My 1979

Chapter 1206 Distribution Rights

Song Gu was a member of the million-strong disarmament army. After he was discharged and resettled, he was restless and went south again, but it was not easy. After several twists and turns, through the introduction of the old leader, he finally ended up under Ding Shiping.

He was eliminated from the army not because of his incompetence, but because he was a cavalryman. Cavalry, railway troops, and buglers could no longer fully meet the needs of modern warfare. Modern warfare requires armored forces, artillery, and anti-aircraft missile units. Arms and professions such as aviation and marines.

Although he was knocked to the ground by Ding Shiping when they met for the first time, Ding Shiping understood that this kid was deliberately letting off steam. Otherwise, who might be knocked down might not be able to do so, and he could only lament that he was getting old.

Ding Shiping thought highly of him and tried his best to recommend him to Li He. He even thought that Dong Hao, who was older and slower in reaction, could be laid off.

Li He just smiled every time and did not agree. His first criterion for hiring people was always loyalty and reliability. Song Gu had only been a year old and was not worthy of his trust.

After lunch, Yang Xuewen asked Yang Huai and Li Pei to pack their things and go back, not wanting to stay another day.

The two children were listless. Li Ke was chewing an apple and secretly rejoicing next to her. She had escaped.

However, she was not happy for a long time. Li He gave her a task for this summer camp. After she came back, she was to write a 1,000-word review of the summer camp. She didn't take it seriously, but she was hit rock bottom by the next words.

"If it's not well written, it needs to be rewritten." Li He said angrily, "Don't think you can fool people."

"Rewrite?" Li Ke grunted, "Whether it's good or bad is not a matter of your words."

"Then go back to your hometown, and don't go to the United States." Li He didn't want to negotiate terms with her. He thought back then, when Lao Wu was noisy, although he was rude to him on the surface, he was still afraid of him deep down. Now this girl is better, He is rampant and unbridled, not to mention who he is afraid of on the surface, but deep down he is the boss of heaven and the second child of me.

"You win!" Li Ke gave a thumbs up to Li He and ran upstairs.

Due to Li He's interference, the Thai government has never implemented a floating exchange rate. Moreover, Thailand's richest man, Xie Zhengda, entered the market with US$15.5 billion. The Thai baht is temporarily stable.

Guo Dongyun ran over in a hurry.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Xie Guomin just called. He thinks we can fight back. We have already lost nearly 300 million US dollars."

Li He put his hands behind his back, lit a cigarette, and paced back and forth in the room, "Grandma is a bear."

There has been a deviation in history, and there is actually no movement in Hong Kong. This is not scientific at all!

"Currently, most of the speculators are profit-seeking. Many international speculators actually quit when the situation is good. Seeing the trend, Soros will inevitably transfer funds to Indonesia and Malaysia. By then, the cycle may take a year and a half, and there will be no more money in front of us." This opportunity." Guo Dongyun was so dizzy by Li He that he could only be out of sight and out of mind.

Li He sighed and said, "Then tell your father, Lin Shaoliang and others that all funds are now under the control of Xie Zhengda. These speculators don't have to go back when they come, and they can directly liquidate their positions."

He is not going to come forward in this matter, and he is not going to let Guo Dongyun come forward.

"Yes." Guo Dongyun did not doubt Li He's confidence at all, because no one knew better than her the trump card for attacking Soros this time. The funds of Li He and the major families in Southeast Asia were more than the foreign exchange reserves of the Four Asian Tigers. .

Storm is coming.

Half an hour after Guo Dongyun talked with Li He, the stock markets in Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia surged across the board.

According to the latest international market quotation of the Thai baht currency value, it closed at 25.33 baht per US dollar, with the highest currency value reaching 25.28 that day. This is also the strongest value of the baht in three months of the year.

The show is about to begin, and the crazy baht continues to unfold.

Subsequently, in the semi-annual report submitted to Congress by the U.S. Treasury Department, Thailand was included in the watch list, believing that Thailand was manipulating the exchange rate.

Of course, Thailand flatly denied it.

When he got bored watching the TV news, Li He turned off the TV. He was too lazy to pay attention to the process. What he wanted to see was the result.

He entered Shenzhen from Hong Kong and slept all the way. When he arrived at the Sihai Hotel, his whole body was sore. He considered whether to add an extra bed in the car, but it was just a thought. He didn't like RVs.

