My 1979

Chapter 1189 Zhang Bing returns

"Thank you." Qi Hua picked up the bowl, took a sip, and said with a thumbs up, "It's indeed good."

"Eat more if you like it." Dong Hao filled him with beer again, took a sip of tea, coughed and said, "I invite you here this time because I want to ask you something."

"I know something." Qi Hua lowered his head and ate his own, as if he had expected it.

"That" Dong Hao just said, a newspaper appeared on the table.

Qi Hua wiped his mouth with a tissue and said, "Look first."

"Li He predicts the stock trend?" Dong Hao asked doubtfully, "Mr. Li has been at home recently and has not received any interviews."

"Keep watching." Qi Hua held the wine glass, took a few sips, and then picked up a piece of meat.

Dong Hao read out his voice unconsciously, "According to insiders, the chairman of China Re Group believes that serious violations and crazy speculation in the stock market have only increased the risks of the stock market."

Reading, reading, he couldn't read any more!

"I didn't spread these words!" Dong Hao was suddenly shocked.

Everything said in the newspaper is true, these words were indeed said by Li He!

But Li He never said it to the outside world, only to a few of them. At that time, he just asked Dong Hao to warn Li Long and others in his hometown that enough was enough and it was time to stop!

Qi Hua crossed his arms and said with a smile, "Of course you didn't say that."

"That's not what you said!" Dong Hao affirmed.

Qi Hua said, "When Mr. Li said this, there were only three people present."

"And Du Wu." Dong Hao understood immediately. Even though he also sent a message to Li Long, he did not repeat the original words. He just said a few simple sentences to convey Li He's meaning.

And the newspapers were basically excerpts of Li He’s original words!

It is impossible for Li Long and others to tell others.

Qi Hua handed over another newspaper, "After Mr. Li's words were published in the newspaper, the stock market fell by more than 6% for two consecutive days that day."

"This" Dong Hao was stunned!

He finally realized that just driving away Du Wu was already a sign of mercy from Li He!

It’s not an exaggeration to send him to justice!

Qi Hua smiled and said, "So, do you understand?"

Dong Hao nodded helplessly, "Hey, it seems that he really stabbed Lou Zi this time. Fortunately, Mr. Li didn't argue with him."

Zhang Bing came back from his hometown and brought big and small bags of Yulin's words, "This is millet from Mizhi, this bag is Suide black powder oil spin, and this is jujube from the jujube tree at home."

As he said that, he stuffed a lot of it into Li Lan's mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your trouble." Old Mrs. He happily accepted it without refusing.

Zhang Bing said, "Auntie, these are all worthless things. We won't eat less from you."

Then he helped the old lady take it to the kitchen.

When he came out of the kitchen, Dong Hao joked, "If you don't come back, I thought you were going to dig coal at home."

"Hey, don't tell me, there are small coal mines everywhere. As long as you have the ability, you can do it. I don't have that ability." Zhang Bing sat on the sofa, stretched his body and said, "Coal prices have risen sharply now. Get rich.”

"Isn't it forbidden for private individuals to open small coal mines now?" After following Li He for a long time, Dong Hao also had a certain understanding of many industries and policies.

“There are policies from above and countermeasures from below.” Zhang Bing sighed, “Although private mining of coal mines is not allowed, they can be affiliated and build mines in the name of village collectives.

In name, it is collective mining, but in fact it is private investment. "

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