My 1979

Chapter 1182 Debts belong to their owners

In fact, this was not his first thought. He said something contrary to his own idea just to prove that his idea was wrong. He hoped that he was overthinking it.

Dong Hao took Li He's newspaper, sat down in front of Li He, and said in a deep voice, "If most people encounter this kind of situation, they will definitely go north. After all, it borders Russia, and he has been doing border trade for so many years. He is very familiar with Russia and has many connections in Russia, and there are many Chinese gathering places in Russia. As long as he has money, he can continue to be cool.

But I feel that he is not an ordinary person. After having been in contact with him for so many times, I feel that he has a strong desire for revenge. I am wondering whether he will blame others for the cause of today's ending? "

Li He said calmly, "Old Dong, when did you become so oblique in your speech? I remember you used to be a very direct person."

"It was because we interrupted our cooperation with him that his business was hindered and his capital chain was broken. After that, he took desperate risks and got deeper into trouble." Dong Hao still told the truth, "This is my general guess, but I just don't know. right."

Li He said with a serious look, "No matter what, be more vigilant in the next month. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. And no matter who in the family goes out, they must follow at least two people behind them, and follow them from a distance. Don’t let your family know, it will make them nervous.”

Although he believed that with Dong Chengcheng's mind, he would definitely not dare to appear openly on the street in broad daylight, then their danger would also appear at home. However, in order to prevent unexpected events, he still had to take some precautions.

"I think it's better to sit back and wait for death than to take the initiative." Dong Hao gave his own advice.

"The police can't find him where he is, so how can we find him?" Li He expressed confusion.

Dong Hao smiled and said, "You are a scholar, so you may not know much about things in society. As the saying goes, cats have their own ways and mice have their own ways. It is basically impossible for Dong Jinjin to go south unnoticed. Faced with Wanted, he can only achieve his goal by contacting some friends he thinks he can trust.

And these so-called friends may be the clues to catch him.

The police use open lines, so we can use these hidden lines. "

Li He smiled, patted Dong Hao on the shoulder and said, "You are still smart. I didn't think of this. I don't believe that money can make people go around. I offer a reward of 10 million, and there are still people who can do it." Don't be tempted!

At that time, I will see if this ten million is worth the so-called loyalty. "

"Don't say 10 million, just one million is enough." Dong Hao nodded and said, "There must be many people willing to make this money! I guarantee that Dong Jincheng will have no place to hide!"

Li He said with satisfaction, "Then get it done quickly. It's best to find an intermediary to let the news out."

"Don't worry, anything that doesn't require your explanation will definitely not involve us."

After Dong Jinjin got permission from Li He, he turned around and left.

He first asked Zhang Bing to discuss who was the best person to deliver the news!

Zhang Bing was busy sharpening his beloved knife on the whetstone, testing the blade on his fingers from time to time. He, who was always eloquent, was silent at this moment.

Dong Hao took out his whetstone angrily, "Are you mute?"

"What are you doing?" Zhang Bing grabbed it and said without raising his head, "Apart from Wang Yuan, there is no one more suitable than him."

Dong Hao said, "Is it reliable?"

He is very familiar with Wang Yuan, but he doesn't have much confidence in Wang Yuan's character.

Zhang Bing said, "Although he and I are comrades-in-arms, I really don't know whether he is reliable or not, but he really doesn't have the guts to betray Boss Li, and I wouldn't even have the guts to borrow him ten times."

They were a group of six people who followed Pan Song to Mao Zi's territory. The other five people followed Pan Song wholeheartedly. Only Wang Yuan gave up and started a new business. After that, Li He did not pursue it. Now Wang Yuan is in a prosperous life. rise.

Dong Hao said, "Does he have a strong relationship with Flying North?"

Zhang Bing said, "To put it simply, the middleman who talks must first have a social status and what he says must have weight. The most basic thing is that he himself must have a lot of money. Otherwise, people will not believe him and think that he is talking about it. The reward is just empty talk.

The second point is that you have to have some moral connections. As for this person, if you want to talk about serious business, he must be a bit dirty.

Third, we cannot involve Boss Li. If we are worried, let Lan Shifang pass the message. Wang Yuan has been in contact with Lan Shifang. He knows Lan Shifang’s family background, and the two of them have a very good relationship. He believed in Lan Shifang the most.

Even if he couldn't bear it in the end, the most he could do was bite Lan Shifang out.

And what about Lan Shifang? "

"Of course I can trust Lao Lan!" Dong Hao answered resolutely. He admired such a bloody man who had fought with bears on the northern border and fought a counterattack against Vietnam in the south.

Zhang Bing spread his hands and said, "That's not enough! What else is there to say?"

Dong Hao glanced at Zhang Bing with a strange expression, "I didn't expect that you are usually so carefree, but you are quite smart at critical moments."

Zhang Bing said proudly, "When did I miss the key moment?"

"You little bastard! Who are you calling me?" Dong Hao kicked him angrily.

"Let's fight! I haven't sparred with you for a long time, come on!" Zhang Bing stood up eagerly and wanted to fight Dong Hao.

Dong Hao said sternly, "I don't have time to chat with you. You should contact Lao Lan now and make arrangements according to what you said. I will contact other people now. We still have to make arrangements at home. We can't do it just by the two of us!"

"That's natural." Zhang Bing nodded with approval and said seriously, "I have told Boss Li a long time ago that there is going to be a new member of the family, but he has never listened once. What can I say? The family members are too talkative. , it’s messy and he doesn’t like it.”

"If you don't chew your tongue, you will die!"

Dong Hao stopped talking to Zhang Bing and went to call someone.

The five newly added bodyguards are the five people he used to track Guo Shengli's suicide case last time. These are veterans he entrusted his friends to carefully select.

These people did not live directly in the Li family. Instead, three people lived in newly built asbestos-tiled houses on both sides of the only passage into the mountain. The remaining two people lived in the back mountain of the Li family in a room used for fumigating bacon. In the cabin.

Thanks to the use of monitoring equipment last time, Dong Hao had a deep understanding of the functions of advanced tools. This time he obtained Qi Hua's consent and spent five to six million to build a complete set of computer centralized surveillance systems near Li's house. surveillance system!

He and Zhang Bing could clearly see what was happening in the surrounding area for several miles just by sitting in the program-controlled computer room converted from their own bedrooms!

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