My 1979

Chapter 1123 Bad Taste

"Go to kindergarten in the fall semester!" He Fang was not discussing with Li He, but informing him.

"Okay, at this age, it's time to go to school." Li He suddenly remembered that He Zhou, the older brother, also happened to be in kindergarten, right?

He Fang asked, "Aren't you going back to your hometown this Spring Festival?"

She was still a little resistant to the coldness in northern Anhui. She didn't care about the lack of heating, heating, or air conditioning, but the two children suffered!

I remember that when Li Lan went back the first year, his little hands were chapped by the cold. Thinking about it now, I still feel a little distressed.

"Go back." Li He answered without hesitation, because Li Zhaokun had already run home alone.

It didn't matter that he ran home, Wang Yulan was panicked now. As soon as the three children were on vacation, she returned to her hometown with the three children under the escort of Ding Shiping.

According to the custom of celebrating the New Year every year, the family will definitely celebrate the New Year in the same year, and Li He will also go back with him. There is no doubt about this.

After a car accident, Li Zhaokun was still the same Li Zhaokun, and his temperament and personality had not changed much. But one thing had changed, that is, he was no longer so obsessed with his yacht business, although Li He had given him two more yacht.

Later, he stopped taking care of the yacht business and left everything to Old Man Zhang.

One day, not knowing what was wrong, she suddenly said that she wanted to go back to her hometown. Wang Yulan didn't pay much attention at the time and just responded with a few words.

However, he was nowhere to be found that night. He set out on his way back to his hometown alone, without even a change of clothes.

This is a situation that no one expected.

"Then go back." He Fang had no choice.

He Long's original hotel was demolished, and with Ping Song's help, he chose a larger one in the market entrance, with two floors and more than 400 square meters. This time, the name of the hotel was not a barbecue restaurant, but a barbecue restaurant. When in the country, do as the Romans do, and change it to Sheep or Scorpion.

On the opening day of the hotel, what he didn't expect was that there were actually hundreds of people who came to support him. Many of them were just acquaintances, such as Zhang Xianwen and Xu Guohua. What made him even more confused was that more than half of them They were people he didn't know, such as the so-called 'richest man in Beijing' Li Qiuping and Zhang Shuxin.

Only when he saw his brother-in-law appear and a large circle of people gathered around him did he understand the situation. They were all doing it for his brother-in-law's sake!

Otherwise, who would know who He Long is!

However, he did not feel disappointed, and was even a little proud. For the sake of his brother-in-law, who would dare not to betray his face now?

"You are quite well-informed." When people came to support his brother-in-law, Li He didn't want to be too merciless, so he shook hands with each one and exchanged greetings.

"Mr. Li, we meet again." This time Li Qiuping met Li He, his attitude was completely different from the first time. He bent over and put himself completely low.

At one stage, he was called the richest man in the capital by the newspaper, but he was not happy and immediately raised the newspaper!

It would be okay if he was really the richest man, but it would be okay if he reluctantly accepted it!

However, everyone who is involved in the scene knows that it would be great if Li Qiuping can enter the top 20 in Beijing!

Not to mention comparing with Li He, he can't even compare with Pingsong, Lu Bo, Shoushan, and Chen Lihua!

The newspaper called him the richest man in the capital. Wasn't this meant to shame him?

If he loses his shame, how can he still fool around in the future?

"This is Mr. Li Qiuping." Chen Kui saw Li Hebrain down on the side and immediately helped to rescue him.

"Oh, hello, this isn't the first time we've met." Li He suddenly remembered that he had come to ask for it just because of a piece of jade.

"Yes, you have a good memory." Li Qiuping's embarrassment also disappeared in a flash. Although he was not a famous figure, he was still very popular in Sijiu City. Everyone who met him would always compliment him. Unexpectedly Now I haven't caught Li He's eyes, and I don't even remember his name after meeting him!

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Li He went on to chat with the others. As a result, he became the protagonist today and was even more tired than He Long.

He has made up his mind and will never participate in any activities if nothing happens!

The day before the 25th of the Lunar New Year, Li He personally drove Mrs. He to He Long's home, and then took the family to the airport early the next morning.

On the elevated road leading to the airport, he saw a huge billboard: How far are Chinese people from the information highway - China Mobile Communications.

This kind of bad taste makes him feel very accomplished!

After a smooth flight, the plane arrived at the provincial capital at noon. Liu Laosi drove a black Crown to pick him up, with Li Hui's van parked behind him.

He Fang smiled and said, "I trouble you every time."

"It's not troublesome. Li Long was originally going to come, but he wasn't allowed to come. Please, I'm in the provincial capital now. I have to go home every year anyway. We just happened to meet each other and go home together." Liu Laosi took Li He and The box in his hand was put into the trunk with help.

"Have a cigarette, don't worry." Only when the craving for cigarettes breaks out can Li He remember the benefits of private jets.

"It's cold outside, hurry up and finish." After getting off the plane, He Fang wrapped the two children into big rice dumplings, and then they all got into the car one by one.

"Then let's go." Li He only took a few puffs, then quickly snuffed it out and got into Li Hui's van.

The snow was falling heavily, the cold was biting, there were few pedestrians on the road, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of white snow. Driving was difficult. I didn’t stop in the county town all the way and went straight to the countryside.

This time was different from the previous muddy conditions. Since he donated money to build the road, the road to the village was very smooth.

Wang Yulan was waiting at the door of Li's house early. As soon as she saw the car, she prepared towels and hot water.

After coming back, the happiest person was Li Yi. She was taken by Li Ke and played in the thick snow. The cold wind blew the snowflakes on her face. She didn't feel how cold it was. Instead, she faced the countryside. Everything feels fresh.

The most important thing is that there are suddenly many more friends here. The children in the village are always willing to focus on her and surround her for the colorful candies and chocolates in her hands.

This is a sense of accomplishment that she has never had before.

As for Li Lan, he seemed much quieter. He kept hugging the storybook and snuggling next to the stove.

"You go out to play, don't read stupidly." Li Zhaokun looked worried.

Li Lan looked at Li Zhaokun, then shook his head and continued reading motionlessly.

"Don't look stupid at this kid." Li Zhaokun scratched his head and said to Li He, "I know you can't take care of the kid well."

"That's the character." Li He didn't make any excuses and led two bottles of wine to Liu Chuanqi.

Liu Chuanqi entertained me in the evening.

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