My 1979

Chapter 1278 A man’s ability

"Mr. Li, thank you." Qi Hua had already thought of this in his mind, but he just didn't say it. Of course, such a simple question should be left to the boss!

Otherwise, how can we show our boss's brilliance?

"Where's Lu Bo?" Li He asked.

"Comm and get off work normally, pick up the children from school, go home to eat, and sleep on the same bed." Qi Hua quickly realized what Li He meant, "Mr. Lu is really good at self-restraint. He just kept calm. If it weren't for him What I said, we people don’t even know.”

Li He said, "Look where he is. I'll have lunch with him."

"I'm going to call his secretary now," Qi Hua left the office and walked in quickly, "Mr. Li, Mr. Lu is in the group office. He said we can make an appointment in the Juxiang Building next door."

"Let Dong Hao prepare the car." Li He stood at the air outlet of the air conditioner and blew the air for several minutes, then gritted his teeth and went downstairs.

Standing at the door of the building, after seeing Dong Hao's car approaching, he quickly ran into the car.

Lu Bo, dragging a lame leg, stood at the door of the hotel. When he saw Li He's car approaching, he opened the door for him.

"Why have you become so thin recently?" Li He closed the car door and looked at his face. "He is also much more haggard."

What about keeping silent?

Lu Bo sighed and said, "Hey, I'll tell you later, go in first."

"It's so sunny." Li He hurriedly ran to the house.

There was cold beer in the box. After opening it, I blew half of the bottle into it.

"It's too cold and hurts your stomach." Lu Bo poured a glass for Li He, then poured a glass for himself and said, "I'm causing trouble for you."

Li He clinked a drink with him and comforted him, "What trouble can I get into? The key is for you to be open-minded."

"What can I do if I can't look away?" Lu Bo said with a bitter smile, "To tell you the truth, Brother Li, if it weren't for the sake of the child, I would risk my life and chop this bitch alive with a knife! It's clear what's in my heart. Hate it!

Brother, how do I treat her? You must have seen it all these years, right?

Her mother-in-law, her elder brother, younger brother, and even her nephew were all helped by me with all my effort!

The results of it?

She asked me to go out and meet people like a bastard! "

He yelled the last sentence.

"No, brother," Li He clinked a glass with him again, "We are now people with status and status. If she abandons you, she is blind. It's unnecessary for good porcelain to burn into pieces.

Tell her clearly, how about replacing her with someone younger and more beautiful?

In fact, you made money. "

"Brother, are you comforting me, or are you hurting me?" Lu Bo couldn't laugh or cry, "I can't keep an old husband and wife, and they are still young and beautiful. To tell you the truth, my heart is like this, now wow Wow, it’s so cool, I’m destined not to be destined to be a woman in this life.”

Li He said, "Is it necessary to be so pessimistic? Who are you worse off than? If you open your mind, how can you be unloved? Listen to me, this matter is over, I will let Chen Li arrange it for you, try it first Taste what it’s like to live among thousands of flowers.”

"Forget it, I can't enjoy it." Lu Bo drank another glass of wine and sighed, "Think about how difficult it is for me in my life. I have polio and am lame on one leg. Where have I been since I was a child? , the children chased after me and shouted, "Little lame, little lame"

Whenever someone smiles at me, I feel like they are laughing at me.

Later, when I went to school, my classmates also yelled like this. I didn't dare to go to school. My father was a boiler worker. He didn't understand how sad I was, so he yelled at me and said, "You have a problem with your legs and your hands?"

He clenched his fist and punched back.

With my physique, who can I beat?

Besides, I am very timid.

I read it until I graduated from junior high school, but I really couldn’t read it anymore.

When it was time to go to the mountains and countryside, I didn't have to go because of my leg problem, so I just rested on my brother, who was one year younger than me.

I can still remember the way my brother looked at me, that he wanted to eat me, but did he think I didn't want to go? If my legs and feet were good, I would also like to go to that vast world! "

Since he was born, he has never tasted running. He doesn't know what it feels like to run heartily and with the wind blowing in his ears.

"I've wronged you." Li He poured him wine this time.

"My mother pointed at my nose and scolded me, why don't you die!" At this point, a man in his forties cried, "My brother is a son, and I am also her biological son!

She never thought about how I feel? "

"Sorry, I've never heard of this." Li He felt bitter after hearing what he said. He drank with him again, filled it up for him, and gave him a tissue, "Wipe it up."

"I'm sorry, Brother Li, I didn't want to tell you these terrible things." Lu Bo wiped away his tears in embarrassment, but couldn't help but continued, "Do you think I am willing to be lame? It's useless to dislike me. At that time, really, I wanted to die.

Once, I stood on the edge of the Wenyu River. It was winter, the river was covered with ice, and I was on the ice. If I walked a few steps, the ice would collapse, and I could hear the clicking sound.

An old man shouted to me, "That kid, you can't turn your legs or your brain, come back quickly!" That’s where people stand!

I have always been a coward, so when the old man shouted, I ran back obediently.

I am always so obedient to a stranger.

However, it was a wake-up call for me at that time. Since my health is not good, my brain can no longer have problems. I have to be smarter than others. "

Li He said, "You are so successful now, who dares to say that you are not smart? In another twenty years, you will definitely have a place on the world's richest list."

He didn't say this in vain. Others didn't know Lu Bo's specific industry, but he, Li Laoer, had to know it.

Four Seasons Department Store and Four Seasons Supermarket under Four Seasons Group have developed rapidly in recent years. Although Four Seasons Supermarket is small in scale, Four Seasons Department Store has become the leader in domestic high-end department stores. Wherever Li He's real estate companies such as Liyou Real Estate and other high-end properties have expanded, Four Seasons Department Store Wherever it expands, it occupies the central position in first- and second-tier cities.

After several group reorganizations, Li He gave Lu Bo the opportunity to increase his equity holdings. Lu Bo now owns nearly 40% of the shares of Four Seasons Group, which is basically the same as Li He.

Moreover, Lu Bo not only owns shares in Four Seasons Group, but also has investments in multiple industries and fields, not limited to Dongfeng Express and Dida Real Estate, which are related to Li He.

"Brother, if others don't know what I am capable of, how can you still not know that in this world, the only people who are really good to me are you and my cousin Pan Song. Without you, I would be nothing like Lu!" Lu Bo's tears The water swished down again, "I can't even control my wife! What can I do!"

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