My 1979

Chapter 1298 Realm

After coming out of the restaurant, Li He saw Chen Mingjing getting into his car and couldn't help but said, "Why don't you go home?"

"How did you bring me out? How did you send me back?" Chen Mingjing looked innocent.

Li He said, "You can't take a taxi yourself?"

"Are you kidding? Is it easy for me to earn that salary in a month?" Chen Mingjing said, "It costs at least thirty yuan to take a taxi home from here."

Li He said, "I'll take you to the subway station and take the subway back."

"The place I rent doesn't have access to the subway."

"Then how do you usually come to work?"

"Take the bus."

"Then I'll take you to the bus stop, okay?"

"It's late at night, and I'm a pretty drunk girl waiting for the bus on the street. Are you relieved?"

"You win." After saying this, Li He was really worried. After asking about the place carefully, he found that he was on his way.

She lives in an urban village surrounded by high-rise buildings.

Considering the cost of demolition, farmland is generally acquired first. After the surrounding farmland is expropriated, urban villages are surrounded in the middle.

It has attracted a large floating population, the rental market is booming, and countless low-rise buildings built by locals have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Under the dim light, you can see dense wires crisscrossing the air like spider webs.

Li He sent her to the door of the house and could have left, but his curiosity led him to follow her and get out of the car.

"Hey, just send it here." She stopped and turned around.

"You don't want me to come in and sit down?" Li He said with a smile, "You have to let me have a cup of tea."

Chen Mingjing hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Okay, be gentle, the sound insulation here is very poor, and some people living on the left and right go to bed early, so don't wake them up."

The house is low and passes through a long narrow corridor. On both sides of the corridor are rooms separated by door panels. The wall near the door has fallen off. The cement on the ground is pitted and black. The original appearance of the cement can no longer be seen. .

"I'm sorry." This was a rare expression of embarrassment and shyness by Chen Mingjing.

"You live here?"

The house is only about ten square meters, with a bed and a table. The four walls are covered with newspapers, and the floor is a simple floor made of purple foam boards. Although it is simple, it still looks quite clean.

Chen Mingjing smiled and said, "Apart from being a bit worn out, there's nothing bad about it."

Li He sat on the only chair in the room and asked, "No matter how bad your situation is, you won't live in a place like this?"

Chen Mingjing frowned and said, "Why, can't I live in a place like this?"

"You couldn't have had a quarrel with your father, right?" Li He made his own guess, "And then your father cut off your source of income out of anger?"

Chen Mingjing said, "Do you really like to inquire about other people's private affairs?"

Li He said, "From the perspective of your grandma, you don't count as someone else's family."

Chen Mingjing snorted coldly, "I have hands and feet, I don't need to rely on anyone."

"As far as I know, the salary at Liyou Group is not low, right? It's 2,000 yuan a month, right? It wouldn't be difficult to spare 200 yuan every month to rent a decent single room at your workplace, right?" "

Liyou Group is a group company owned by him, and he knows almost exactly what the salary level is.

As for the rent situation, he knows better. Although he is not very involved in renting now, it can't change the fact that he is the largest renter in China. Occasionally, in the documents, he can still come across a little bit about it. House rental information.

Chen Mingjing said, "You think you don't want to eat?"

"Eat for a month." At this point, Li He was speechless. If she really eats the way she eats today, this salary is completely insufficient, but he is still not sure, "You mean you get two thousand yuan a month?" Not enough to eat, I mean just to eat?"

"How is that possible!" She gritted her silver teeth and said angrily, "How dare you sell a roast duck in Quanjude for 100 yuan! This is relatively cheap, like Sihai, Fengzeyuan, whatever, just me One person can’t have enough to eat without 200 yuan!”

"I often go to Sihai Restaurant, what do you eat? Two hundred yuan for you? Are you still not full?" He is a frequent visitor to Sihai Restaurant, and he knows the prices of dishes at Sihai Restaurant very well. Even if it is expensive, it is still expensive for one person. It’s a bit exaggerated to say that you can’t eat enough for 200 yuan.

"Shabu-boiled mutton, barbecue, rich chicken, crystal elbow, crispy fish, fried fish fillet, matchmaker's own mix, preserved yellow croaker, braised shark's fin."

"Stop!" Li He broke into cold sweat on his forehead.

"What's wrong? Didn't you ask me to say it?" Chen Mingjing looked aggrieved.

Li He stared at the corner of her mouth and said, "Please wipe off your hair first."

"Ha, I started drooling as I talked." She wiped it casually with her sleeve.

"What kind of family do you dare to eat like this? With your salary level, I'm worried that you can survive."

He has seen all kinds of girls turn themselves into moonlighters because they buy cosmetics, bags, and clothes, but this is the first time he has seen a girl actually eating beyond her means because of gluttony. of!


This is!

"In life, eating and drinking are the two most important things. If you encounter something delicious, eat more. If something is not delicious, just eat a little. I have a dream. I dream that one day, all restaurants in the world will be free, and then I will travel around the world. , eat delicacies from all over the world,” she said with a look of longing, “Only when your stomach is filled will you never feel empty.”

Li He gave a thumbs up and said, "I admire you. You really have great ambitions."

"Oh, what a pity, I hate you so much."

"How did I provoke you?"

"I finally found someone to take advantage of."

Li He reminded, "Be careful of playing with fire and burning yourself. That is deceiving other people's feelings. If others find out, they will not let you go so easily."

"Hey." Chen Mingjing sighed.

"Okay, come with me and I'll find a place for you to live."

Li He suddenly felt that she was not so annoying anymore. After all, she was just a little girl who had just left the society and had no experience in the world.

"Of course I want to live in a good house, but I can't afford the rent."

Very vigilant.

"I don't charge you rent for my house, is that okay?" Li He really couldn't stand this place.

"Are you so kind?" Of course she didn't believe it.

"Can't you live in it?" Li He didn't have so much patience.

"Don't take advantage of me, bastard!" She was also very decisive.

"But let's make an agreement first. Water, electricity, gas, and heating will all be handled by yourself. If there is demolition, you have to move." The ugly words come to the forefront.

"Then what if the demolition is never carried out?" Her eyes gleamed.

"Do you still want to live here until you get married and have kids or something?"

"That can't be done." She sneered.


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