My 1979

Chapter 1196 Jiang Yingxue

Li He touched his nose and sniffed the cigarette without lighting it. He was currently trying to quit smoking. He didn't know why he quit smoking suddenly. It was probably just because he wanted to quit smoking.

He paused and said, "It's the 22nd of the New Year, right?"

"23." Lao Wu corrected him. After finishing a can of beer, and seeing that Li Lao Er didn't respond, he boldly took another can. The sound of clicking and pulling out the lid was particularly loud in the quiet living room.

"You have to find a direction and make a plan for yourself. You can't be confused anymore. If you are as ambitious as your lady, why shouldn't I follow you? You are too young." Li He tried hard to control his tone and speed, and Don't irritate her.

"Oh." She took a swig of beer without showing her emotion.

Live up to expectations?

She hates this word.

Like a juggling monkey, he performs hard for everyone to see, just to win applause, which means nothing.

There were some things and some truths that she didn't understand. She was no longer a child. However, the more Li Laoer cared about her and cared about her, the more uncomfortable she felt. She always felt that she was carrying some responsibility, and She obviously doesn't want to take any responsibility.

In her opinion, the so-called strength, self-esteem, independence and self-confidence in a person are all qualities triggered by the so-called responsibility, because if you want to be responsible for others, you have to make the so-called efforts so that you will not let everyone down. , but let everyone admire.

She thinks this is a struggle. She is what she is, so why should she be responsible to others?

She can also pretend to work hard and let others praise her as "very impressive!", but that is just pretending, not her true self.

Li He raised his beer and said, "Let's go. Don't be petty all day long. I'm not your enemy. There's no need to fight against me. After graduation, you may want to stay in Singapore, return to China, or go to Hong Kong." That's okay, I respect your opinions on all of these.

The key is what you have to think about and what you can’t do.”

"Don't worry, I won't be a moth and can support myself." Lao Wu answered.

"Listen to what I have to say." Li He waved his hand to signal her not to interrupt, "That's not what you meant. I have long understood that what kind of lifestyle you choose is your own freedom and your right. I Don't interfere.

But I have to fulfill my obligations. You are my sister. This fact cannot be denied. "

When he said this, he was forced to do nothing.

He took out the check from his pocket, scrawled two numbers, and handed it to her.

"What do you mean?" She took the check, still a little dazed.

"This is 10 million. I will give you this much, Miss. It will be your future dowry and the start-up capital for your career." Li He said generously, "You have grown up, and I believe you are capable of taking charge." Make good use of this money and make whatever you can, but as for losses, losses, or expenses, I don't care, just don't come to me to cry again."

"Are you kidding me?" Lao Wu felt a little unbelievable. He really wanted to touch Li Lao Er's forehead. Was there some wrong nerve?

If it had been done in the past, he, Old Li, would have taken care of the three hundred and five hundred yuan!

How could you be so generous all of a sudden?

10 million!

Still US dollars!

She felt that happiness came a little too suddenly!

What about after you have money?

Buy a motorcycle?

No, she has passed that crazy age of buying cars. Li Laoer has plenty of them here, so she doesn’t need to buy them.

Suddenly, she felt at a loss again.

Li He opened another can of beer. She was very satisfied with Lao Wu's attitude and said with a smile, "Come and have a drink. When have I ever lied to you? Just leave it like that. It's getting late. Go to bed."

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