My 1979

Chapter 1155 Counterattack on Life

Li He took a puff of cigarette, then waved his hands and said with a smile, "But don't do it. Our business is business, and our friendship is friendship. If you do this, you are forcing me and I will avoid you in the future."

You want me to owe you a favor for such a trivial matter?

He didn't know whether Wu Dasheng was really stupid or fake?

But a fool cannot become a billionaire.

Wu Dasheng said aggrievedly, "I am sincere. I think if I didn't have people like you and Zhang Xianwen as reference, I wouldn't have the courage to start my own business, let alone the person I am now."

He didn't feel shabby at all when he said this in front of all his subordinates.

Li He said, "It is said that the price you quoted is 35 million, then I will give you 35 million, no more, no less, and the debt will be repaid to me, that's it."

Although he said it very casually, his tone could not be refused. Unknowingly, he had developed this kind of aura. There was no need to deliberately create or grow a beard. It seemed to come naturally. It contained more of the formation of financial momentum. illusion.

Wealth means spending a lot of money. A wealthy man may not be powerful, but if he doesn't have wealth, his way of speaking may be just the nonsense of a rude and rude person in the eyes of many people. This kind of person will be honest after being beaten. .

"Then I'll listen to you." Wu Dasheng looked at Li He's face and stopped refusing. He turned around and told the tall girl behind him, "Take Zhou Xusheng and follow Mr. Li's people to hand over."

The girl nodded reservedly.

Li He also said to Qi Hua, "Give you a chance to get along with a beautiful woman."

The people next to me laughed. Qi Hua shook his head helplessly, unable to refute, so he could only smile bitterly. He knew that Li always joked with this person regardless of the occasion.

Wu Dasheng said, "Mr. Li, I have already reserved a seat at the hotel. Please do not refuse."

Li He never imagined that a good negotiation would turn into a dinner party!

Grandma is a bear!

This was the first time in his life that he had finally participated in a serious business negotiation, and it ended in failure!

Fortunately, he also brought a negotiation delegation composed of more than a dozen people!

All in vain!

Huilongguan Hotel is mainly used to receive foreign guests, and most of them are foreigners traveling in group tours.

After the meal, Li He and Wu Dasheng drank tea and chatted at a small tea seat in the box.

Wu Dasheng talked at length about his entrepreneurial history in the past fifteen or six years. When he talked about the excitement, he almost burst into tears.

"Many people go to the south to buy goods. I think you can go. This guy Zhang Xianwen can go, why can't I go?"

After drinking, Wu Dasheng called Zhang Xianwen differently, "I just carried a bag. It was the schoolbag I used when I jumped in line. There was a total of 1,357 yuan, 5 cents and 3 cents in it...

As soon as I got on the train, I hugged my bag tightly and slept in the sleeper aisle. But when I got off the train, my money was gone! "

"Too careless." When it came to trains, Li He was also deeply touched and specially interjected.

Now, even if I kill him, I can’t take the train casually. It’s too painful!

Especially those who have sat on a train for more than ten hours, whoever has experienced it knows the feeling!

"I saved this money every penny. You said that damn bastard just walked away from me! At that time, I clearly remember sitting on the steps in front of the train station crying. You said As a grown man, I looked like a clown. I was so frightened that I wanted to die.

At that time, I only had 50 cents in my trouser pocket, and I thought that the 50 cents would be enough to buy a pack of rat poison, so I swallowed it, and it was so uncomfortable to save it.”

Although what Wu Dasheng said was drinking talk, Li He could tell that it was the truth, so he said sincerely, "No one will feel comfortable if I leave him alone."

"But it's okay for me to die. My parents are still here. I thought about it, if I die like this, my parents will be very uncomfortable." Wu Dasheng lit a cigarette and thought to himself, "It happens that there are people everywhere in Shenzhen. On the construction site, the most indispensable job is construction site work. Let’s not talk about whether we make money or not. At least we can provide food, clothing and accommodation first, right?”

Li He didn't speak, just smiled and nodded.

"Although I grew up in the city, I joined the team for eight years and did all the heavy work in the fields. Although the construction site work was tiring, I survived after all." Wu Dasheng became more and more excited as he talked, "Two months Come down, I’ve been so tanned that I’ve peeled off a layer of skin.”

"Brother, it's not easy for you." Li He didn't expect Wu Dasheng to have such a past.

Wu Dasheng sighed, "Now I understand that those who dare not suffer will suffer for a lifetime, and those who dare to endure hardship will only suffer for a while. Think about it."

"Aren't you pretty good now? You've managed to get through it." Li He seemed to be saying this to himself.

"It's good." Wu Dasheng said disapprovingly, "I can't get the money back, and I admit it, but from then on, I got a problem, everyone looks like a thief. To be honest, I My wife has been married for eight or nine years, and I still hide many things from her."

Li He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea without making any comment.

Wu Dasheng said, "So, it's not easy for me to survive until now."

"It's not easy." Li He agreed, "But it's even more difficult for you to get to this point."

He, Li Laoer, expressed a little admiration for the other person's life that could be described as cheating.

"I am so lucky to receive your praise." Wu Dasheng grinned and said, "Mr. Li, I admire you not because you are rich. To be honest with you, from the first moment we met, I admired you. I regard you as an idol.

I haven't read a book for a few days, and I'm very envious of those of you who have read it.

Sure enough, you did not disappoint me and are still my idol. "

"We talked for a long time, but I never asked, what does your company do?" Li He always thought it was a state-owned enterprise, so he didn't read the information Qi Hua gave him at all. He only found out the last name of the chairman. As for the awkwardness of not knowing the name when meeting.

Wu Dasheng said, "At first I was just selling small things like electronic products and clothing, but then I found a way out and now I'm running my own pharmaceutical factory."

Li He stared into his eyes and said, "Tell the truth."

"It's really a pharmaceutical factory." Wu Dasheng explained, "We produce traditional Chinese medicine health medicines, which are sold well all over the country and are very well-known."

Li He said angrily, "Why don't we just say it's a health product? It's a health food, not medicine."

Wu Dasheng said, “Our traditional Chinese medicine health drugs have nationally recognized production and sales qualifications.”

Li He said, "Okay, it doesn't matter what you do, just make money."

In the past ten years, nutritional and health care products have been surging and dazzling, and giving them to each other has become a new trend.

As long as you join the industry early, you will basically make money.

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