My 1979

Chapter 1121 A cross-era countdown

"Mr. Li." Gerhard wanted to give Li He a hug.

"Thank you, keep your distance from me." Li He smelled the strong smell of alcohol on his body from afar.

"Sorry, sorry." Gerhard smiled and wiped away the wine on his beard.

"Sit down, you don't have to be so polite. It's not the first time we've met." Li He sat down first, then took two more glasses from the table, filled them with wine, and gave one to each of them, "Here, let's have a drink. It’s been a hard few years.”

"Thank you, Mr. Li. These are what we should do." Gerhard and Bereshev sat beside Li He. After following Jiang Jianjian for a long time, the two of them learned some Chinese etiquette and speaking methods.

"What's the matter?" Li He looked at the two people who were hesitant to speak, and couldn't help but smile and said, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

“We are still in the development stage, and the market is still in an era of grabbing land.

Therefore, we need to spend a lot of capital to expand, and both infrastructure and aircraft are expensive. If we simply rely on the operating profits of airlines, we simply cannot afford the expenses required for expansion," Gerhard said while looking at Li He's face. .

"Want money?" Before the other party finished speaking, Li He guessed the purpose of the two people.

"Yes, Mr. Li, you are so wise." Gerhard was stammering and couldn't speak smoothly. At this moment, Li He got straight to the point, which made him feel relieved. "We are facing very fierce competition now. You want to I understand, Mr. Li, airlines in developed countries such as Europe and the United States have been developing for a long time and are in mature markets with sufficient competition. They are now eager to expand to Eastern Europe. We are under great pressure.

Moreover, their major companies purchase new aircraft and develop new routes in a relatively planned and slow pace, so that the cash flow from daily operations can cover most of the expansion costs, and large amounts of financing are not needed, but we must need.

In addition, the aircraft leasing business in the United States and other countries is well developed, so in many cases, airlines do not need to spend large amounts of capital to purchase aircraft assets. Based on this, their debt ratio is naturally relatively low.

Their strengths are our weaknesses. "

"How many racks do you want to add?" Li He poured himself another glass of wine.

"These." Gerhard carefully held out five fingers.

Li He asked, "Five?"

"No." Gerhard shook his head awkwardly and said, "Fifty!"

"What?" Li He almost spit out the wine in his mouth. Even though he was the richest man in the world and spent billions of dollars all at once, he still felt pain! "You are in an asset-heavy industry. This money can be spent in the billions or billions, not just small amounts. Moreover, Delta Bank has loaned you hundreds of millions, and I have invested more than 300 million in you." , you are obviously insolvent."

Li He was a little hesitant whether to invest or not. The aviation industry was just a joke for him so that he could recycle the airplanes he had in hand and never thought of turning it into his main business.

Gerhard hurriedly explained, "No, Mr. Li, I think you misunderstood. What we want to buy is a regional passenger aircraft, such as Bombardier Q or Brazil's EMB-145. Each aircraft will not exceed 20 million US dollars, especially Planes in Brazil cost less than 15 million, so they are very cheap.”

As for large passenger planes like Boeing and Airbus that cost hundreds of millions, he couldn't even think about it!

They have no money themselves, and Li Laoer will not give them so much money!

Seeing Li He's hesitation, Bereshev went further and said, "In fact, after this round of crazy purchasing, our aircraft reserves will gradually become saturated, and our debt ratio will increase with the age of the aircraft and infrastructure, and The company’s energy for development and expansion is declining and will inevitably decline year by year.”

"Are you kidding me?" Li He's face turned dark, "If it's cheaper, I'll lose nearly 800 million in one fell swoop!"

How cheap is this!

"It's okay to have less. For example, we can add 10 aircraft first." Seeing Li He's anger, Gerhard could only do the next best thing.

"I'll give you 500 million." Li He thought for a while and finally agreed, "We will provide a joint loan from Delta Bank and China Commercial Bank. If this continues, you will go bankrupt."

"Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Li." The two of them nodded hurriedly and almost cried with joy.

The two people left happily, unable to help but jump three feet high along the way.

Pan Youlin came over and said, "Mr. Li, I think Delta Airlines is pretty good. These two people have the ability to manage it well."

"How else could I give so much money so happily?" Li He also understood this truth.

He didn't stay in Pujiang for two days before he went home. He basically didn't have anything to do here.

Bid farewell to the last sunset of 1995 and welcome the first brilliant morning glow of 1996.

1996 New Year's Day editorial: "Winning new victories with confidence"

1996 is the first year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the foundation year for achieving the 15-year goal. Many major plans will begin to be implemented. .

Moreover, China will begin to significantly reduce the overall level of import tariff rates starting from this year, and the reduction will not be less than 30%.

At this moment, foreign investment, foreign goods, and foreigners are pouring in.

For many people, money is no longer so easy to earn.

The "Countdown to the Chinese Government's Restoration of Sovereignty over Hong Kong" display board erected in front of the Capital History Museum flashes the number of days and minutes until July 1, 1997.

Although it was very cold, Li He still stood here holding his daughter in one hand and his son in the other.

This year he is 35 years old.

He touched his head unconsciously. He never imagined that he had spent nearly 17 years in a daze!

Suddenly like a dream.

But looking at the two children on the left and right, I felt that this was not a dream.

Hesitant at 20 years old, oriented at 30 years old.

The headquarters of China Renewable Resources Group has officially moved into Dongdan, opposite the National Center for the Performing Arts.

The speed of construction in the entire city is changing with each passing day, which is eye-catching. High-rise buildings are rising from the ground, and residential areas are colorful and colorful. The remaining courtyard houses have almost become cultural relics, and you even have to pay for them to get in.

Of course, on the other hand, the low, narrow and dilapidated bungalows are no longer easy to find.

This city with a permanent population of 11 million and a floating population of nearly 300,000 is even developing into underground space on a large scale. The civil air defense fortifications built in the era of "preparing for war and famine" have opened the door that had been closed for many years in the tide of reform and opening up.

Some have been converted into underground commercial streets, some have become entertainment clubs, some have become residential areas, and so on.

The name of the new headquarters was given by Li He. According to convention, it must match the name of the group. However, since there is already a recycling building under construction in Pujiang, it is not easy to repeat it. Li He simply called it the Recycling Resources Building. For those who are not familiar with it, , I really thought it was the headquarters of the scrap company.

"Why is it embarrassing to pick up garbage? There is no industry that does not make money, only people who cannot make money!" An old man riding a tricycle looked at the 25-story Renewable Resources Building while scolding the young man behind him who had his head drooped. "Look, people can make money by making waste products, and so can we. Can we make some progress?"

This day is a memorable day for waste pickers all over the capital.

If someone despises them again, they will say, don't look down on those who deal with waste products. Have you seen the Recycling Resources Building? If you haven’t seen it, you must have heard it, right?

What state-run?


That's private!

It is a building built by a small individual!

Just like us, we all started out by picking up scraps!

Now, in order to show that they have not forgotten their roots, they have even built a building called the Renewable Resources Building!

When someone asked them what they did, they would not say that they were dealing in waste products. Instead, they changed their name and said that they were dealing in renewable resources or resource recycling!

The name "renewable resources" is much better than the name "waste"!

Their chests suddenly straightened up a lot!

He, Li Laoer, is no longer the scrap king of China!

This was something neither Li nor himself had thought of.

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