My 1979

Chapter 1085 The tiger is a sick cat

"It's not because I remembered anything, at least I haven't seen you for ten years. It's really difficult to call out your name completely." Zhao Mingxia looked at Li He with deep meaning and said truthfully, "I just suddenly realized that here It's Mr. Fu's office. There aren't many people who can cross their legs in Mr. Fu's office, right?

Either a boss or a great friend. Originally, I thought it was Mr. Su Ming, but I saw that Mr. Fu had given you several questioning looks, and basically obeyed your words.

I don’t think Mr. Su can do this?

As far as I know, Xiangyang Group is an industry owned by Mr. Li He, chairman of China Renewable Resources Group.

Is that so, Richest Man Li? "

"Haha." Li He laughed loudly, lit up the cigarette without any scruples, blew out a smoke ring, and said slowly, "It's hard for you to think of so many."

"Actually, having said so much, it only takes a moment to think of your name.

When I saw your name in the newspaper, I wasn't sure it was you. Until Mr. Fu's attitude towards you just now, when I thought about the relationship between Xiangyang Group and Renewable Resources Group, I was sure it was the same person.

I really didn’t expect that you could achieve the family business you have today. "Zhao Mingxia looked at Li He with a complicated expression.

It is not easy to be the richest man in China, and it is even more difficult to be the richest man in mainland China.

What made him even more unexpected was that the richest man was her old acquaintance.

"Your intelligence has not changed, and your reactions are still so quick. I remember in the past, whether it was drinking, boxing, or playing poker, you were the one who won the most."

Li He can still remember Zhou Qing's proud look. This kid from the mountains of northern Yunnan found a daughter-in-law who was not only smart and beautiful, but also had a household registration in the capital. She could laugh out of her dreams.

But he could fight against books, poverty, and hunger, but he could not fight against the girl's changed heart.

After the two parted ways, Li He still remembered what Zhou Qing said when he was drunk: In this world, if there is Zhou Yu, there will be Huang Gai, and if there is Huang Gai, there will be Zhou Yu.

Foolish people like to give their heart, and they may be deceived, but they are still willing to do so. They love deeply and know regrets but do not want to regret it.

When he treats her well, he also hopes that she can treat him well, not to make her feel great.

"Thank you, it's been so many years, I can't help but you still remember it." Zhao Mingxia suddenly laughed and said, "I forgot, your nickname is Reference. Your memory is better than many people, and few people can compare with you. "

Li He asked with a smile, "Why is this return to China temporary, or will you develop in the country in the future?"

"This depends on the company's arrangements. After all, I am also employed. However, in the short term, the possibility of me returning to the United States is very small. We are very determined to explore the Chinese market. This is why I came to Mr. Fu to cooperate. "Zhao Mingxia saw Li He getting closer and closer to her, and had no intention of dodge.

"Does Lao Zhou know you are back?" Li He stopped and glanced at her inadvertently, as if hoping to find something.

There aren't many truths in this world, and a woman's blush is worth more than a long paragraph of dialogue.

"If you don't tell me, I think he probably won't know." Zhao Mingxia still smiled and said, "Isn't it better to be safe than anything else?"

"That's very good." Li He didn't know why he felt unfair for Zhou Qing. Is it just because the two were good brothers?

However, only the two parties can clarify emotional matters themselves. Why should he, a bystander, interfere in other people's family affairs?

Human hearts are made of flesh, and two people will inevitably think about the future after being together for a long time. If they cannot see a better direction in life and cannot see their final destination, this will lead to a lack of security.

Breaking up is perfectly normal.

Everyone is an independent individual and has the right to make his own choices freely.

He is not qualified to make accusations.

Thinking of this, Li He no longer had the initial tit-for-tat confrontation with Zhao Mingxia.

If you hold the attitude that if you are well, it will be a bolt from the blue, it will seem too petty.

Zhao Mingxia burst into laughter and said, "Since we are so familiar with each other, things will be easy to talk about, right? How about Mr. Li, the richest man, can we part ways with you?"

"From a personal relationship point of view, if this company is yours, I will suffer a little loss, and it will be fine if I let you acquire Longba Beer." Li He paced, slowly moved to the coffee table, picked up the teacup, and then He said, "But, actually, if I let you acquire it, you wouldn't get any benefits. It would just be an advantage for the Americans."

He didn't want to continue targeting Zhao Mingxia, but that didn't mean he was willing to be friends with her.

"I just told Mr. Fu that Longba Beer is currently losing money. I don't think a smart person like you would be willing to continue a loss-making business, right?" Zhao Mingxia was rejected, but she was not discouraged and said with a smile, "You He is a person who does big things and is very smart. However, when it comes to the beer industry, you may not be too familiar with it, right?

Since you are not familiar with it and you are obviously losing money, why not choose to stop the loss?

China's beer market has basically shifted from a seller's market to a buyer's market, with oversupply and overcapacity. In addition to some regional strong brands, many small businesses and small brands are in a state of loss, and we are not the only choice. "

"Thank you for your kindness. You can go to other factories to make a bargain." It was Fu Biao who spoke.

"The wine industry has its own characteristics. Beer is not suitable for long-distance transportation, which makes small and medium-sized beer companies very regional. Small and medium-sized beer production companies in various places can only occupy the market by building factories locally.

We regard Shenzhen as the bridgehead and Longba is our first choice. "Zhao Mingxia told the truth.

"Sorry, Comrade Zhao Mingxia." Li He lit up another cigarette and said with a smile, "What I am able to do today is not due to intelligence, nor hard work, nor luck, but vision. I It's always a bet on the future.

Now that you said it like this, I really don’t believe that I can’t make beer well. I’m very optimistic. "

"In the final analysis, pessimism is a kind of foresight. People who are short-sighted cannot be pessimistic." After Zhao Mingxia finished speaking, she smiled at Li He.

"You mean I'm short-sighted?" Li He didn't care on the surface, but in fact he was not very happy in his heart. "You are still so sharp-tongued."

"Old classmate, that's all for today. This is my business card. Let's get together when we have time." Zhao Mingxia put her business card on the table, then stood up and left the office without looking back.

"Are you mistaking the tiger for a sick cat?" Looking at her back, Li He was stunned.

Who gave her the courage!

He is very curious!

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