My 1979

Chapter 1113 Which step?

"There is a World Trade Center in the United States." Wu Shuping did not forget to remind.

"Oh." Li He forgot about this, "Then it's called the Regeneration Building."

On the surface, it was named after the China Renewable Resources Group, but in fact, only he himself understood that the name of this building also concealed another layer of meaning.

"Rebirth, this is a good name." This time Wu Shuping had no doubts and just continued, "Many companies are willing to invest in this project with us, what do you mean?"

"It's good to concentrate on doing big things. Then there will be less constraints. One thing is that we must be the major shareholders." Li He had no reason to disagree.

"There's no problem with this. They won't ask to be the major shareholder." Wu Shuping breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Li He would be arbitrary, otherwise he would offend many people.

Li He is not afraid of offending people, but that doesn't mean Wu Shuping is not afraid, otherwise she will be unable to move!

Li He said, "The guests I invite will arrive at Pujiang in advance. You make arrangements to receive them. I will ask Pan Youlin and Shen Dao to accompany you, but you still have to listen to their opinions.

You and Qi Hua have decided on the list of guests attending.

I'll arrive early next month. "

When he returned home from the office, before he could change his shoes, He Fang came over and said, "I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Li He put the shoes he had replaced on the shoe rack and turned around and asked, "So mysterious?"

"Your sister has a date." He Fang took Li He's bag and gave him the teapot.

"Fourth child?" Li He said in surprise, "Not so fast?"

He Fang said angrily, "What are you thinking about? It's Li Yan."

"Oh, business is so busy, do you still have time to talk about a partner?" Li He sat on the sofa and pushed away the old girl who was about to pounce. "Go and play. If I are bald, I will definitely give you trouble."

He used to cut his head bald for comfort, but now he cuts his head bald out of helplessness.

No matter how well-shaped his hair is, he can't withstand his daughter's tugging.

Li Yi refused to give up and still grabbed Li He's back, sometimes pulling his hair, sometimes pulling his ears. Obviously her father was easier to bully than her mother. If he dared to treat her mother like this, a slap would be indispensable, and she Apart from my ability to scare people with my words, I have no other skills.

"You are already this age, why can't you talk about a partner if you are busy?" He Fang saw that Li Yi's foot had stepped on Li He's shoulder and said with a straight face, "Come down and don't make me say it a second time."

Li Yi looked at her father and saw that he had no intention of helping him, so she came down obediently.

"I didn't say we couldn't talk. I asked her to bring her back to me some time. We can have a meal by the way. We can't keep silent. The man will think that there is no one in the Li family." Li He has no objection to Li Yan's relationship. But if you don't discuss it with him, he will have opinions.

He Fang said, "I told her to bring her to the house for a meal. She said we were just getting married and we weren't ready to talk about marriage yet. She would bring her over when we are close."

"I'll go take a look tomorrow." Li He was worried.

He Fang said, "Go and see, but don't scare people."

"That's what I'm saying. I'm a wolf, can I eat people?"

"You don't eat people, but you have such a bad temper right now, you don't know what you are doing? It seems like you owe it to someone. You are like fighting cocks every day. Talk to others nicely. After all, you are Li Yan's partner. Just look good to her." He Fang knew Li He very well. As long as it involved her family members, she felt that her family members were good. No matter whether they were right or wrong, she would always protect them.

"I know it well." Li He didn't want to listen to He Fang's chatter.

Early the next morning, after seeing Li Lan off, he went to the company.

He doesn't do anything else in the office now because he's too lazy to do it and it's not his turn to do it. He mainly focuses on the incubation projects in the entrepreneurial parks supported by his companies.

He had tasted the sweetness of his attempts in the United States, so after he returned from the Soviet Union, he began to instruct Huang Bingxin, Guo Dongyun, Shen Daoru and others to focus on establishing entrepreneurial parks in the country to support technology entrepreneurial enterprises.

1995 was an important year for China’s entrepreneurial wave. If the entrepreneurs after the reform and opening up were the first wave, and the entrepreneurs after the South China Talk in 1992 were the second wave, then those who went overseas around this year were the second wave after the reform and opening up. Three waves of entrepreneurs.

Its large and small enterprises have established many parks, but the four that are currently popular are the one in Zhongguancun, one in Shenzhen, and two in Hong Kong.

"Being an ISP service provider?" Li He now became interested in a small company called Yinghaiwei.

"It's called Internet access service in Chinese. Just like a user has to go to a telecommunications bureau to install a phone, if a user wants to access the Internet, he has to go to an ISP. ISP is the entrance for users to access the Internet." Qi Hua saw Li He and said I was interested in the content and hurriedly explained it on the side.

"I know this." Li He didn't need him to continue. He put down the documents, then sipped his tea and said, "Call over here, I'll talk to her."

This woman did what he wanted to do but was afraid to do.

After carefully reading several more documents, he stood up, rubbed his waist, glanced at the time, and went out.

Li Yan's office equipment business in Zhongguancun is still so good. As soon as Li He walked in, he found five or six employees introducing products to customers, and there were many goods waiting to be packed at the door.

Li Yan was typing on her calculator when she suddenly saw Li He looking very panicked.

Li He said, "Why? Don't you welcome me?"

"No, brother, why aren't you welcome?" Li Yan hurriedly pulled a chair for Li He, "Sit down, my place is a bit messy."

"I heard that you are dating someone?" Li He went straight to the topic.

Li Yan blushed and said, "I'm new to it, and I don't have a score yet."

"Where's the person?" Li He didn't sit down and flipped through some brochures on the table. "I'll check it for you first."

"Brother, it's too early." Li Yan was obviously unhappy. She told He Fang that she just wanted He Fang to help refer to it, but she definitely didn't want Li Laoer to know about it. She could only blame her for forgetting to tell He Fang.

"What company do you work in? What do you do? How do you know each other?" Li He couldn't see her coy look, "I'm your brother, it's not against the law to meet him, right?"

"He is a local and works in the hospital." Li Yan took a look at Li He's face and continued, "Last time I sprained my waist while moving goods and was in the hospital for several days. He was the one who took care of me. We’ve just met each other, and he’s been very nice to me, so.”

She didn't know what to say next.

"Local?" Li He frowned and asked, "Do his parents know?"

He has his worries.

Li Yan said, "We haven't reached that point yet."

"How far has it come?"

"What do you want me to say!" Li Yan was anxious, "Don't think wrongly!"

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