My 1979

Chapter 1286 Long live understanding

If he had found out before that Wang Zhujun was sorry for him, he would still be scared, hurt, and reluctant to let go, and even admitting the reality would be an extremely difficult decision. But after the real showdown with the other party, he found that all he had left was hatred. Because he didn't find the slightest bit of guilt in the other party!

As long as she had a little bit of shame, for the sake of the child, he wouldn't do such a cruel thing!

Because no matter what, she is the mother of the child!

"Yes, I have followed your instructions." In Lu Bo, Yu Deyao saw what love breeds hatred, "Mr. Lu, can I make a suggestion?"

Lu Bo closed his eyes slightly and said calmly, "When did I stop letting you talk?"

"Mr. Lu, for her, letting her change from rich to poor is the biggest punishment for her. I don't think we need to continue to create extraneous problems. This will harm your reputation." Yu Deyao saw Lu Bo's absence. After speaking, he continued to speak boldly, "You are in the golden age of your career. You can be said to have achieved success and fame. There is no need to involve your own reputation."

"Reputation? What reputation do I have now?" Lu Bo suddenly opened his eyes and said, "It's not scary to wear a tortoise shell. The most terrifying thing is to wear a turtle shell and still be willing to be a turtle with your head shrunk. That's called shameless!"

"But we, China Re Group, Dida Group, and Oceanwide Group are all one and the same." Yu Deyao's voice stopped abruptly as he spoke.

He was startled by Lupo's eyes.

"Xiao Yu," Lu Bo suddenly said in a serious tone, "are you familiar with Qi Hua, who is next to Mr. Li?"

Yu Deyao said, "Secretary Qi takes great care of us in private."

In the air-conditioned room, sweat broke out on his forehead, just because he knew Lu Bo too well and would not say these words for no reason.

Lu Bo said, "Do you know why Mr. Li thinks so highly of him?"

"Mr. Qi is very capable. He can properly judge what things are valuable and what things are insignificant. He does not ask for instructions casually. Li is always known as a hands-off shopkeeper." Yu Deyao said while observing Lu Bo's face, "We We still need to learn more from him.”

"Do you know where the gap is between you?" Lu Bo then asked.

"He is the secretary of the board of directors." And he, Yu Deyao, is just the secretary to the chairman, just an ordinary administrative employee. If there is any advantage, it is that he has the opportunity to get close to the chairman every day. Just like the eunuchs around the emperor, his social status seems to be low. But you can enjoy respect that goes beyond the status itself.

Qi Hua is the secretary of the board of directors of China Re Group and the real leader.

The difference between the two people is self-evident.

Lu Bo asked, "That's all you know?"

"Please give instructions from Mr. Lu." Yu Deryao lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

"Mr. Li is notoriously difficult to serve. Even if I follow you, you can't do it. In other words, you can't do it with anyone else. Not Guo Dongyun, not Pingsong, not Su Ming, not Zhou Ping. Only Qi Huaxing can't do it." , and I have been working as Mr. Li’s secretary for many years, do you know the reason?” Lu Bo then asked.

Yu Deyao said, "Mr. Li trusts him very much."

Leaders need a secretary with high loyalty.

Lu Bo shook his head, "Does Mr. Li not trust me? Don't you trust Mr. Ping and the others? We have followed them longer than Qi Hua, right?"

As for ability, although we are not very educated, I think it would be okay to do a secretarial job. "

"That's natural." Yu Deyao couldn't refute.

"Because Qi Hua can not only figure out what Mr. Li is thinking, but he can also think about things from Mr. Li's position, even though he is just a secretary." Lu Bo suddenly sighed and said, "You have been following me for more than ten years, of course you You know me very well. You know all my habits in food, clothing, housing, and transportation, including what I like to eat, what hobbies I like, and what color clothes I like to wear. Anyway, as long as it is about me, even if it is my family relationship, there is nothing you don’t know, right? ?”

"Yes." Yu Deyao became even more confused.

"Understand! Understand! Do you know what understanding is? You know me very well, but you don't understand me, do you understand?" Lu Bo stood up and walked slowly around the office.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Yu Deyao was frightened and apologized quickly, "Mr. Lu, don't worry, I will continue to work hard."

"Hey, let's go." Lu Bo sat down dejectedly and waved his hands helplessly.

"Mr. Lu." Yu Deyao wanted to say something else.

"Go out, I don't blame you, let me rest for a while."

Yu Deyao left the office obediently and closed the door gently.

Sitting in the office next to his, he was still thinking about Lu Bo's words, "Understand, understand?"

Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door broke his thoughts, and he said in a deep voice, "Come in."

"Secretary Yu." A middle-aged man wearing a security uniform stood at the door.

"Are you making trouble again?" He stood up, threw a cigarette to the other person, lit it himself, and when he saw that the other person was still standing there, he threw the lighter to him, "Manager Liu, light it."

Then he closed the door and sat down on the desk.

The two of them have this type of communication several times a month.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I've been stopped three times this month alone." The security guard known as Manager Liu said, "I know Mr. Lu is worried. Someone stopped me in my office." , I didn’t dare to let him come up, what do you think we should do?”

"Headache." Yu Deyao took several puffs of cigarette.

"Hey, Mr. Lu is really embarrassed. Things at home have never been easy. What do you think about having money? It is more difficult to deal with such brothers and parents than anyone else! If one has a bad influence, it means being unfilial. My brother has a reputation of being mean." Manager Liu sighed, "Now that the marriage is not going well, do you think Mr. Lu will be okay with it day by day?"

"You are worried about Mr. Lu." Yu Deyao gave a rare smile.

"Long live your understanding." Manager Liu smiled and said, "Fortunately I'm not Mr. Lu, otherwise my hair would have turned gray in a hurry."

"What?" Yu Deyao was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at the other party blankly.

"Mr. Yu?" Manager Liu felt guilty and waved his hand on Yu Deyao's eyes.

"What did you just say?" Yu Deyao stared at him.

"I said my hair must turn gray in a hurry."

"No, the previous sentence." Yu Deyao waved his hand hurriedly.

"Fortunately I'm not Mr. Lu?" Manager Liu was confused.

"No, say it again!" Yu Deyao urged hurriedly.

"Long live understanding?"

"Yes! That's it!" Yu Deyao smashed the table with his excited fists, then held Manager Liu's hands and said, "Old Liu, you are really my lucky star! No, you are my confidant! Tonight..."

"No, no, I'm not going anywhere tonight." Manager Liu hurriedly broke away, "I already have a wife and children! I understand, but my wife and children can't understand either!"

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