My 1979

Chapter 1202 Puppy Love

Guo Dongyun was about to say goodbye when he was suddenly stopped by Li He.

"Anything else to explain?"

"Soros is very ambitious and will only stop in Thailand when his interests are maximized. What is the current exchange rate of the Thai baht?"

"The exchange rate of US dollars to Thai baht is now 26.5, and it continues to fall." As smart as Guo Dongyun, he immediately understood what Li He meant, "Do you mean to let the exchange rate go sideways, stabilize the Thai baht exchange rate, and set up a resistance level?"

Li He snapped his fingers with a smile on his face and said cheerfully, "It's easy to talk to you. It doesn't take any effort at all. Is it difficult to do this?"

"The Thai government actually fought three rounds with Soros. Soros's first attack was to sell Thai baht on a large scale in the foreign exchange market and exchange it for US dollars. The Bank of Thailand responded with confidence and used US$2 billion in foreign exchange reserves to buy Thai baht. , stabilizing the Thai baht exchange rate.

This time the two sides fought to a draw.

The second time, Soros used a series of financial combination punches, causing the Thai baht to decline from March to May, and the stock market plummeted to around 450 points.

Thailand and Singapore formed an alliance and spent US$12 billion, causing Soros to lose US$300 million.

Last month was Soros's third attack. The Thai government was completely out of ammunition and food, fearing that the central bank would suddenly implement a floating exchange rate. Once hot money followed suit, it would be a disaster. "

Guo Dongyun expressed his worries.

"You are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs." Li He was worried. He did not know that the specific time when the Thai government announced that it would abandon the fixed exchange rate between the baht and the US dollar and implement a floating exchange rate, which seemed to be a few days after the return of Hong Kong. After Soros made a lot of money in Thailand, he immediately pointed the finger at Hong Kong without taking a break. He sighed and said, "Then quickly transfer funds overnight and give me a large sum of Thai baht. We will take over whatever amount they throw in, giving the Thai government some confidence."

Even the flashback is great!

"I'll do it right away." Guo Dongyun said with joy.

Li He stayed in the hotel until noon. After waking up and eating something, he returned to the couple's place.

"My dear, catch up with me soon." He compared height with Li Pei, "Are you already 16?"

Inadvertently, Li Pei was in high school.

Life suddenly seems like a dream.

Li Zhaokun said proudly, "The man who fought with someone yesterday and pushed him to the ground and beat him was half a head taller than him."

"Fighting?" Li He couldn't figure out Li Zhaokun's views. What's so proud about this? However, Li Pei's temperament was so good that he and Li Lan were a couple. It was beyond him to be able to conflict with others and even fight. unexpected.

"He provoked me first." Li Pei hurriedly defended, "When we were playing ball, he pushed me and I endured it. Then he cursed me later, so I hit him."

"It's no big deal, so let's fight." Li He waved his hands and didn't take it seriously. A fight between boys is nothing. He pulled out the earplugs from the ears of Li Ke, who was shaking his head, and said with a smile, "You are so old, I don't know how to do something to help your grandma."

At the age of 18, Li Ke is already a tall girl. In terms of temperament, she is as good as her little aunt. The only difference is that their results are as good as heaven and earth. From elementary school to junior high school, she has always been among the best. This is very impressive. Let Li He be happy.

Before Li Ke could speak, Wang Yulan said, "Whatever she can do will be a disservice."

The doting affection is beyond words.

Li He is a bit picky. Although his mother is very kind to him, she has never been treated like Li Ke.

Li Ke lay on his shoulder and said, "Uncle, I want to attend summer camp, but grandma won't let me go."

"Summer camp? Where to go?" Li He asked.

Li Kedao, "American summer camp."

Wang Yulan said, "Only our students can go, adults can't follow, so can we rest assured?"

"She's not young anymore. What are you doing at this age? You didn't even worry about coming back after dark." Li He suddenly couldn't stand the different treatment and just asked Li Ke, "Do you really want to go?"

Li Ke said, "Many students in the class are going."

"Then go." Li He couldn't see the benefits of joining the summer camp. He just treated it as joining a tour group.

"Thank you, uncle!" Li Ke gave Li He a kiss on the face.

"It's all saliva." Li Hexuan became pretentious.

"Then I'll call and sign up quickly." Li Ke jumped down from the sofa, but instead of using the phone in the living room, he ran upstairs.

"This girl is so weird that I can't control her." Wang Yulan said while wiping the table, "Tell your brother not to blame me again."

She takes care of the children for her son, and no matter what the children do, she explains clearly, even if she is a grandmother!

Li He wanted to read Li Pei's homework on a whim, but after reading it, he said helplessly, "A pair of stupid people."

The other one is naturally his biological son, Li Lan.

They are brothers in distress.

"I was careless." Li Pei didn't want his uncle to look down on him.

"Then keep working hard." Li He disapproved in his heart, and probably had to follow Lao Wu's route to Singapore.

"What about you?" In line with the principle that no one should be missing, Li He quickly turned his attention to Yang Huai.

"Uncle, I didn't bring back my homework book." Yang Huai spoke evasively.

"It's a ghost." Li He naturally didn't believe it and scolded, "Hurry up."

Yang Huai is only one year younger than Li Pei, but he is faster than Li Pei and is already on par with Li He.

In the end, he coyly took out his homework book.

"You're such an idiot, is this a tadpole essay?" Li He was so angry just by looking at Yang Huai's handwriting that he seemed to be drawing talismans. Calling it a tadpole essay was considered a compliment.

Yang Huai glanced at Li He, then lowered his head, grabbed his clothes and said, "The teacher assigned too many homework."

"So you're just messing around and fooling people?" Li He didn't have much hope for this child. As long as he didn't become a dandy, he would be like Amitabha. Then he said, "In a few days, your father will probably be here. Take a look at him." I’m going to slap you or not.”

Yang Xuewen has a very gentle temper and doesn't have much temper, but he is very strict with Yang Huai. Li He has reason to believe that if the old lady of the Yang family and his eldest sister hadn't stopped him, Yang Huai would have been beaten to death.

Therefore, he admired Yang Xuewen very much in this regard. He could not do this to Li Lan. He would occasionally scold him, and he would soften his heart for a long time when he saw that Li Lan was wronged.

"Uncle." Yang Huai was almost crying. His mother was very cruel and would not die if she was scolded a few times. His father didn't curse, but his hands-on skills were relatively strong, which caught people off guard.

"Humph, don't expect me. You fell in love at school. I didn't tell you, so I'm already worthy of you." If Yang Huai was a girl, Li He would be a little nervous.

"Who are you listening to?" Yang Huai trembled all over.

Li He waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't be nervous, I won't tell your dad."

Adults are afraid of anything in their children that they cannot control, such as watching cartoons, listening to music, playing games, and falling in love. Yang Xuewen and Li Mei are certainly no exception.

"When did it happen?" Wang Yulan suddenly became energetic, "Why didn't I know? Which girl is from that family?"

Li Zhaokun cracked his mouth and said, "Baby, I'm going to be successful. I'll show you to grandpa someday."

"Learning is the most important thing." Li He's eyes still twitched unconsciously.

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