My 1979

Chapter 1173 Li Kuo

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite." Li He thought of that bastard Li Kuo again. Yesterday, Li Fucheng told him that this kid was so angry that he never had a good day in high school. I have a bit of money, but I have to deal with a bunch of kids going in and out of game arcades and movie bars every day. As for smoking, I learned it on my own in the first year of junior high.

Li He was so angry that in order to let Li Kuo enter No. 1 Middle School, he was looking for Bian Mei, but at Teacher Jin's funeral, she told Li He that it was actually Wang Yong who was responsible for the operation.

In other words, Li Laoer owes Wang Yong a favor!

He got in because of a favor, but the kid didn't live up to his expectations, and he got angry just thinking about it!

Both Li He and Li understood the meaning behind Li Fucheng's words. He just wanted Li He to help him out of the fact that they were brothers.

Li He neither refused nor agreed. He had to wait for Li Kuo's college entrance examination results.

But it has been so long since the college entrance examination, and Li Kuo has never even stepped foot in the door of his house. No matter how stupid Li Zhaohui is, he still knows that he has been cheated by his son!

When I went to the school to inquire about it, I found that his son was very single. On the day of the college entrance examination, he only took one class and ran away!

Li Zhaohui is so angry!

After that, they started looking for news about Li Kuo again. This time, Li Kuo was not alone, but his son and two other classmates, a total of three people.

Three people actually went south!

He said he wanted to go out and conquer the world!

The south is so big, it must be difficult to find. In the end, one of the children ran out of money and couldn't survive. He contacted his family first, and then gave out the address under some coercion and inducement.

Li Zhaohui was anxious for a moment, fearing that if Li Kuo looked for another place, it would be harder to find him and he would not be able to get there in time. He knew that Li He had many friends in the south. He wanted to find Li He, but he did not have Li He's phone number.

He could only call Li Yan immediately and ask her to contact Li He.

It was the first time that Li Yan had taught him a lesson as a daughter, and panic led to confusion. There was no need to ask anyone else for this matter, just ask Yang Xuewen!

Li Zhaohui slapped his forehead and suddenly realized that he should give up the near for the distant!

Without calling, he rode a motorcycle to Yang Xuewen's house.

Over the years, Yang Xuewen and Wan Liangyou have been doing an old wood business in the south. They don't have many connections, but there are people who can be used.

He patted his chest and agreed on the spot, then contacted Fang Quan and asked him to pick up Li Kuo and others first.

As for the follow-up, Li Zhaohui, who went to Shenzhen to pick up Li Kuo, has not returned yet.

As for Li He, all he can do is let Wan Liangyou, Fu Biao and others serve the two men with good food and drinks. As for how the two men make trouble, it is beyond their control.

Li He stayed at home until the third day. The news of his return to his hometown leaked out for some reason. People came to his home one after another, from the town to the city, and even from the province.

That enthusiasm really makes people like him get goosebumps all over their bodies.

He made false promises for two days, but couldn't hold on any longer and left in despair.

"I can't come back." He sat on the plane and tried his best to see everything outside the window. Unfortunately, the higher the plane rose, the smaller everything below him became.

When we arrived home, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Dad." Li Yi still hung on her father's neck habitually.

Li He glanced into the room and didn't find He Fang and Li Lan.

Mrs. He said: "Fangzi is at school. I heard that she has been very busy recently. Xiaolan is participating in some competition and cannot be distracted. He has not been back for several days in a row."

Li He said: "I'm going to take a shower and go to bed first. You don't need to call me for dinner."

When I woke up and opened the curtains, the sun was setting.

"Only slept for half an hour?"

He didn't believe it.

But I checked the time again and it was indeed correct.

He probably wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, so he took a shower and went downstairs.

After coming downstairs, the old lady was surprised and said: "You don't want to sleep anymore?"

Li He said, "I stared at it for a while, that's about it."

Then he went to make tea for himself.

He Fang came in, changed her shoes, and smiled at Li He who was sitting on the sofa, "You didn't say anything when you came back?"

"It's nothing important. If you have a grand welcoming ceremony, I will notify you in advance next time." Li He made a cup of scented tea for He Fang and pushed it over. "It's hot. Clear the fire. It can refresh your mind no matter how bad it is. What’s the point of always drinking boiled water?”

He Fang asked, "Has everything been arranged at home?"

This time her grandmother passed away and she didn't go back with her. She always felt a little uncomfortable.

Li He nodded, "Okay, don't think so much. No one requires you to go back. To put it bluntly, if I am gone, you will have to go back if you don't."

What he said was very realistic.

He Fang said, "Oh, by the way, Fang Quan just called me."

"Why is he looking for you?" Li He was confused.

He Fang smiled and said, "Isn't it embarrassing to give Li Kuo such a difficult product to him? He is afraid of taking responsibility and doesn't want to do it."

"Has my third uncle agreed to Li Kuo staying in Shenzhen?" Li He didn't bother to ask these days.

It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he can't care.

Since this kind of brat can't make sense, he can only show some reality. The key is that Li Zhaohui can't bear it.

He Fang said, "Actually, my opinion is that it is better to let him come here. After all, Yanzi is here, there are restrictions and we can take care of him."

Li He said disdainfully, "Who can control him? As long as Third Uncle is willing, I can beat him eight hundred times a day even if it doesn't satisfy me."

He Fang said, "Actually, he is not useless, he is just a little impulsive when he is young. Who has not been young and impulsive?"

Li He sneered, "Yes, when I was young, I was not as reckless as him. I didn't even take the college entrance examination. What can I do?"

He Fang shook her head, "It's different. We would have been all-in, with no way out. But today's children are different. Isn't it a word called diversity? They have diverse ideas and different paths for themselves. You don't have to be so Demanding.”

"We're all used to it." Li He then thought about it, if he had a nouveau riche father and a wealthy sister, how hard would he struggle!

The most important thing is that the relatives around him are either rich or noble, including him and Li Long. Whoever pulls Li Kuo's hand will skyrocket!

It's normal to have thoughts of comfort.

He Fang said, "Actually, it's not bad. He didn't use your name to show off, otherwise it would be more of a headache for you."

"So, I still have to praise them?" Li He asked.

He Fang said, "Then it's settled. I'll call Third Uncle and ask Li Kuo to come here first. We don't have time to stare at it right under our noses. There's still Li Yan."

"Okay." Li He couldn't object.

Li Kuo came alone, and Li Yan brought him to Li He as soon as he picked him up from the airport.

"Sister, whose family is this, so proud!" He was very envious of Li He's big house.

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