My 1979

Chapter 1284 Carry forward style

Wang Zhujun said, "I really have no money now."

"How could there be no money?" Not only Wang Zhulian didn't believe it, but the entire Wang family didn't believe it either.

They all see how Lu Bo praises her!

The balance in her own card is not less than one million all year round, not to mention the five or six supplementary cards in Lu Bo's name. Every time she goes out with her, they have all seen each one. With the card, you can easily spend tens of thousands of dollars!

If it weren't for the need for regular capital turnover, it would be convenient for Lu Bo to keep all the money on her own, and she would be tempted to stuff all the money into her pocket!

So, when she says she has no money, that’s what she means!

Her mother echoed, "Yes, after all, we are all your brothers. We have to help when we have difficulties."

"Am I helping less?" Wang Zhujun asked, "Without me, would you be qualified to stand here and talk to me now?"

Before she got married, her family could only have enough food and clothing. Although she was from the capital, she had a rural registered permanent residence. Except for her, no one in the family had a decent job. It was she who single-handedly held them back. Get up!

Now that they have a house and a car, not only are they not grateful, but instead, there are five or six people here scolding her, which makes her very angry.

Wang Zhuxin said, "Sister, now is the time to get angry. You really want your brother to jump off the building."

"I told you, I have no money," Wang Zhujun said nonchalantly, "Believe it or not."

Wang Zhulian asked casually, "What about your money?"

Wang Zhujun said, "I didn't bring it out."

"You came out empty-handed?" Wang Zhulian's wife was surprised.

Wang Zhujun snorted coldly, "It's my turn, don't miss even a dime, and no one should try to monopolize the couple's property."

"You want to go to court with him?" Wang Zhuxin responded.

Wang Zhujun said, "Is there anything wrong with using legal weapons to protect one's rights?"

"Yes," Wang Zhulian said with a smile, "but you are unreasonable in filing a lawsuit."

He himself felt embarrassed for the girl.

"It doesn't matter what kind of family we are. Litigation costs money." The elder sister-in-law did not hide the sarcasm on her face, "Cripple Lu is not a good person."

"Yes, sister, let's discuss it with him again. He is not that unkind." Wang Zhuxin hurriedly followed, "It's enough to be more or less interesting. Why be so stubborn? It's not so easy to fight a lawsuit." Yes, it’s common for it to drag on for a year and a half.”

"You are afraid of him, but I am not afraid of him." Wang Zhujun put his backpack on his shoulder, "I can't just be such a coward."

The family looked at each other.

"It's not a question of whether we're afraid or not. He's rich and powerful, can we just let it go?" Wang Zhulian sighed, "Zhuxin and I haven't settled this matter yet. It would be bad if we start a dispute again."

Even if they refuse to admit it, in their hearts, their family is still quite afraid of Lu Bo, not only because they rely on him, but mainly because they have seen Lu Bo's methods. People without means will not survive today. .

In the past, they could still smile with Lu Bo because of their status as relatives, but now that they have lost face and Lu Bo has used tricks in their business, they feel the pressure. If trouble happens again, it will really make him angry. Will he still die? Worse?

Yes, divorce property looks very tempting, but you have to be able to get it!

It was originally a mirror of flowers and moon in the water!

People, it’s best to be realistic.

"Yes, Lu Bo seems to have a good personality, but he is an old man at heart," her mother frowned and said, "You still have children, aren't they all children from now on? You have to look further ahead."

"You don't have to worry about this matter." Wang Zhujun turned and left.

The door was slammed with a bang.

Not getting the understanding and support of her family made her feel even more uncomfortable.

She originally wanted to come back for comfort and understanding, but now, everything makes her feel chilled.

I stood at the gate of the community for a while, but no one chased me out.

She was even more blocked.

"Mr. Zhu is back."

"It's so hot, don't stand."

Someone kept saying hello to her.

"Hey, it's okay, you guys are busy." She forced a smile on her face, trying not to let others see anything unusual, and suddenly she felt very tired.

She carried her bag and walked aimlessly on her high heels, passing through one intersection after another. She wanted to throw off her high heels regardless of her image. She had never walked so many roads before. She usually drove by herself. Either it's a pick-up or drop-off, who has ever suffered like this?

Thinking of the sadness, I burst into tears.

She couldn't understand how she could get into such a situation!

Next to it was a phone booth. She took out a few coins from her bag, wiped her tears, and dialed the number.

"Xiao Wen." She cleared her throat, trying to maintain her past strong woman demeanor.

"Who are you? Oh, Sister Jun." There was a clear girl's voice on the phone, "Are you so anxious that I can't even get through to you after calling you all day?"

"What do you want from me?" Although the other party couldn't see her expression, she still pursed her lips and kept smiling.

"Sister Jun, you don't know?" The girl on the phone was obviously surprised.

"you say."

The girl obviously hesitated for a moment, and then said, "The station has made personnel adjustments and will cut off some programs with poor ratings."

Wang Zhujun said arrogantly, "This should have been done a long time ago. I have reacted to the station director before, but they just ignored it. Resources should be allocated to the gold medal column, and we should no longer waste time and energy on that kind of rubbish program." .”

"But..." The girl didn't know what to say for a moment.

"But what?" She was used to being forceful and had never been very patient with her assistant. "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Our "Eastern Interview" has been cancelled." After making great determination, Xiaowen finally said it.

"What?" Her hand holding the phone was a little unsteady, "Say it again."

Xiao Wen said, "Our programs have been cut off. What Taiwan means is to implement differentiated competition. In terms of ideological and artistic quality, we are not as good as CCTV. What Taiwan means is that we want to put on entertainment programs."

"What do they mean?" Wang Zhujun said angrily, "We have always been a gold medal program, the ratings have always been very high, and the advertising fee alone is 100 million a year!"

Xiaowen asked cautiously, "Sister Jun, have you offended anyone?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it." She was very angry.

"This is obviously aimed at you."

"How did the station arrange for me?" Wang Zhujun took a deep breath, now is not the time for competition.

"Taili hopes that you will carry forward your style, give opportunities to newcomers, and show a new look."

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