My 1979

Chapter 1075 Everyone has his own difficulties

Dong Hao said, "The car belongs to the boss, and I work as a driver for the boss. The boss comes to your corner to do business. Your kid is here, so I just happened to borrow the car to come to your place to take a look."

In fact, I am still a little proud of myself. Although he cannot compare with Lan Shifang, Wan Liangyou and others, nor can he be said to be rich, his income and benefits have surpassed many people, and are enough for him and his family to live. Many people cannot live a decent life.

"Only the shoe factory owners in our town have the opportunity to drive this car. This car is not cheap. I heard them bragging that it wouldn't cost 7 or 8 million yuan." Zhang Xuan walked around Li He's car and looked at it. lock up.

"If you like, just drive around." Li He wanted to give him the car keys.

"No, if there's any bump in such a good car, my year's salary wouldn't be enough to put it in." Zhang Xuan waved his hand and refused.

Li He smiled and said, "It's not as expensive as you said. Even if it's really expensive, it's still a car. Cars are meant to be driven, not looked at."

"Farewell." Zhang Xuan still insisted not to touch the car. He pulled the hat on his head into his hand and said to Dong Hao, "Since there is a car, I will lead the way and drive to my house. Let's get drunk before we return."

Dong Hao said, "My sister-in-law has bad legs and feet. Don't bother her. Let's find a place to drink. I'll treat you."

He understood Zhang Xuan's situation, so he was unwilling to go to his house and cause him trouble.

"You look down on me or something?" Zhang Xuan said with a straight face, "Your sister-in-law can't cook, so even if you are asked to cook, can you still refuse?"

"That's not possible, I can do it." Speaking of this, Dong Hao couldn't help but follow.

Everyone got in the car, Li He asked Zhang Xuan to sit in the passenger seat, and he and Qi Hua sat in the back seat.

Dong Hao said, "You don't want to ride a bicycle anymore?"

Zhang Xuan said, "No, it's so comfortable to ride in your car."

Dong Hao said, "Are you coming to work tomorrow morning?"

"It's okay, it's not far. If I'm not in a hurry, I sometimes walk." Zhang Xuan pointed to the intersection in front of him and said, "Old Dong, stop in front. I'll buy some vegetables."

Zhang Xuan got off the car and trotted to the market to buy vegetables.

Dong Hao was not idle either. He went to the nearby canteen and bought a bunch of fruits, milk, two boxes of liquor and five boxes of beer. When Zhang Xuan came back from buying groceries, he was still stuffing things into the trunk.

"How boring are you?" Zhang Xuan was a little annoyed.

Dong Hao said, "You bring out the food and I'll bring out the wine. If you don't have anything to say, hurry up and get in the car. I can't help but be hungry."

"Hey." Zhang Xuan reluctantly got into the car, knowing that he couldn't defeat Dong Hao.

Dong Hao drove all the way to the countryside under Zhang Xuan's guidance.

The place is dominated by terraces, with a stepped landform distributed in strips, similar to loess beam-like hills. The road is occasionally gentle for a long stretch, and occasionally steep downhill. It is actually not easy to drive.

The village where the Zhang family is located is located on a flat surface. The entire village is made of clay-walled houses. Only the black or red tiles on the roofs can show the difference between coastal rural areas and central and western rural areas, such as Anhui. Most of the roofs in Beirong are still made of wheat straw and thatch.

The Zhang family's house is not much different from other houses. It even looks much run down. From the outside, the Zhang family's life is not easy.

An old lady was sitting at the door picking up tea leaves. When she saw a visitor coming to her house, she hurriedly entered the house to pour tea.

A girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, was hanging clothes there. When she saw a stranger coming in, she lowered her head shyly.

There was also a boy, not very old, about five or six years old, who was still playing in the mud.

Dong Hao took the things he brought over from the car and wanted to distribute them to the children. The little boy glanced at Zhang Xuan and wanted to take them but didn't dare.

Zhang Xuan said, "Take it, thank you Uncle Dong."

"Thank you, Uncle Dong." The boy's voice was very low.

"Ajuan, look who's here." Zhang Xuan entered the room and asked a woman lying on the bed with a smile.

"Old Dong?" The woman lying on the bed had a sallow face. After seeing Dong Hao, she put her hands on the bed board and tried hard to get up.

"Sister-in-law, don't get up. I know your waist is not good." Dong Hao hurried over to greet her, trying to push her down to rest.

The woman said, "It's okay. It's been an old problem for many years. I'll get you two brothers some food and a good drink."

Zhang Xuan said to the woman, "Don't move. Old Dong is not an outsider. Let's do it ourselves and have enough food and clothing."

Li He squatted outside the door holding the teapot, looking into the room from time to time to look at the three grown men who were cooking.

After a while, five or six dishes came out. The room was too dark, so they moved a table and some chairs and set them up at the door.

The old lady was in the kitchen with her two children, and four grown men were drinking at the door.

While drinking and chatting, Dong Hao started talking about the Zhang family.

"Brother Zhang, I remember that my sister-in-law didn't seem to be this serious before, right?"

Zhang Xuan sighed and said, "Hey, it was raining last year and she went to catch ducks. She accidentally fell and it got aggravated. She spent half of the year in bed."

Dong Hao asked, "Didn't you go to the hospital?"

"Look, the lumbar disc needs surgery." Zhang Xuan slammed the wine glass on the table, "Hey, I still feel sorry for your sister-in-law. She hasn't enjoyed a single day of happiness since she got married."

"Brother Zhang, that's not the case. Your salary is about 400 yuan a month, right?" Dong Hao was confused.

"458 yuan." Zhang Xuan shook his head and said, "Brother, to be honest with you, I am not afraid of embarrassment. To tell you the truth, in our line of work, the director is not much more prestigious than me.

I worked from dawn to dusk and worked day and night. I didn’t receive any subsidy for three years. For three years, I lost money when I went out to handle cases. I admit it, but it’s been like this and I have never received my salary in full and on time... …”

"Is your township finance office in such difficulty?" Dong Hao was stunned and said, "I looked along the road and found that all the township and village enterprises here are quite good."

"Don't worry about it, don't mention these unhappy things, let's drink." Zhang Xuan raised the wine glass, drank it all in one gulp, and sighed, "My difficulty is only temporary. Sooner or later, my salary will be replenished. I just get it early and get it late." Take the question.

Think about it, we are much better than others. We have a job and have been eating commercial food for several years, which is not bad. What about our other comrades?

Some are farming in the countryside, with a big family, and it’s much harder than us.

In comparison, I am content. I just regret that I can't help them. I have no other regrets. "

"If you have any difficulties, tell me. I have savings in my own hands." Dong Hao felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Xuan waved his hand, "Don't pretend to be the boss in front of me. Let me tell you, it's not easier for you than me. Your two children will also be your tasks in the future. Let's take care of ourselves. If we have a chance, we can have a drink together." , this is better than anything else.”

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