My 1979

Chapter 1460 Accident

People are not frivolous and waste their youth.

What's more, Taizu himself also said that when people spread the filth of writing, ten thousand households were marquised!

You do what you do at any age. When you are suffering from the secondary disease, you don’t necessarily need to take medicine. At most, you can slap yourself in the face when you think about it in the future, but it is much better than looking back and sighing.

In his last life, Li Laoer wanted to scold Fang Qiu and travel to the ends of the world with his sword. Unfortunately, eating was a problem, and he had long been worn out by life.

As for this life, it is just a continuation of the previous life. It has lost the thoughts of a child and has little courage. There is no way to dare to be frivolous.

Now, he hopes that his children will have the momentum of being "high-spirited and high-spirited for nine days", but the reality is that one is more mature than the other, and each one is more mature than the other.

It is experience, not years, that makes people mature. But it is not an exaggeration to say that these children are rich and well-fed. How can they have any experience?

Could it be that the tombs of his old Li family were really good and specialized in talents?

Li Lan didn't expect that his father would say this to him so suddenly, and said with a smile, "Not asking for help - is indeed the most precious thing that wealth can bring."

What he actually wants in this life is very simple, to be an ordinary person. However, because his name is Li He, being ordinary has become a very luxurious pursuit.

Li He's phone rang and he picked it up and said, "Old leader, why did you remember to call me?"

"Let me tell you something and see if we can discuss it." The voice on the phone was low and deep.

Li He said, "The old leader is just being polite when he says this. If there is nothing to discuss or not to discuss, just give me your orders if you have something to do. If you can do it, I will not refuse."

The person on the phone said seriously, "bbd wants to do a program about China, and you are very representative. Reporters will come to your company for interviews. I asked Guo Dongyun, Ping Song, and Yu Dehua, and they all said they needed it. You answer."

Li He smiled and said, "BBD is too big. It's not that I don't like it. For example, I like teaching programs and documentaries. If you come to interview and take pictures of people and nature, I will welcome you with both hands. If you are a news station, This is difficult, I have beaten up their reporters, and I’m afraid that if I can’t help but say it, it will make a joke.”

"When have you ever beaten up someone else's reporter?" The other party was obviously stunned. "You've said it yourself for how stubborn you are. No one will know if you don't tell me. Please stop making trouble."

"I'm a very upright person," Li He said with a smile, "To be honest, whether it's bbd or ccm, I've already made it clear with them, including that bergNews. It's okay. Just arrest my company. After a moment of chaos, I stopped their advertising long ago.

The advertisements I do now are all media owned by Mr. Murdoch, as well as some Internet media. I don’t care about the rest. "

"Can't we make an exception?" The other party didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's difficult." Li He said firmly, "You said that I have set the rules and policies. I am not the one who has the final say. I can't change them overnight, right? Long live your understanding."

"Hey, I still can't defeat you, so let's leave it at that." The person on the phone finally compromised and finally said, "Don't forget the symposium next month. You must attend."

"Chinese." After the other party hung up, Li He put the phone in his pocket.

Wang Ziwen's car stopped at the door. He got out of the car and greeted Li Lan with a smile. "It's a complete holiday after graduation. Are you comfortable?"

Li Lan said, "Generally, it's better to be at school. You can play with your classmates and it's lively. I'm lonely at home and have nothing to do."

Li He asked, "If you have something, please tell me quickly."

Wang Ziwen smiled. Since Li He did not hide his son's thoughts, he said directly, "Steven would like to invite you to a charity dinner."

"Ask me to donate money?" Li He frowned and said, "Why don't you flatter them to death and let them get away as far as you want."

Wang Ziwen hesitated, "It's not good if you don't support me."

Li He thought for a while and said, "Then let Tangning from the Unilever Foundation do it. If I donate money to my own foundation, it won't be easy for them."

Wang Ziwen nodded, "Mr. Li, you won't participate?"

Li He said, "Let Guo Dongyun follow him. Anyway, everyone will know if it is made public. He is my person."

Wang Ziwen said, "That's no problem."

Li Lan interjected with a smile, "Listening to what you are saying, it sounds like they are all conspiracy theories. Charity is a good thing, there aren't so many rules, right?"

Li He said, "Are those who clamor to donate money to charity foundations every day all Americans? Americans are also Anglo-Saxons, so why are they better than British people?"

Turning to Wang Ziwen, he said, "Explain to this wretched kid. He is so confused all day long, and even if he is asked to read, he won't even read."

Wang Ziwen said, "You will understand if you get in touch with it more in the future. In fact, it is not complicated. Think about it, it is also charity, why don't they donate the money to the Red Cross or a professional foundation?

You can do some research, but you don’t dare to judge a gentleman with a villain’s heart. There must be some selfless people, but basically every rich American has a charity foundation named after himself, and all of them are selfless. The United States is Entering communist society early?

In fact, in essence, it still depends on whose hands the foundation is controlled. So how to use its money, what kind of investments to make, who to donate to, and who to sponsor are all decided by the person in control.

Of course, this is not to deny his positive significance. Many foundations have done many good things. "

Li Lan scratched his head and said, "I haven't thought about it that deeply."

Li He said, "Then study hard. Don't hold your mobile phone or computer every day. Leaving school only means that you have passed the school education at this stage, and society will teach you how to be a human being."

Li Lan was quite helpless towards his father, and his words became less and less reserved.

Wang Ziwen said, "There is another situation that needs to be reported."

Li He said, "Say."

Wang Ziwen hesitated for a moment and then said, "An accident happened to a Delta Air Lines Tu-154 aircraft. It was originally scheduled to fly from Moscow to Orsk, but it disappeared from the radar shortly after takeoff. It was in La La, about 80 kilometers southeast of Moscow. Crash landing in Menskoye district.”

Li He suddenly felt confused and said angrily, "Why are you talking about such an important thing now?"

Wang Ziwen said, "Fortunately, no one died, but there were 12 injured, but they were all minor injuries. Delta Air Lines actually did a good job, and its weekly passenger volume was almost equal to that of Emirates Airline. In more than 1 million flights There were no incidents during the flight.

This time it was mainly due to the aging of the aircraft. "

"Are you asking me for money again?" Li He said, "I haven't received a dime in dividends since I invested."

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