My 1979

Chapter 1119 Ambitious

"The construction of base stations is a huge investment. If you want to cover the whole country, have you ever thought that this will be an astronomical figure." Guo Dongyun was afraid that Li He would get hot for a while.

"There are only more than 400,000 base stations. I not only want to build base stations, but also build my own submarine optical cables." Li He is very determined, but in fact he is afraid of technological innovation.

He is developing 2G now, but in the 3g and 4g era, can he keep up?

"Now that you have thought about it, I will listen to you." Guo Dongyun no longer objected. She knew very well that anyone's objections were of no use to Li He.

"In addition, now that we have done it, we must do it in a big way. I propose to establish another comprehensive communication infrastructure service enterprise, mainly engaged in the construction, maintenance and operation of base station supporting facilities such as communication towers and indoor distribution systems." This is what Li He said in A decision made at this moment.

"Is this necessary?" Guo Dongyun couldn't understand.

Li He said, "In the future telecommunications market, let alone a hundred flowers blooming, at least five or six companies will compete. There will be a problem of duplication of base station construction, and many small companies are not willing to invest too much in base station construction. We can do base station leasing, which is also a problem." A lot of money.”

"Have you thought about the name?"

"Call it China Base Station Shares."

"Okay." Guo Dongyun said no more.

The weather in Pujiang has been very good since Li He arrived. There is no rain, no wind, and the sun is very warm.

On this day, Li He borrowed the top floor of the Golden Deer Building and held a self-service barbecue. The oil smoke went straight into the clouds.

"Old Bei, you still have to handle this matter. Once it's done, we'll have to discuss it. Even if it doesn't work out, I won't blame you." Li He was still obsessed with the newly established telecommunications company and grabbed Bei at this moment. Nadi, of course, has to explain something.

"I will try my best." Benati looked at Li He's eyes and didn't believe that Li He was such a tolerant person. If he couldn't handle it well, he would probably have to retire.

At the same time, he glanced enviously at Sun SoftBank, who was chatting and laughing with Pan Youlin next to him. He felt unbalanced. He was engaged in telecommunications, and Sun SoftBank was also engaged in telecommunications. Why did he put the responsibility on himself?

And Son Softbank can be so cool!

It's obviously unfair!

Still wondering, why is the gap between Chinese people so big?

At this stage, he was warmly received wherever he went, but only here with Li He was he criticized!

But these words can only be kept in one's stomach, just grumbling secretly.

Sun Softbank is also looking at Benati, because he is mostly envious!

Why does an old man who is about to retire control so many European industries?

Ivanov put his arm around Temur's shoulders, and the two of them chattered for a while, and soon they both came to Li He with cups in hand.

"You two haven't seen each other for so long?" Li He asked with a smile.

Temur said, "Yes, he returned to Minsk last year and we met once."

"I want to do real estate in China." Ivanov stuttered out his request in English.

"Your English still hasn't improved much." Li He was also helpless.

"He said that he is optimistic about China's real estate market and that Nofi Real Estate will become a global real estate company." Temur translated for Ivanov. "He understands, but he still doesn't know how to speak."

"I don't care, but we must abide by Chinese laws and regulations." This was the only request made by Li He.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Li." Ivanov was very happy.

Li He called over Chen Lihua, Yu Dehua, Shen Daoru, Wu Shuping and others, and said to Ivanov, "They are all in real estate. You should communicate well. If you don't understand the domestic situation, ask more questions."

"Yes." Ivanov shook hands with Chen Lihua and others one by one.

"Hello, Mr. Ivanov, I have long admired you."

Unlike Shen Daoru, Guo Dongyun, Pan Youlin and others, this was the first time Yu Dehua met Ivanov, and he never thought that Ivanov was Li He's man!

"Thank you, I've heard about you too." Ivanov was also very humble.

Chen Lihua asked Wu Shuping, "Is he the one who bought Rockefeller Center?"

She doesn't understand English either.

"Yes." Wu Shuping said from the side, "He is the richest man in Belarus and the chairman of Baf Group and Nofi Real Estate."

"What about that one? I heard they are engaged in shipping?" Chen Lihua was also unfamiliar with Temur.

"Chairman of Baltic Shipping." This time it was Pan Youlin who answered.

"This is also my first time seeing you." Wu Shuping told the truth.

They, except Qi Hua, are all in shock. They all know that Li He is the richest man in the world, but no one has seen the complete scope of Li He's industry!

Including Guo Dongyun, Pan Youlin and others, they cannot fully explain Li He's entire industrial layout!

"Li Sang, please say a few words. We need to listen to your teachings." Sun Softbank bowed to Li He, "Here, we all admire you very much."

"Yes, Mr. Li, you are our guiding light!" When it comes to flattery, Benati is no less generous.

"Mr. Li, everyone is waiting." Yu Dehua was a little annoyed that he was not as clever as the two foreigners!

Shen Daoru also reacted quickly, raised his hands, clapped his hands, and said loudly, "Everyone, come over here, Mr. Li has something to say."

He successfully attracted the attention of the people around him, and suddenly more than twenty people gathered around Li He.

After a while, the sparse applause turned into coordinated applause.

"What are you talking about?" Li He pressed his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Mr. Li, we will listen to whatever you say." Speaker Quan took the lead in applauding again, and the people below had no choice but to follow suit.

Li He said with a smile, "I talk less and drink more. In fact, I have nothing to say."

"Mr. Li, you'd better stop refusing. Just say a few words and it won't be in vain for us to come all the way." Fu Biao followed suit.


"Mr. Li, you'd better say it."


Most of the chatter this time came from the sincere hope that Li He would say a few words.

"Nothing to say, just one sentence, be bolder and move faster." Li He raised his cup and said, "Everyone drinks this cup first."

After everyone drank it all, they all looked at Li He in such silence that you could hear the drop of a needle.

"What?" Li He was looked at in confusion by everyone.

Sun Softbank said, "Mr. Li, everyone is listening."

Li He sighed, "We are about to enter the 21st century. With the rapid development of information technology and Internet technology, human society will surely enter the information age. From the way of information transmission to the way of production, life and consumption, there will definitely be huge changes. .”

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