My 1979

Chapter 1218 The delayed bamboo craftsman

"Erhe, Lao Pan, you are tired." When Sang Yongbo saw his daughter squatting on the ground, he did not answer first, but was very embarrassed to thank Pan Guangcai and Li He.

"If you owe me more, I'll whip you." It was her uncle Sang Yongyang who pulled Sang Chunling up.

Li He said to Sang Yongbo, "This girl needs to be taken care of. If it weren't for my dad, she would have been found in the river today."

"This girl is really rebelling." Only then did Sang Yongbo notice Li Zhaokun, who had been walking behind him carelessly. When Li Zhaokun finished speaking, he was shaking all over. He didn't know whether he was angry or frightened, and pointed at Sang. Chunling was speechless.

When Pan Guangcai saw that his lips were turning blue, he interrupted, "Everyone, go back quickly. Don't catch a cold because it's raining."

"You go back first, I won't delay you." Sang Yongbo felt very sorry for the commotion at night when so many people came out.

Li He said, "Then you have a good talk with her and stop scaring the children."

He said this, but in his heart he wished that Sang Yongbo would give the naughty boy a good beating, otherwise the sky would be too high for him.

He didn't exchange more greetings with the Sang family, and went back first with Li Zhaokun and Pan Guangcai. Not far away, he heard Sang Chunling's cries like a wolf howling like a ghost.

Pan Guangcai smiled and said, "This girl deserves to be shaved off."

Li Zhaokun said suddenly, "It's time to take care of that little brat of yours. The day before yesterday I saw him smoking under the wall. How old he is."

He doesn't care about being shameless, and his upright character is destined to say whatever he wants.

"Child." Pan Guangcai sneered. Of course he knew that his son smoked, but he just couldn't control it!

Li Zhaokun gave him a look of disdain. He couldn't take care of his own child, so what potential could he have?

When they got home, they didn't care whether it was cold or not, so they took a cold shower by the well. After the shower, they went to sleep separately.

Early the next morning, neither of them was willing to make breakfast, so they went to Li Long's house to have dinner together in a tacit understanding.

Li Long was sitting on the big repaired table legs at the door, knocking. Li Zhaokun finished a bowl of porridge and saw that he hadn't finished it yet, so he frowned and pushed him aside, "What do you think you can do? Nothing gets done right.”

"Then you can do it, just do it casually. No one lives in the house often anyway." Li Long gave the hammer and nails to Li Zhaokun and went to eat by himself.

Anyway, he couldn't refute. He has many shortcomings, but it cannot be said that he has no advantages. For example, he is more skillful with his hands. This is recognized in Lizhuang. If he hadn't been delayed by laziness, he would definitely be a good carpenter or bamboo craftsman.

Li He ate two bowls of porridge and was already full. However, the salted duck eggs were so delicious that he couldn't help but eat two of them. It was just too salty to eat alone. He couldn't eat it without mixing the porridge, so he had to serve it again. A bowl of porridge.

"That girl from the Sang family made a scene last night?" Li Long squeezed in front of Li He with porridge and asked.

Li He nodded, "It's neither light nor heavy, this girl."

Li Long said, "We slept so hard last night that we didn't pay attention. I just heard Dongmei say this when she came here."

Li He asked, "What is she here for?"

Dongmei's house is a little far away from Li Long's house. Even if there is a gangster, it will have to be late at night. How can it be so early in the morning?

Li Long wasn't too sure, so he turned to Duan Mei and asked, "What did Dong Mei come here for in the morning?"

Duan Mei said, "Come and borrow 2,000 yuan."

Li He said curiously, "Their family shouldn't be short of this thousand yuan, right?"

She runs the only consignment store in the village. Although she doesn't make much, she is considered a well-off family in the village. Moreover, she has been stable for many years and has nothing major. She must have savings in her hands.

What's more, her son's family owns a truck and his monthly income is not low. Even if he doesn't help her much, it doesn't hold him back.

Duan Mei said, "I want to invest money in some health products. The big foreign brands she represents can cure cancer, coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatoid, and a lot of them. She also ordered me to follow them. I He said that what he was selling was a panacea that could cure any disease, and he ignored her after lending her the money."

"She doesn't even know how to write her own name, so why is she still working on a big foreign brand?" Li He couldn't help but laugh, feeling that it was very inconsistent.

I think back when literacy classes were held in the village, Dongmei, like her mother, could not recognize a few big characters and had difficulty writing her own name.

Duan Mei said, "After she went to Shenzhen, her whole person changed. She only worked in the factory for two months, and then she said she wanted to start her own business, which is this health product.

Anyway, I just listened to her talk, saying that as long as you work hard, your income can reach 10,000 yuan, or even hundreds of thousands of yuan, within a few months, and if you bring in more people, you can get a commission on the purchase price.

She said it was so exciting that one person would attract 5 people, and 5 people would attract 25 people. The more offline people there were, the higher the commission ratio would be. From now on, you could count the money while lying at home. "

"You've fallen into a trap." Li He understood what was going on, "Are there many people in the village who followed suit?"

Duan Mei said with a smile, "There are no fools. If we share the money directly, the big guys will definitely follow suit, but if we have to invest money, no one will do it.

What's more, Dongmei hasn't made any money herself, so who would believe her. "

Li He said to Li Long, "You will tell Liu Chuanqi and other brigade cadres later that they will come to Dongmei's house to do some work. There are so many pie-in-the-sky things in this world. It is simply unreliable."

Li Long hesitated and said, "Last time I was in the county, someone came to see me. It's probably this model. It's said to be the most promising sales method in the world."

Li He said, "Being down-to-earth is the most useful way. Just do your own thing honestly and don't get involved in this mess. You are making a lot of money now."

Li Long said, "I'm not mentally ill, so I definitely won't do this. I'm very stable on my own."

After Li He had breakfast, he returned home, found out the dirty clothes from last night, and banged them twice in the ditch at the door, which was enough.

As soon as the clothes were hung up, Sang Yongbo came over.

"Erhe, where is your father?" He looked around, then continued, "Go to my place at noon."

"No need to prepare too many dishes." Li He agreed with a smile.

"Then it's settled, I won't make another trip." After Sang Yongbo finished speaking, he went on to call Pan Guangcai. He couldn't leave any of the people who contributed to his family last night.

Li He cleaned the house inside and outside, and after drinking two pots of tea, Pan Guang came over, and they went to Sang's house together.

Pan Guangcai saw that the door of the small room in the Sang family was tightly closed, so he asked Sang Yongyang, "Is that girl still not calmed down?"

Sang Yongyang said, "He has a bad temper. Even beating him is useless. Look, after he came back, he kept the door closed and didn't even eat."

He was worried about his brother.

"I must starve her twice." Sang Yongbo gritted his teeth angrily.

ps: Severe cold, low fever, aches and weakness.

Get some sleep tonight and update this today. If there is no update tomorrow, please call the police. Don’t leave the house alone. No one will know if it stinks.

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