Shen Daoru's cooking is good, at least Li He is full of praise for his food.

When the sun goes down, everyone returns home happily.

All the guests at home have left, and only Old Man Zhang and Li Lan are playing chess in the yard, while Li Zhaokun is watching.

"Old Zhang, did you lose again?" Li Zhaokun was not happy because his grandson won. Instead, he felt a bit resentful towards Old Zhang, who had always been with him!

You have lived such a long life on a dog!

Not even a child!

"Are you coming?" Old man Zhang wanted to stand up and give his seat to Li Zhaokun.

He has never won a single game!

"If I knew how to do it, would I still look for you?" Li Zhaokun snorted coldly.

"Then we won't play anymore?" Old Man Zhang asked Li Lan.

Li Lan nodded, winning without force is meaningless.

"Oh, you can also play chess?" Li He touched Li Lan's head and didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

"Dad, come here." Li Lan pushed the chessboard towards Li He.

"Just don't cry."

If they play Go, Li He will definitely not be able to beat Li Lan now. The rules of chess are not just "take the first shot, then the horse will jump", Li Laoer can still do it!

He still followed the old routine, where the horse captured Fang's original position of seven soldiers, and then used the second line of artillery to plug Li Lan's eyes in order to leap the horse.

"One vehicle for two cannons?"

Li He shook his head helplessly, what a silly son!

But before he could smoke a cigarette proudly, he heard Old Man Zhang say, "General."

"So fast?" Li He found that his veteran had no way out!

What's happening here?

He glanced at Li Lan suspiciously.

"Bear stuff." Li Zhaokun glanced at Li He disdainfully.

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