My 1979

Chapter 1254 The old man’s arrangement

Wang Yulan said, "We will go on the first day of the new year tomorrow, and we will come with you in the afternoon."

She felt very sorry for her father. My mother was gone. An old widower did not want to live with his son. He wanted to be at ease. He lived in a newly built three-room tiled house. Although the conditions were much better than before, he still lived a miserable life. .

When my mother was alive, although she could not do heavy work or do housework, because of her supervision, three meals a day were indispensable, and her clothes had to be changed and washed every day.

Now that my mother is gone, the old man has lost his energy all of a sudden. He has an indifferent attitude towards everything. He just takes it one day at a time and makes do with the next meal. None of the three meals a day is accurate. He can't lose weight in the first place. The old man who pulled the table has become even thinner now, with a hunched back and a bent waist, and dirty clothes hanging on the bones in his body. Those who didn't know better thought he was a homeless beggar.

Li He said to Li Long, "Put more straw on the tractor tomorrow morning to make it softer, and add two quilts."

It's the two brothers' job anyway, so why not take it over first and save me the time to give you the orders later.

"I'll do it." Li Long agreed.

Early the next morning, the two brothers took the children for a walk around the village and then drove the tractor to their uncle in Hewan.

At noon, after having a casual meal at her brother Wang Yuguo's place, Wang Yulan began to pack her father's clothes. She just packed them here and there, but she couldn't find a few decent clothes. The new clothes she helped buy when she came back a few days ago were still intact. The packaging nameplate is still there, but it has been gnawed by rats and is still unwearable.

"Why did I buy it for you? You haven't worn it yet, and the mice have ruined it all." Wang Yulan pulled at the wood chips, mold ash, and silverfish that the mice had chewed in the closet. She probably used too much force and the bottom plate of the drawer fell off. He and the two brothers said, "Move out and throw it away."

This cabinet looked brand new on the outside, but it was damp and moldy inside, and it was obvious that it could no longer be used. In the past, she would have been determined not to throw it away and just repair it, but now she was unwilling to wrong her father anymore.

"You can still put things away, why throw them away?" The old man couldn't see his daughter being so prodigal.

"Look, it's like this, what else can be used?" Wang Yulan waved her hands to the two brothers, indicating that they should move away quickly.

It's rare to see my mother so generous and forthright. Of course, the two brothers didn't have anything to say about it.

"How is this covered?" Wang Yulan touched the quilt on the bed. It was damp. She waved to Li and the two brothers. The two brothers understood the meaning and threw it away.

When Wang Xi and Wang Jun's cousins ​​came over, she was not polite and ordered them to throw away everything inside and outside.

Privately, she pulled her nephew Xizi aside and handed him a stack of money, "I'll give your father new ones after the weather clears up. How can you live this sloppy day?"

"Auntie, I have money." Xizi didn't answer.

"Why haven't you thought of giving it to your father if you have money?" Wang Yulan has never been a temperamental person, and is even a bit cowardly. However, now she hates her brother and sister-in-law so much that she, her son, and her daughter, At least tens of thousands of dollars are given to the elderly every year. Over the years, the amount is hundreds of thousands!

The money was distributed by the old people and fell into their pockets, but they did not show any care for the old people. Their conscience was completely lost!

Even with her nephew, she wasn't prepared to show mercy. What's more, she treated this nephew well. Over the years, from her to her son, she only helped him because he had a good heart and hoped to pull him up. , can take more care of the elderly, but now it seems that it is of no use at all!

Xizi said with a sneer, "Gu, don't be angry. I usually tell Juzi about it, but she is more careless."

"What a big deal, it's called Jiji." Grandpa blamed Wang Yulan for speaking harshly.

Wang Yulan stopped saying anything and arranged for her two sons and daughter to take me to her home first, but she wanted to stay.

Li Zhaokun sat on the side of the car and asked, "What's going on?"

Wang Yulan said, "You go back first."

"Then let's walk together." Li Zhaokun got off the tractor and patted his butt, "I almost froze my butt off."

As the tractor rumbled away, Wang Yulan shed tears and told Li Zhaokun about her father's grievances.

Li Zhaokun was smoking a cigarette, and the smoke drifted out of his mouth in the wind. He snorted coldly, "You are the only one who treats your two brothers as treasures. I have seen it decades ago. They are not a toy."

Wang Yulan gritted her teeth and said, "We have to go find them now and make it clear. If the old man continues to mess up like this, he won't survive next year."

"Next year?" Li Zhaokun pursed his lips, "This year is really bad. His body is shaking when he walks, and he smokes so fiercely."

Brothers Wang Yuguo and Wang Yushan didn't get along well. A few years ago, the two brothers had a fight over the homestead. Wang Yushan struck first. Wang Yuguo couldn't fight back. He was beaten by his own brother and broke his bones. When the two brothers saw each other, They pretended not to know each other and never said hello to each other.

However, at this moment, Wang Yushan came to Wang Yuguo's door. First, because his mother passed away, the two brothers held a funeral together, making up for the gap. Second, because Wang Yulan's family came over and brought a lot of gifts, including good cigarettes and wine. It was placed here with the second child. Although the relationship has eased a bit, it cannot be sent to him. He still has to come and pick it up. If he is too angry and doesn't come to pick it up, he will be getting advantage of the second child in vain.

"How much did you pay Zhang Qinghua last time?" Wang Yushan asked Wang Yuguo, pointing to a box of Maotai. He is now running out of words to talk to.

"A bottle of 258." Wang Yuguo answered absentmindedly. Anyway, he no longer had this brother in his heart. However, he and his brother had the same idea, and they were reluctant to drink good wine, so in the end they sent it back to the tobacco shop. It was better to have the money in their hands in exchange for it.

"Oh, that's right." Wang Yushan suddenly seemed to remember something, patted his head and said, "Li Zhaokun said that we can't communicate with Zhang Qinghua now, and we can't go back there. I almost forgot."

In the past, he would never have taken Li Zhaokun's words seriously, but who asked his children to make a living? If he wanted to rely on others, he had to put on a show and give him some face.

"Zhang Qinghua is not a good guy. He peeks through the cracks in the door." Wang Yuguo was probably very dissatisfied with Zhang Qinghua's tone.

"Magnolia, why don't you have dinner here before you leave?" He heard his wife's voice greeting people.

"I thought you were gone." Wang Yuguo came out of the house to say hello.

Wang Yulan said, "If you tell me something, I'll go back. You guys have to clean up his grandpa's house."

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