My 1979

Chapter 1229 Posthumous Affairs

Mu Yan's mother cried loudly while holding the memorial tablet of her son and daughter-in-law, and all the women followed her in tears. Mu Yin was surrounded in the middle, being kissed by one person and hugged by another, and he was panicking and at a loss.

Li He wanted to go over and try to persuade him, but he was dragged to the fire pit room by Mu Yin's grandfather Yang Gaixin, who said, "Let's have something to eat and let them go."

He filled Li He's bowl with Baogu wine and touched it. Before Li He could react, he drank the whole bowl and wiped away the tears that he couldn't stop.

"Drink slowly." Li He opened his mouth and throat. After drinking a bowl, his throat was burning.

"I'm sorry, I choked." Yang Gaixin wiped his tears and continued, "Don't be polite. Eat what you need to eat and drink what you need to drink."

"Here, have another bowl." Li He stretched out his bowl and took another bowl of wine.

The fire pit on the ground was burning very brightly, and the chopping wood was crackling in it. After a while, there was a puff of smoke, plus the smell of bacon hanging above, which made him a little unbearable. He stood up and opened a window, letting in the cold wind. He poured it in to make him feel better, "It's a bit stuffy in the room, let's open the window for some fresh air."

Murray saw Li He's embarrassment, stood up, opened the door, and said with a smile, "We are all used to it. We make a fire to keep warm in the cold weather. We can also make some bacon by the way. Try it and see how it tastes."

"Thank you, it's very good." Li He liked bacon better, but he was not in the mood to eat it at the moment.

I ate some wine randomly, grabbed a bowl of rice, and rested like this all night. In my sleep, I could still faintly hear the crying that never stopped.

In the early morning, the mist-filled village was so quiet. The winding mountain road in front of the door, the ancient stone arch bridge, and the vicissitudes of the cellar house made Li He not feel a trace of popularity.

This is a village where Miao, Tu, Han, and Dong people live together. The Mu family is one of the few Han families here. If Li He hadn't seen Yang Ling's passport and ID card while packing up her belongings, he would never have thought of what happened. Yang Ling with bright eyes is a Tujia girl.

"It's quite deserted. All the young people have gone out to work in eastern Guangdong. The rest are old and young." Murray appeared behind Li He to explain to him, "But the Spring Festival is coming soon. Now, the Spring Festival will be more lively.”

"It's the same everywhere, with fewer young people." Li He understood this, and then asked, "Aren't the children making trouble?"

Until now when he got up in the morning, he had not seen Mu Yin.

Murray said, "Fortunately, she is probably asleep right now. I took care of her for a while before. Although I haven't seen her in the past two years, I still recognize her. You don't have to worry too much about this."

"How is the old lady's health? Don't get too upset." When Li He came in the morning, he found the old lady cooking porridge. Her eyes were red and swollen and her voice was hoarse, which was very worrying.

"Hey, I've already cried when I should. I guess it's okay." Murray threw a cigarette to Li He and said, "My uncle left early, and my aunt took care of Ayan. Life was miserable, but , there is no one in the world who is more up to date than A Yan. The old lady is on top. Look, these stilted buildings are all flip-tops, just like new ones. There is no one more beautiful than this one, and together with us When these brothers went out, they all became angry.

Hey, I just didn’t expect that this kid would be so upset after a few years of good times. You said, you survived all the difficulties before, but when things got better, you turned a corner. "

"Who would have thought." Li He still can't let it go, "Also, A-ling, we were right in front of her. We didn't want to go have a meal, but she just lost everything."

Yang Gaixin, with his hands behind his back and his belt hunched over, led the whole family and came over here with a pile of clothes and firecrackers. Murray helped pick up some, "Let me get a shovel."

What he meant was to dig a new hole and make a tomb.

Yang Gaixin said, "If your clothes are burned, let's set off some firecrackers. There are no people left, so there's no point in doing anything else."

Li He followed them up the mountain, and soon a long line of people gathered behind him.

There was no fire in the forest, so we went around and around, and finally stopped on a slope where rice was grown. The clothes of Mu Yan and Yang Ling were burned, and then two more firecrackers were set off.

After the simple farewell ceremony, Yang Gaixin walked last, and Li He chatted with him for a few words.

Yang Gaixin said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li He said, "Uncle, you don't have to be too sad. The most important thing at the moment is to take good care of Mu Yin."

"It's also a hard life for this girl. She has followed us from time to time since she was a child. This little bastard went to school and became a mother-in-law before she even entered the school. He has a conscience and approached the city. He thought he could pass It's been a good few days, and now something like this happened." As he spoke, he broke down in tears again, wiped his nose on the drooping grass leaves with ice residue, and continued, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. If two stubborn donkeys get into trouble together, what can happen? Have a good time?"

The cold wind blew over, and Li He shivered, but he still felt hot all over. He couldn't help opening his collar, not knowing what to say, and just listened to Yang Gaixin.

"Now the child has to rely on his milk. We can only pull on the side, but the strength cannot come out." Yang Gaixin stood up, rubbed his hands on his clothes, took off his hat and scratched his head, and then said, "Both of her brothers are working outside, leaving behind three boys and a girl. The eldest is in high school, and the younger one can't run yet. We have to take care of everything she eats, drinks, and poops."

He has his difficulties.

Li He said, "Uncle, I understand all this. If you can talk to me, I can take this child away. The conditions in the city are much better than at home."

"That's impossible. This child is her life now. If the child is taken away, can she still live?" Yang Gaixin waved his hands and said, "You, don't even think about it, just do it like this. From now on, Ah, if you uncles are willing to help, it will be worth this child's lifelong memory."

Back at the Mu family, the old lady of the Mu family held Mu Yin and sat beside the fire pit in a daze. Li He handed over a postal passbook.

"Auntie, this is the savings left by the couple. You can take it and withdraw the money at the post office. The password is Mu Yan's date of birth."

Although the passbook is in Yang Ling's name, since the deposit and withdrawal system is anonymous, no documents are required to withdraw money. As long as you have the passbook and know the password, you can withdraw money.

"How much is this?" The old lady was illiterate, and when she opened her bankbook, her eyes were completely blank.

Li He said, "This is 1.35 million. I'll have someone accompany you to the town later and just transfer the money to your name."

According to the old lady's thrifty nature, this money belongs to a series that cannot be spent in her lifetime. If the real-name system is implemented in the future, it will be troublesome. It is most appropriate to transfer it to the old lady's name first.

"So much." The old lady was not very happy, but was obviously relieved. With so much money, it would not be too difficult for her to raise her grandson.

"Also, his father left him two houses, one in China and one abroad. I made the decision without authorization. Both houses will be rented out. The monthly rent is estimated to be more than 10,000. Li He thought for a while and said, "The rent will be credited to your bankbook regularly."

When the child grows up and is able to make his own decisions, let him take back these two houses and do whatever he wants with them. "

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