My 1979

Chapter 1165 Critical illness

As soon as he closed the refrigerator door, he found that the old turtle from the Li family slowly crawled out from behind the refrigerator, stretched its neck and looked at him with big mung bean eyes, probably dissatisfied with the sound of the refrigerator closing. woke up.

"Why did you come into the house?" Li He asked his daughter. It was obviously her work. Otherwise, no matter how capable the old turtle was, he would not be able to climb into the house from the spring pool at the back.

Li Yi bit her hand and said, "Who told you not to take me there."

She still had resentment in her heart, and she was very angry at Li Laoer who kept his words!

"Don't bite your hands. If your nails are bald, your mother will beat you again when she sees it." Li He pulled her hand off and said, "Also, don't touch the old turtle if you have nothing to do in the future. It bites people, and the bite will hurt." ”

He was actually just scaring her. This old turtle had become a spirit and had a very gentle personality. He never showed signs of attacking people. Even if he was often annoyed, he would just retract his head into the turtle shell and remain motionless. The kids toss.

Occasionally, it would be carried by the children and splashed into the water with a bang. It would also show joy and wander around in the water.

"Humph!" Li Yi was very unhappy that her father always used her mother to scare her. After snorting coldly, she ran to the sofa, picked up a school bag, and poured out the contents, including pencils, pencil cases, and paint pens. This book has everything you need.

This is for getting ready for the start of school.

She rearranged all the things on the sofa and carefully put them into her schoolbag.

I have to do it three or four times every day.

"I'll put it in the pool." Zhang Bing picked up the old turtle and went outside.

Dong Hao continued, "I have contacted the police and explained the suspicious points in the report letter. The police take it very seriously and will look for new breakthroughs to investigate."

"So, the police have never come up with a conclusion?" Li He took a sip of tea, took off his slippers, and crossed his bare feet on the sofa.

By the time I realized there was mud on my feet, it was already too late to put it down. The color of the sofa had changed, and there were patches of yellow mud on it.

He was afraid that He Fang would come back and nag him, so he quickly found a rag and wiped the sofa again.

Dong Hao also helped with the mop and mopped the ground. Sometimes he felt sorry for Mr. Li!

So what about the richest man!

Aren’t you still afraid of your wife?

Even worse than him!

Although he doted on his ladies, if they dared to push their limits and talk nonsense, he would beat them up!

It’s not easy enough for men to work hard outside to earn money!

Are you still angry when you come home?

That doesn't make sense!

If you can't resist being beaten, just talk nonsense!

And Li He often feels sorry for himself. In this new era where there is no result even if he goes to bed with bombardment, it is not easy for him, Li He, to stay clean!

"The police will not easily close the case for the time being. They will continue to investigate seriously until the truth comes to light."

Dong Hao put down the mop and took Li He's muddy slippers to the door.

Li He said, "Don't relax, keep an eye on it and tell me if there is any trouble. This matter is getting less and less simple."

Dong Hao nodded, "I understand, that rich sea"

Li He said, "The order will continue to be given to Fu Dahai. This is a promise to him. He himself has little to do with the case."

Now that the matter has come out, he is not afraid of alerting others. He can find out whether it is a ghost or a human being.

When the summer vacation came, Li Lan did not need any supervision. For the first time, he proactively started doing his summer homework without even touching Go. The two assignments took less than three days in total.

Before the couple had time to be happy that Li Lan had understood the importance of cultural classes, Li Lan was picked up by Liang Henian, and then he began to stay away from home every day, either to participate in Go matches or in the chess academy, and even did not return home at night. At home, Li He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Early in the morning, as soon as I got up, I received a call from Li Long. Grandma was seriously ill.

He was startled.

He Fang said, "I'll pack my things now and let's go back together."

Li He shook his head, "You don't have to go back, I can do it alone."

"In case" He Fang was a little hesitant.

"I guess I can't survive." According to Li He's memory, the old lady should have died long ago. The fact that she can survive until now is probably due to him, such as the improvement of living conditions and the improvement of hygiene. It helps to prolong life, but after all, age is there, birth, old age, illness and death are the rules, and now it is estimated that it is really difficult to survive. .

He Fang said, "Then it would be bad if I didn't go back."

Li He said, "You are my grandson's daughter-in-law. If you don't go back, no one will care. Okay, you can take care of your school and family affairs. I will take Zhang Bing back."

While Dong Hao stayed to help look after the Gu family, he also continued to investigate Guo Shengli's affairs.

I immediately asked someone to buy a ticket for the day. Fortunately, I caught the evening flight that day.

It was already 12:30 in the morning when we arrived in the provincial capital.

"I thought you would come tomorrow." Li Long wanted to help Zhang Bing carry his luggage, but Zhang Bing refused.

What a joke!

You can’t use the boss’s younger brother as your boss!

Zhang Bing said, "I just slept on the plane and felt refreshed."

"How is grandma?" Li He stood at the door of the airport and took a puff of cigarette.

Li Long said, "The one who came yesterday is probably in high risk. The doctor is not optimistic about it. He said that it happened in the past two days. My uncle and the others have prepared the shroud and are just waiting to take a breath."

"Why are you here at the provincial hospital?" Li He didn't think his two uncles were so filial.

Da Zhuang answered, "This is a gift from Longzi."

He and Li Long have always been inseparable.

Li Long said, "Why would they be unhappy if I paid for it, otherwise they would still be hanging in the town? No one knows the level of the doctors in the town. In just a few seconds, I can't tell anything, so I can only worry. It’s better to send it here.”

"Where are my father and mother?" Li He suddenly thought of Wang Yulan and his wife, they must be coming back too.

Li Long said, "You can arrive at noon, so don't worry about it. I'll pick you up then."

Li He pinched off the cigarette butt, threw it into the garbage, and asked casually, "How many children are there?"

"Bring them all back." Li Long opened the trunk and asked Dong Hao to put the luggage in.

When we arrived at the hospital, it was already past one in the morning.

The corridor of the ward was not very bright. Probably to save electricity, only one light was turned on in such a long corridor.

"Er He is here, you must be tired." Uncle Wang Yushan squatted at the door of the ward, put a towel around his neck, and kept wiping his sweat. There were five or six of his cousins ​​next to him, who also greeted him one after another, and he responded to them all with a smile.

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