My 1979

Chapter 1445 Interview

Sun Hao polished his hair and tied his tie in front of the mirror. Then he sat on the bed, polished his leather shoes, wiped them once, and then wiped them again, very seriously.

Li Lan was leaning on the bed and couldn't help but ask, "It's just an interview. There's no need to be so formal. Is it necessary to wear a tie on a hot day?"

Everyone in the dormitory was busy, and he was the only one left free, which made him feel guilty.

Sun Haodao, "I'm going to Zhongguancun today to apply for a job as a front-end development engineer at NetEase."

"Hasn't the written test passed?" Out of curiosity, Li Lan also participated in campus recruitment with several classmates and took several written tests, including those from NetEase.

Sun Hao said, "You have passed the written test and there are still interviews. It would be great if it was so easy to get into big companies. Some even have one or two interviews. After passing three levels, you can defeat six generals. The competition is fierce."

"That's really troublesome." Li Lan didn't think about his past job, so he naturally didn't know the process of finding a job. He thought about it and said, "Would you like me to introduce you to a job?"

He had never used his father's resources to do anything for himself, but seeing his friend who had been his classmate for four years in such a difficult situation, he couldn't help but want to help.

Sun Hao put on his polished shoes, stomped his feet on the ground, tightened his tie, held his head high and said, "I won't talk to you anymore. If you can pass this interview, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Li Lan said, "Then I wish you success and immediate success."

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm fine." The voice came from outside the dormitory corridor.

Li Lan recognized the voice as Bai Xuefeng, and saw him pushing the door in while chatting on the phone, "Well, the job is very simple, just sitting in front of the computer every day without being tired, it's very relaxing, and the salary is more than 4,000 a month. That's right, well, you and dad should take care of your health at home and don't be so tired.

I'm not young anymore, I don't need you to worry about me, what? "

He suddenly raised his voice, "Whose land did you pick up again? Don't plant so much, you are too busy. I'm getting married, what kind of marriage, I don't even have a partner, it's early."

If I have the ability, I will marry myself. If I don’t have the ability, I will just do this for now. I am not very old. You guys, living your life well is better than anything else."

Sun Hao organized himself and left the dormitory with his computer bag containing his resume and various award certificates. When he was leaving, Bai Xuefeng gave him a thumbs up. He nodded with a smile and walked away with his head held high. .

Bai Xuefeng hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, and sighed, "The wind is rustling and the water is cold. A strong man will never return once he is gone."

Li Lan said, "Why are you talking so tragically? I just want to find a job. Although our computer science is not a double first-class discipline, we are at least graduates from a double first-class university. I read online news that the starting salary is 3,000 yuan." Now. Besides, you have found a job, so four thousand yuan should be enough, right?"

He asked not quite sure.

"Who said I found a job?" Bai Xuefeng said, "Every unit asked me to wait for news, but now there is no news."

"Then what were you on the phone just now?" Li Lan heard Bai Xuefeng's call just now.

Bai Xuefeng said, "I'm afraid that the old people are worrying blindly and telling white lies. If I tell them that I don't have a job now, they won't be anxious to death.

I remember back then, when I was admitted to university and came to study in the capital, I was the pride of the whole village. "

"Isn't that true?" Li Lan was confused, "Which unit are you applying for?"

Although I dare not say how high the level of students in their major is, they are still more than enough to be programmers.

"Microsoft Internet Research Institute, Perfect World, maybe five or six." After Bai Xuefeng finished speaking, he sighed again.

Li Lan rolled his eyes at him and said, "Then you'd better go to graduate school. It's better to graduate with a PhD."

Bai Xuefeng took off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the table, and continued, "Hey, if the work is not satisfactory, then it is not satisfactory. The key point is that I don't even have a girlfriend. It's not easy for a girl from outside the department to find me. It turns out that I really need to repair computers. Yes, I taught myself computer training. The principles of computer composition, data structures, operating systems, computer networks, and algorithms that I learned in school are of no use at all. My current level of computer training is even higher than my professional course level."

Li Lan laughed, "You want it, who's to blame?"

He can also repair computers, but he was forced to do so by his mother.

His mother almost made him go berserk when she said, "A person who studies computers can't repair computers." He couldn't believe that this sentence came from a person who was highly educated and engaged in higher education.

It was difficult for him to refute, because his father and mother both studied physics and could basically repair all home appliances.

I can only sigh that the college students in the past were really awesome.

Fortunately, the problem with his computer at home is not complicated. He can just look up tutorials online. If it really can't be repaired, the worst he can do is buy a bunch of motherboards, hard drives, and memory sticks, dismantle the computer host, and try to replace them one by one. It always works. when successful.

What he fears most is that illiterate or semi-illiterate people like his brother-in-law Li Kuo and sister-in-law Li Yan actually let him steal Penguin accounts, computers belonging to black people.

He can't do it, he really can't do it!

Bai Xuefeng said, "The third child is lovelorn. I really agree with that sentence. Graduation is lovelorn."

Li Lan said, "You can't. The two of us were very hot last month and gave us shit."

Bai Xuefeng said, "I didn't even realize that bitch Liang Ya is so capable. After three months of internship, she actually dared to look down on the third child."

Li Lan asked, "Where is he now?"

Bai Xuefeng looked at his phone and said, "I guess he has already boarded the train at this point. He is going back to his hometown to take the civil service exam and left right after he came out of the auditorium. I only found out after I called him just now. I guess he is very sad."

Li Lan said, "I'll give him a call later."

Bai Xuefeng patted the green canvas bag beside his legs that he was given when he entered school, then stood up and stretched his waist and said, "I have to go too. Let's get together and have some drinks when we have time."

Li Lan asked, "Where are you going?"

"House for rent in Tangjialing." Bai Xuefeng put the thick and bulging canvas bag on his shoulder, and waved with one hand, "Let's go, see you later."

"Hey," Li Lan shouted to him, "if you need money, please call me and I'll give you a low interest rate."

He understands Bai Xuefeng's family situation.

Bai Xuefeng came from the countryside. He is the third of five brothers and sisters. His parents spent all their efforts and savings building a house and arranging marriages for his two older brothers.

The younger brother failed to live up to expectations and committed petty thefts, so he asked the whole family to accompany him and pay a lot of money to get in.

The youngest sister is still in high school and costs five to six hundred yuan every month without spending any money.

Under such family conditions, he did not dare to ask for too much. After college, he would have to support himself.

"I am a man who is short of money!" Bai Xuefeng didn't even look back.

Li Lan followed him to the stairs, leaned on the railing and watched him slowly walk down the long stairs. He disappeared at the corner of the stairs on each floor, but reappeared after a while.

He went further and further away.

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