My 1979

Chapter 1135 Bidding Insider

In the morning, Li He just arrived at the office. Before he could read the two documents, he was informed that there was a visitor.

Ever since he became the richest man in the world, there have never been fewer visitors every day. He has become accustomed to it. He sees those he can see and hides those he doesn't want to see. If he receives everyone, he guarantees that visitors will line up at least two miles every day. Even if he doesn't do anything every day, he still can't receive it.

What's more, he is now known as China's Scrap King. When the scrap collectors and rag pickers see him, they all want to say hello to him!

Get close!

Qi Hua said, "Say he is your student."

After saying that, he handed over the visitor's business card.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have refused.

"Let him come in." Li He smiled and put the business card in the drawer.

After a while, Qi Hua brought people in.

The visitor was in a neat suit and tie. He was tall and had thick eyebrows. As soon as he saw Li He, he happily shouted, "Hello, Teacher Li."

"Peng Kai! Haha, you kid!" Li He stood up, walked to the door, patted his shoulder and said kindly, "I haven't heard from you for several years."

"Teacher Li, you still haven't changed." Peng Kai seemed to be relieved when he saw Li He's attitude.

"Sit down." Li He also sat on the sofa with him.

"Please have tea." Qi Hua served the tea in person. Very few people could get this treatment.

His attitude towards people is based on Li He. He respects whoever Li He values.

"Thank you, Mr. Qi." Peng Kai stood up to take the tea, not daring to neglect, obviously understanding Qi Hua's status.

Qi Hua smiled and nodded, left the office and closed the door.

"How is it? What are you doing now?" Li He threw him a cigarette and lit it for himself, "I remember meeting you in Shenzhen a few years ago. You said you wanted to build some cables. How is it now? "

"Teacher Li, your memory is still so good." Peng Kai took the cigarette and placed it on the table without lighting it.

"Light it up. Don't be formal. I remember you are in your thirties. Speaking of which, you are basically about the same age as me." Li He threw the lighter into his arms.

When he was studying, he was the youngest in the class. When it was time to teach, the students he taught were basically his peers, including some who were younger than him.

"Yes, Teacher Li, I'm only one year younger than you." Peng Kai lit the cigarette carefully. He didn't even dare to blow out the smoke ring. He lowered his head to the ground when he took a puff.

"Look at how uncomfortable you are." Li He sighed, feeling more and more like a widower.

Peng Kai said, "Teacher Li, although we are basically the same age, we are completely different now."

"What are the worlds of difference? You kid, aren't you and I smoking and spanking together now?" Li He said angrily, "Why did you think of coming to see me today?"

Peng Kai said, "The main reason I came back this time is that there is a class reunion here, and I will come to participate. As you know, if we don't contact each other for a long time, the relationship between us will fade, so I will run around more."

"Very good?" Li He said approvingly, "Who is the president?"

"He's a senior from the previous two years." He said his name. Li He probably didn't know it either, so he didn't say it.

Li He said calmly, "It's good. Are you still making cables now? How is the business? If you need any help, just ask."

Now that the other party came to him, he didn't believe it was for a simple teacher-student friendship.

Therefore, he started the conversation in advance.

"Mr. Li, I heard that China Mobile Communications is going to lay submarine optical cables, and we also participated in this bidding." Peng Kai said while looking at Li He's face.

"I have not specifically asked about this specific project, but as far as I know, Rainbow Communications' submarine optical cable project is directly contracted to a third-party submarine optical cable laying company, and the purchase of specific optical cable equipment is the responsibility of the third party." Li He said He told the truth, but then he said, "Let's put it this way, the technology involved in submarine optical cables is not that simple. If the product is not up to standard, hundreds of millions of dollars will be wasted!"

"In the 10 years since the advent of the world's first submarine optical cable, with the continuous advancement of optical fiber transmission technology, the communication technology of submarine optical cable has developed rapidly. Its commercial system has gone through two generations. The advancement of technology has improved the integration of equipment, greatly Reduces submarine cable construction costs.

If the M B/s line cost of the TAT-8 submarine cable in 1988 is regarded as 1, the line cost of the current TAT-12 is 1/185."

"Say what you want to say." Li He couldn't understand what he was saying now.

"Mr. Li, don't get me wrong. I don't ask you for anything. I just hope that this bidding can be fair and just!" Peng Kai said seriously, "And, for you, this is a good thing and what you want. You can get the equipment and materials you need at a reasonable price.”

"Putting all this aside, I definitely hope it will be fair and just." But Li He then asked, "How can you be so sure that there will be some shady secrets in the bidding?"

Peng Kai smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher Li, if you had experienced so many things like me, you wouldn't think so. Now, whether it is a private company or a public unit, it cannot be so pure.

Either rely on money or connections.

For example, the threshold for customized bidding has been raised. This time, Rainbow Communications conducted a project bidding of 50 million yuan, but required a credit deposit of 10 million yuan and a bidding deposit of 300,000 yuan before bidding. Such a huge amount of money was paid in a short period of time, which made many people unable to do so. Companies that are prepared and do not have inside information are deterred from bidding.

Of course, this is not bad.

In most tenders, we are just a foil. In fact, the winning bidder has already been decided. "

"Are you saying that so unreliable?" Whether it was in his previous life or in this life, the world Li Laoer came into contact with was quite simple.

"Teacher Li, I just want to make a request. Although we are domestic products, I believe that our technical strength is no worse than that of foreign countries. Many domestic agents who represent foreign products have strong funds, but as long as they are fair and just, I dare Compete.

All I want is fairness, so that I can be convinced that I lost. "The more Peng Kai said, the more excited he became.

"Okay, I promise you this." Li He smiled.

"Thank you, Teacher Li."

"Thank me for what? This is for my own good." Li He looked at the time and said, "Well, you wait for me outside for a while, and we can have a meal together at noon."

"No, Teacher Li, if you agree to this, it's already the best reward." Peng Kai stood up and said, "You go ahead and do your work first, and I'll leave."

"Then come and sit here often." Li He sent him out of the door and said to Qi Hua, "Send him a favor for me."

Qi Hua responded with a smile and personally sent Peng Kai downstairs.

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