My 1979

Chapter 1131 You have to pretend to be sick even if you are not sick

As soon as he arrived in the north of the city, he called an acquaintance in the hospital.

When the car entered the hospital, he and Li He carried his mother out, and a stretcher came over.

Before the stretcher had time to go to the emergency room, the doctor who was following him to measure blood pressure and heartbeat hurriedly shouted, "Just go to the ward! Rest!"

The surrounded Wang Yulan was pushed into the ward again.

Li Long asked the doctor who was still breathing heavily, "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Increased blood pressure caused by fright, headaches and palpitations are normal phenomena. Rest." The doctor was not old. He looked at the Li Long brothers, suddenly hesitated, and then said, "rest and observe for two days. See if anything happens."

"Thank you." Li Long nodded to him, and the two brothers entered the ward together.

Wang Yulan was still lying upright like that, with her eyes closed and silent.

Li He asked, "Asleep?"

"It seems so." Li Mei was not too sure.

After a while, another group of people came into the hospital, led by an old man wearing glasses.

"Dean Ge, please excuse me." Li Long stepped forward to shake hands.

"Mr. Li, don't worry. I just asked. Your mother is only caused by anxiety and fright. She can stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. We will definitely provide the best medical resources." Dean Ge shook hands with Li Long. Hand, looked at Li He again, smiled again, stretched out his hand and said, "Is this your brother?"

"Hello, Li He." Li He also stretched out his hand. He had never seen this person before.

Before, because Li Zhaokun was hospitalized for drinking fake wine, he went to see the dean here, but it was not the one in front of him.

"Mr. Li He is the pride of our county." Dean Ge said happily, "Welcome Mr. Li He to return to his hometown."

"You're welcome." Li He smiled and didn't say much.

As soon as Dean Ge left, He Fang and Duan Mei entered the ward with several children, followed by Da Zhuang, Li Hui and others.

"Come outside." Li He waved to them and smoked together at the entrance of the hospital. "There's no need to come."

Liu Laosi smiled and said, "My home is here, and I didn't come here on purpose."

Li Long said, "You guys go back, there's nothing going on here."

"It's time to eat. How about a cup of rice at noon?" Liu Laosi said, "It's already at the door of my house. My wife is already cooking at home."

He and Li Long both bought houses in the county and were neighbors.

"It's up to you. Don't make too much food, otherwise it will be wasted if you don't finish it." Li He saw that his mother was fine, so he didn't care.

Returning to the ward, he confessed to Li Mei and took Yang Xuewen with him to Li Long's place.

As soon as the rice bowl was served, Li Mei called and a group of visitors came, but she didn't recognize any of them except Bian Mei.

The brothers had to put down their half-finished jobs and hurriedly went to the hospital.

"Secretary Wu, why are you here?" Because of the arrival of Secretary Wu from the county, the hospital was blocked.

Li He's forehead hurt.

Wang Yulan couldn't be discharged from the hospital even if she wanted to. She had to pretend to be sick even if she wasn't sick.

Otherwise, how embarrassing it would be for people to come!

The emotions and care that were finally brewing cannot be expressed!

"Director He has already taken care of you. You are an excellent model for our county to go global. I can't let you feel cold." Secretary Wu laughed loudly after saying this.

In terms of level, he is the high-end version of deputy department secretary, and He Jun is only half a level higher than him. In fact, you don’t need to pay too much attention to it, but you can’t resist that He Jun is a committee member of the province!

"Thank you." Li He didn't want to be too arrogant when he smiled.

The hospital is not a good place for small talk. After Secretary Wu said a few words, he left. It could be said that he came and went in a hurry.

The leaders had left, but there were still many people in the ward. Li He didn't know any of them, so he could only let Li Long greet them.

At noon, the restaurant was full again, and we couldn’t let the people who came to visit the patients leave with empty stomachs.

Most of the people toasted Li He, and Li He accepted everyone who came. If he didn't drink, people would think he was arrogant.

After the wine party was over and everyone was sent off, Li He touched his swollen head and said with a wry smile, "What the hell is this?"

Bian Mei smiled and said, "Not many people are treated like you."

"I don't care." Li He said truthfully.

Everyone got the news that Wang Yulan was hospitalized and came to visit one by one. Only Li Zhaokun was still in a confused state.

After playing a game of cards, I was ready to have a meal before continuing. However, when I got home, I found General Tie holding the door. He skillfully took out the key from the door beam. When I entered the house, I found that the pot was cold and the stove was cold.

"Grandma, you bear, where did you die?"

Cursing, he turned on the TV and finished two cigarettes. Seeing that it was already twelve o'clock, he couldn't stand it any longer.

I locked the door again and went to my youngest son's house, only to find that the door was still locked.

The sun was so warm that the frozen mud on the roadside melted, and he stepped on the mud.

He walked back to the door of Pan Guangcai's house and shouted inside, "Guangcai, have you seen my family?"

Pan Guangcai was stunned and asked, "You don't know yet?"

"What?" Li Zhaokun was confused.

"Aunt Wang is hospitalized."

"Hospitalized?" Li Zhaokun never expected that such a thing would happen. He was fine in the morning!

Pan Guangcai said, "I don't know. I just watched Erhe being carried on the car. I was so panicked that I didn't even have time to talk to anyone."

"What a waste." Li Zhaokun didn't know whether he was angry or anxious, he kept stamping his feet.

"Zhaokun, come in and have something to eat?" Pan Guangcai's wife came out carrying a rice bowl.

"That" Li Zhaokun wanted to refuse, but after feeling his shriveled belly, he finally entered the house and ate hot pot around the stove with his father Pan Guangcai.

Pan Guangcai offered him a drink, but he refused. He felt that this was not the time to drink.

I just grabbed two bowls of rice and went out from Pan Guangcai's house. I just turned left and turned back. This shouldn't be the time to play cards.

When I got home and went to bed, I couldn't sleep.

I got up and wanted to make a cup of tea. I picked up the thermos and found it was empty.

The door of the stove was removed.

I moved a chair, held an empty tea cup, and sat at the door, listening to the sound of the cooker.

Occasionally, I would squint my eyes and look at the dazzling sun.

"Your wife has already gone to the hospital? Are you still calm like this?" The old woman was holding a bamboo pole and scolding her son.

Li Zhaokun said, "There is no one at home, so I have to watch the door."

"Is there anything at home that you need to see?" The old lady poked at it without mercy.

The Li family's house has been vacant all year round, and there is nothing of value in the house.

"Then I can't go. It's all mud, it's hard to walk, and there's no car." Li Zhaokun could always find a reason.

"Bah, you are your own wife, you have to decide what to do." The old lady turned and walked away.

"Don't blame me." Li Zhaokun felt aggrieved.

After the water on the stove boiled, he filled the thermos, picked up the teacup, and sat at the door, looking towards the entrance of the village from time to time.

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