My 1979

Chapter 1402 The smell of gunpowder

"Rabies?" Li He didn't know whether he should laugh or not. His uncle passed away and he should show a little sadness, otherwise he would appear too inhumane. "This is too sudden."

Lamenting the fragility of life, according to his uncle's body, there is no big problem in living for another seven or eight years.

In my memory, my uncle never had rabies and lived smoothly until two years before his rebirth.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, my uncle was implicated by him.

"So, this is too unlucky." Li Long tried hard to pretend to be sad, and the muscles on his face were squeezed together, turning into a sad face.

"Let's go and have a look," Li He said to his brother, and then walked out of the yard. Seeing that Li Ke and others wanted to follow, he waved his hands and said, "You can stay at home, there is no use going there."

"Wouldn't it look good if they didn't go?" Duan Mei thought for a while and said, "I'm also thinking about letting Li Pei come back too."

"It's useless, don't bother them, just the two of us will go." Seeing that Li Long had started the car, Li He got in the car. He was too lazy to care about the affairs of the Da Zhuang family here.

First he went to Dazhuang's house to pick up Li Zhaokun. Li Zhaokun was not there, so Li Long went to his mother's place first.

Wang Yulan was wiping her tears. When she saw her two sons, she asked, "Do you all know?"

Li He nodded, "Take care of your house, we'll go there now."

"If you say it's gone, it's gone." Li Zhaokun and his uncle had no time to deal with each other, but suddenly heard that the other party was gone. He couldn't help but feel sad. He put the suona in a bag, then carried it in his hand and got into the car. Li He said, "Call the two girls and ask them to come back."

Li He said, "It's not easy to come back. Otherwise, don't talk about it. Just me and the third child will do."

"What kind of words do you think you won't come back even if your uncle dies?" Li Zhaokun was annoyed.

"Hurry up and call your two sisters." Wang Yulan's tears never stopped flowing. "Just be a little tired if you are tired. Your uncle is gone, so what else can you say."

"Okay." The attitude of the old couple was beyond Li He's expectation.

He didn't call Lao Si and Lao Wu, but sent messages to Fang Tangjin and Bi Xiangdong respectively.

When the car arrived at the bend of the river, it happened to encounter a pickup truck pulling an ice coffin.

Li Long deliberately kept a little distance. When they arrived at everyone's door, the truck had already started its return journey, and Wang Yushan was already lying in the ice coffin.

Wang Yulan and a group of women climbed on the ice coffin and cried loudly.

"What's the specific situation?" Li He asked his eldest cousin Wang Jun.

Ever since his grandfather took his family home, he has rarely come to Hewan in recent years, and his relationship with the Wang family has gradually faded away. However, for his grandfather's sake, he did not hesitate to help him when he needed to.

"Yesterday morning, he suddenly said he couldn't breathe and collapsed on the ground. We rushed to the county hospital." The cigarette in Wang Jun's hand had just burned out and he couldn't wait to light another one. " We didn’t rescue him, but he was gone by noon, so I rushed him back in a panic and called you.”

"Why are you so careless? If you are bitten, you should get an injection!" Li He didn't have any sad emotions at first, but when he was suddenly immersed in this atmosphere, he felt very uncomfortable.

After all, the two families are related by blood.

"It's not that I was bitten," Wang Jun said bitterly, "I was just scratched by a claw. At the end of the year, I was beating a dog at home and wanted to peel some meat out. I was scratched. I also asked if I wanted to go to the hospital for an injection. He was We agreed, but who would have thought that we didn't go."

In fact, he didn't even take it to heart, wouldn't he just be scratched?

What is the problem?

"If you need any help, just ask." Li He patted him weakly on the shoulder.

This funeral was naturally hosted by Li Zhaokun. There was no one more familiar with handling these matters than him.

The fourth and fifth children each took care of their families and arrived home one after another the next morning.

In the past, Wang Yulan would have killed chickens and ducks, but now she had no time to care about them, and the whole family was focused on the Wang family.

Three days later, after the cremation and burial, everyone had some time to breathe.

Only Wang Yulan is still not in the grief of losing her biological brother. She has lost her mother and father, and now she has lost her brother. Although her feelings are weak, she is still his eldest brother.

There are many people at home now, and no one needs her to do housework. They all advise her to have a good rest, but she can't stay idle. There is nothing at home that can make her worry free.

"Why are you adding so much wheat? It irritates your throat. Go ahead and cut more vegetables." Li Mei wanted to feed the geese to her. She thought Li Mei didn't do it well and pushed her away, "I'll do it."

"Then you can mix the food yourself." Li Mei simply didn't care and held the little girl from Lao Wu's family in her arms, making her giggle.

"What did you say about Yang Huai yesterday?" Li He only remembered this now.

Li Mei said, "He won't listen to anything I say now. If you have time, talk to him."

She knew that Yang Huai had always only listened to his younger brother.

"What does he have to say? Isn't it good now?" In Li He's opinion, among the children of the brothers and sisters, Yang Huai was the only one who was more reliable. As for Li Pei and Li Lan, he didn't bother to say more.

"Almost thirty!" Li Mei said angrily, "Your brother-in-law has been unable to sleep all night."

"This kind of thing depends on fate. How can you come here in a hurry?" Li He laughed dumbly. "It's not sweet to force things. There is no need to stare at it. It will be fine when fate comes."

"What you said is easy." Li Mei never expected that her younger brother was not on the same side as herself, "I don't believe it. Don't worry in a few years."

"You can't force it, right?" Thinking of Li Lan, Li He really had a headache. "I remember, doesn't Xiaohuai have a girlfriend?"

"I said it during the Spring Festival, bring it back and see if you disagree," Li Mei put the little girl on the ground and said angrily, "I discussed it with your brother-in-law. If he doesn't make any move at the end of the year, we can't be like this." Got him."

"Sister, you are really interesting." Lao Wu couldn't help but interjected, "I also got married late, so what's the big deal?"

"If he dares to imitate you, I will kill him." Li Mei replied decisively.

"Hey, Boss Li, why are you like this now?" Lao Wu didn't expect to be squeezed by the elder sister like this. "You were not like this back then."

"Aren't you angry at me?" Li Mei said, "Let me tell you, Xiao Wu, you can't sing with Yang Huai."

"As if I will teach him bad things." Lao Wu said unconvinced, "Don't worry, I will definitely keep a distance from your son in the future and stay away from this matter."

"That's the best," Li Mei said unceremoniously, "Then your brother-in-law and I really have to thank you."

Li He realized that these two sisters were not joking?

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