My 1979

Chapter 1107 Living clearly

"That's all, go ahead and do your work." Mu Yan stood up.

"Whenever you leave, I'll see you off." Li He felt sad, but he was actually a little reluctant to leave. He didn't have many friends who could talk to him.

"At the end of the month, my luggage is simple, even for a family of three, so don't send it off." Mu Yan stretched out his hand towards Li He, "I will give you my contact information as soon as you settle down there. I have time to go to Australia. Just contact me.”

Li He let go and asked, "Looking at your tone, do you plan to come back?"

Mu Yan smiled and said, "You have to live for yourself once in your life. It's so tiring. Really, sometimes I don't know what I'm doing with living like this.

I used to think that going to university from a rural area in western Hunan and staying at school to teach was an inspiring story, and it was particularly easy to move myself.

But now that I think about it, the prerequisite for motivation is to know your ambitions, but I still don’t know what I want to do or what I can do. What I know exactly is what I can’t do.

During the more than ten years when I grew from a boy to a young man, I felt a very strong impact on values ​​in my life, which was the blending of ideals and material things, the blending of reality and romance.

The reason why I have made it this far is a matter of desire. Desire is endless and very torturous.

I am like a person who catches an early bus very early, but gets off inexplicably midway, and then keeps missing every bus.

In the past, there was a lack of knowledge and information. I had no chance to change. I just made a little money in the past two years. I hope to change the environment and think about it seriously. "

Li He said, "Then take good care of your wife. She doesn't understand the language. It will probably take a year and a half to adapt."

"Thank you." Mu Yan patted Li He on the shoulder and said, "You should also be more open-minded. People of our generation do everything just to climb out of it as soon as possible, because the cave is very bitter, and our own lives will begin to change on our own." The day I finally crawl out of the hole, I can finally do something else.”

"Why are you talking so sensationally?" Li He was still smiling.

"Goodbye." Mu Yan walked to the door and turned around.

"Goodbye." Li He waved.

He didn't slowly put down his hand until Mu Yan's car was far away.

"Dad, you're crying." Li Yi looked at his father curiously.

"No, you are the crying cat." Li He knelt down and petted his daughter's head lovingly.

"Wipe it for you." Li Yi wiped the corners of Li He's eyes with her sleeve.

"Thank you, daughter." Li He hugged his daughter tighter.

Xishan is beautiful in autumn. The clear blue sky and the red leaves dancing in the wind weave a beautiful autumn melody.

Hu Dayi stood in the ruins of demolition, looking at the lonely four-story building, but could not feel the beauty of autumn.

As the modern city gradually expands, the ruins and the newly built buildings not far away form a sharp contrast, and all the flavors of life are squeezed into the few alleys. Due to the congestion caused by development in various places, the flavor of life in the old city has slowly faded away.

This 40% small building looked even more dilapidated than the last time he saw it, and most of the walls had been peeled off.

The cement floor at the doorstep is full of potholes.

Still, no one could have imagined that the offices of a world-renowned enterprise, China Renewable Resources Group, and the richest man in the world, would be in such an unbearable environment.

The company nameplate "China Renewable Resources Group" was carved out of red paper. Due to the wind and rain, only the words "中" and "团" were left clearly visible. Although the other words were not completely It fell down, but it was still swaying in the autumn wind.

Entering the first floor of the office building, I found that there was still no decoration inside. The iron door was stained with rust and the walls were yellow.

The only thing that looked comfortable was the bright smile of the little girl at the front desk at the gate. When he came last time, there was no front desk, so he didn't recognize this little girl.

"Sir, who are you looking for?" The little girl also didn't recognize him.

"I'm looking for Mr. Qi." Hu Dayi heard the messy footsteps in the office area and looked inside. There were many people there.

This is the office of China's largest private enterprise, and its vulgar appearance cannot conceal its thriving and busy business.

"Do you have an appointment?" The little girl took out the registration form.

"No." Hu Dayi straightened his suit.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qi is very busy. He doesn't see any outsiders without an appointment." The little girl lost her smile and showed a businesslike attitude. She placed the registration book in front of Hu Dayi and said, "Sir, you can stay here." Please give me your contact information and I will make an appointment for you first. If Mr. Qi is willing to see you, I will call you to inform you."

"Is Mr. Li here?" Hu Dayi smiled casually.

"Mr. Li?" The little girl frowned and said, "Sorry, we have many managers named Li here. I don't know which one you are talking about."

She has seen many visitors like this, lying about a given name in an attempt to get away with it.

"Then let me make a call." Hu Dayi smiled and took out a mobile phone and dialed the number. "Xiao Li, it's me, Hu Dayi, are you in the office?"

"Are you here? I asked Qi Hua to pick you up."

As soon as Hu Dayi hung up the phone, he heard a series of greetings.

"Mr. Qi."

"Mr. Qi."

"Secretary Qi."


After a while, Qi Hua appeared in front of Hu Dayi to the stunned look of the little girl at the front desk.

He even took the initiative to trot over to shake hands and said, "Brother Hu, long time no see."

"You kid, let's go." Hu Dayi teased him and followed him into the innermost office.

Li He was sitting on his desk in a serious manner correcting documents. He looked up and saw Hu Dayi coming in. He picked up the teapot and stood up and said, "Come in, why are you standing there stupidly."

Hu Dayi looked around the office and said with a smile, "You are such a big boss, but you have such a shabby office? It gave me the illusion that you are not as good as me."

Li He personally made him a cup of tea, handed it to him and said, "We can't stay here for long. We will move in as a whole when the Liyou Group project is completed. The environment may be better by then."

He originally planned to use this place as a makeshift branch of China Renewable Resources Group, but he did not expect that it would suddenly become the headquarters.

"I wonder if Mu Yan is suffering from depression. I have seen the financial report of the teaching assistant company, and it is absolutely thriving." Hu Dayi expressed his confusion.

Li He said, "Everyone has their own pursuits. We can only express our blessings. Maybe he will come back when he figures it out that day. You should work harder first and take on this burden."

"He has set up the frame, and I just have to follow it step by step. It's actually not hard." Hu Dayi told the truth, "I still want to ask for your opinion on the sensor this time. After all, you are the real one." experts.”

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