Living in his own hotel, eating in his own restaurant, and drinking his own beer is a wonderful feeling for Li He. At this moment, Fu Biao, who was sitting opposite, was talking with a dry mouth. He actually didn't listen much.

"In short, in the entire Shenzhen market, except for Zhujiang, our Snow Beer is the only one." Fu Biao was not interested in beer at first, but Li He insisted on competing with the American Camaro Beer Company where Zhao Mingxia worked, so he could only pretend to be cool. The look of hard work.

Li He asked, "Where is Mr. Shen?"

His cooperation with Shen Liren is not limited to the beer industry. The two parties jointly invested 1.5 billion to establish the China Resources China Re Joint Fund to make extensive investments in the fields of cement, gas, electricity, and infrastructure.

Fu Biao said, "Originally I wanted to wait for you, but it turned out that there seemed to be some kind of meeting. I really couldn't wait any longer and had to catch a flight at night."

"Oh, by the way, please pay more attention to Lao Ding. You may not understand anything when you first come out." Only then did Li He think of arranging Ding Shiping.

"Mr. Fu, I have to count on you for food from now on." Ding Shiping kept his attitude low and took the initiative to show his goodwill to Fu Biao.

"Brother Ding, we are all brothers of our own family. What you say is just an outsider. You have followed Brother Li for so many years and have traveled through Maozi's territory. You are well-informed. You will definitely be able to quickly grasp the things on the construction site. I will do not worry.

Moreover, there are many construction projects here, and I will definitely not miss you. Even if I don’t have any, I still have many friends here, so don’t worry.

The main thing is about recruiting workers and how to manage workers. You have to be careful. "Fu Biao and Ding Shiping already got along well with each other. What's more, now that Li He has given instructions, he has no choice but to obey.

"I don't know anything. You have been in this business for a long time, and I will listen to you." Ding Shiping thought that Fu Biao would not say such untargeted words. There must be something special about this construction site.

Fu Biao first had a drink with Ding Shiping, and then said with a smile, "Brother Ding, I suggest you go back to your hometown to recruit workers."

"Recruiting back home?" Ding Shiping finished his beer and asked doubtfully, "I have traveled frequently to Shenzhen and Guangzhou over the years. I also know that there is no shortage of migrant workers. I just came here. Look at that road. There are many masons and bricklayers sitting in twos and threes on the side, waiting for the boss to recruit workers? It shouldn't be impossible to find people, right? "

Fu Biao smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that you can't recruit people, it's that the ones you recruit can't be used. You have to have your own team, and they are all people you can trust. For example, here in Shenzhen, if you just recruit people on the street, you can't say no That’s right, all the people in a team are from Sichuan, Chongqing, Diangui or southern Hunan. If they form a group, you, the foreman, will have to be led by others.”

Ding Shiping said, "That's not the case. I will pay them and they will do the work. What else will it involve?"

"It's not that simple. There are so many people who cheat and cheat. If they take the lead, others will dare to follow suit. You can't fire them. Once you fire them, they can take most of them away. If you encounter a tight deadline, It's going to be fatal." Fang Quan, who had been eating silently, finally got a chance to interrupt.

Fu Biao nodded and said, "So, don't worry, go back to your hometown first and recruit five or six reliable fellow villagers who know the construction site, whether they are relatives or friends, bring them over, so that you can have the confidence to do things, otherwise you A person with a bunch of foreigners is no different than a blind man."

Li He said to Ding Shiping, "You, just listen to Fu Biao, that's right."

This is not only true on construction sites, but also in factories. Many experienced factory bosses will try their best not to hire people from one place and try to be as diverse as possible. The recruitment notices at the entrance of some factories even blatantly state that they will not hire people from a certain place. Man, this is not regional discrimination, but it is possible that his factory is full of people from this area and he does not dare to recruit any more.

"Okay." Ding Shiping said with a smile, "I'm just about to go back to my hometown. I have many uncles and brothers, so I don't have to worry about not being able to recruit anyone. If not, I still have so many comrades."

After dinner, Li He took Fang Quan aside to talk alone.

Fang Quan is getting bigger and bigger, and he is not developing in the direction of being rich and handsome. Instead, he is like a foot-picking man from Northeast China who is 1.8 meters tall, has thick legs, thick arms, and a beard with a Sriracha.

It's hard for people to connect him with the skinny, skinny boy he was back then.

"How do you eat here?" This was Li He's first question. If he didn't ask it, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Brother-in-law, please stop laughing at me. The soil and water in the south cannot support people!" Fang Quan felt depressed as he touched the beard on his chin. Children who were only a few years younger than him began to call him uncle.

Li He smiled and said, "I guess if your sister suddenly saw you on the street, she wouldn't dare to recognize you."

He and He Fang hadn't met Fang Quan for several years, and neither of them expected that Fang Quan would change so much.

Fang Quandao, "I have accepted my fate, otherwise what else could I have done."

Li He asked, "I heard from your aunt that you didn't go home during the Spring Festival last year? What happened?"

Mrs. He cared very much about her nephew and would mention it every now and then.

Fang Quan said hesitantly, "I'm airsick."

"Airsickness?" Li He was amused, "Bai Chang is so big, he has to go back even if he gets airsick. You know your mother is not in good health, so don't let them worry."

Fang Quandao said, "Brother-in-law, I have bought a house here and it will be renovated soon. I want to bring my parents over. The medical conditions here are better, so I will send my mother to a big hospital in Guangzhou to have a look."

"It's a good thing, but I'm afraid that my uncle and the others won't agree. I heard that a lot of land has been contracted." Li He continued, "Besides, they must be happy that you bought this house. It will reduce their burden, but I guess your parents In other words, if it is your new house when you get married, you will definitely not live in it.

Moreover, Fang Li is about to enter high school, so you can't leave your brother alone in your hometown, right? "

Fang Quan hurriedly explained, "Fang Li asked him to come here to study. Brother Biao promised me that if the household registration here can be solved, he can take the college entrance examination here in the future."

"Then discuss it with your parents. I'll let your sister do some work here." Li He threw him a box of cigarettes and then asked, "How much money have you saved over the years?"

"About 100,000 yuan, but I have already bought a house, and now I still have some left to prepare for decoration." Fang Quan was a little ashamed.

Li He patted him on the shoulder and said, "One hundred thousand is a lot. You can still earn more when you are young."

"Yeah." Fang Quan has been following Yang Xuewen and Wan Liangyou. They have never treated him badly. They provide food and accommodation, and they also receive what many people consider to be a high salary of three thousand yuan a month.

"Have you ever thought about going out and doing it yourself?" This was Li He's main purpose of keeping him. He had been out in society for so many years, had experience, connections, and was familiar with the market. Li He felt it was time to give him a push.

"It's even a dream." Fang Quan did not hide his ambition at all, "But I don't want to make old wood, it doesn't mean much."

"Why?" Li He still had his mind set on taking the exam for him.

Fang Quandao said, "The old timbers are all dismantled from old houses. As we go further back, there will be fewer and fewer old houses available for demolition, which is not a long-term solution. I want to make imported plywood. With the development of the construction industry, the number of boards The demand is definitely getting bigger and bigger, and it’s impossible not to make money.”

"You know ABC in English, but you still want to import?" Li He joked, "It's not good to aim too high."

Fang Quan said, "In the import and export business in the south, there are many bosses who don't speak English. What's the big deal?"

Li Hedao, "As far as I know, there are many domestic companies that produce plates. You can just find a factory product agent. There is no need to import, right?"

"Most of the domestic sheet metal companies are located in forest areas, and they are basically losing money." Fang Quan saw that there was no one around him and said in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, if you don't do this business, you don't know that most of them are in the market now. It's plywood smuggled from abroad, shipped all the way, and it's several percent cheaper than in the forest area, and the boards in the forest area can't be sold at all."

"Don't tell me, you want to engage in smuggling?"

Fang Quan smiled and said, "I have the will, but I don't have the ability. I just want to follow the regular path and make less money."

"Don't think about evil things. As long as you have the ability, I have many ways to make money." Li He waved to Qi Hua.

"Mr. Li?" Qi Hua trotted over.

"Does Balido Pacific have any branches in China?" Li He thought of Indonesian timber king Peng Yunpeng, whose Balido Company is the world's largest panel supplier.

Qi Hua said, "Yes, they still have business dealings with Fu Biao and Ping Song, and the people in charge in China are in constant contact with me."

Li He pointed at Fang Quan and said, "Get him a distribution right."

"No problem." Qi Hua agreed.

"Distribution rights?" Fang Quan listened briefly and was stunned on the spot, "Brother, what do you mean?"

He still wasn't sure.

Li He smiled and said, "Go and register yourself, and then let your brother Qi find an import channel for you. It's that simple. As for the funds?"

He turned his head and said to Chihuahua, "Go and contact him for a bank loan."

This is the easiest way.

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