My 1979

Chapter 1466 Little Turtle Dove

Li Lan can drink liquor, but he can't handle it when there are many people. Therefore, when the old aunt comes to smooth things over, he happily accepts, "Thank you, aunt."

The old lady said, "Eat more vegetables and drink less."

"I know, aunt, you can eat too."

Li Lan's rules for drinking are to follow his father's lead, pass the test, and toast one by one starting with the senior ones.

Here, he was the youngest, so naturally he didn't wait for the elders to serve the wine, so he first served the glass to an old man with an unshaven beard. According to his seniority, this was her mother's cousin. He didn't know how to call him, so he simply said casually, "Mr. , I’ll toast you.”

The old man waved his hands and said happily, "Sit down, sit down, you don't have to stand."

Before Li Lan could finish the beer, he drank it himself, and the liquor in the cup had already entered his stomach.

The person next to me said, "Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, it's early."

"Let me drink as I please, be happy."

Every time Li Laoer comes back, he always drinks well and is never sloppy. He is very popular with everyone.

Li Lan toasted one cup at a time. There were three large tables, men and women, old and young. He was left alone. He drank and began to sway.

He Long supported him and said, "Take it easy and drink less, otherwise your mother will still scold me. I don't want to invite this disaster."

Li Lan's eyes were blurred and his tongue was a little big, "Uncle, you are looking down on me. At my level, drinking two boxes is not like playing."

He Long understood, "In terms of your drinking capacity, you can probably beat me, but in terms of your ability to flirt, you're still far behind."

"Then just take a look." Li Lan couldn't get off the table.

One after another, some older people and those who were not good at drinking consciously got off the table. Those who stayed on the table felt that they were worthy of a fight.

Even Li Lan himself had the illusion that he could drink again. He was reluctant to leave the drinking table because there were too many talented souls and he liked to listen to them talk.

The drinking continued until twelve o'clock at night, and everyone wore big cotton-padded jackets and drank under the lamp at the door. In the end, the old lady couldn't stand it and coaxed everyone away.

Li Lan ran to the toilet but didn't wash his face or feet. He went back home and lay down on the kang and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was only seven o'clock and the sun was already high.

His throat was burning and he wanted to spit, but he couldn't.

The old lady complained to Uncle Fang, "Look at how you drank your child. You're not good at it."

As he spoke, he handed Li Lan the toothbrush filled with toothpaste and the water glass filled with water.

Li Lan took it with a smile and said, "Auntie, I'm not an outsider. If you do this, I really won't dare to come next time."

Uncle Fang said, "As your aunt gets older, she becomes more and more restless, so we have to find some work for her. Like before, she was not in good health and even if you wanted her to squeeze toothpaste for you, there was no chance."

The old lady said, "Yes, yes."

After Li Lan brushed his teeth, washed his face, and drank a bowl of porridge, he felt a little better.

He Long squatted at the door, holding a bicycle stick and stuffing gunpowder and gravel into the gun.

The gunpowder is buckled one by one from the cannon board, stuffed with a section of gunpowder, and added with a few grains of gravel.

Li Lan said, "It's not illegal. I remember playing with it when I was a kid. Are there still people selling stepping stones now?"

He Long said, "The previous inventory is no longer available on the market. It is illegal but not illegal."

He took out a small notebook from his pocket and said, "Did you see it? It's a hunting license given by the Forestry Bureau, but it's quite boring. Now I can only use it secretly with a gunpowder gun, so I'll make do with it."

Li Lan asked, "Are you going to run to the mountain?"

In some villages, you can hold guns and semi-automatic rifles, but once the hunting season is over, you have to hand them over to the police station, and it is impossible to keep them in your own home, so most mountain people have homemade guns, which they make secretly.

He has come here not once or twice, but every time he either goes for a run in the mountains or swims in the river. There is no idle day, so now he can't help but get excited when he sees his old uncle playing with a gun.

He Long said, "Don't go, I'll try my luck. The more people there are, the more chaotic it will be. These are extraordinary times, but they are no better than before. If you get into trouble with me, your mother will tear me apart."

Li Lan spread his hands and said, "Yeah, you really treat me like a child."

He Long patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just wait, pheasants will be stewed with mushrooms at noon. I will go find the pheasants and you will go find the mushrooms. The division of labor is clear."

True to what he said, he took no one with him. He carried the gun and left with a bag containing gravel, steel balls, and gunpowder on his waist.

The old lady came out of the house carrying a basket, and Li Lan naturally followed her towards the old forest.

In summer, there are patches of wild flowers on the hillside, colorful and lush forests. Stepping on the fertile soil formed by thick rotten wood and fallen leaves, stepping on it is like stepping on soft sofa cushions. Same.

Taking a deep breath, he thought a little pervertedly, how could he like the rotten smell in the primeval forest? It was so fascinating to mix it with the fresh air.

Mushrooms hidden in the grass and under the roots of trees were all over the mountains and plains. In his short time, the old aunt and the women next to him had already picked several handfuls.

The old lady said, "It rained half way up the mountain yesterday, but not even a drop below the mountain."

The mushroom pickers were either women or young wives, and some were young children who had just learned how to run away. As for the older children, they were all locked up in school.

Li Lan was the only grown man, and he felt very embarrassed among the women.

A little turtle dove that had just come out of the nest was unlucky enough to have fledgling wings. It fell into the hands of the little ones. It was thrown around, its wings fluttered here and there, and it barely managed to keep from being thrown to death.

Li Lan couldn't stand it anymore, so when they weren't paying attention, he put the little turtledove in his pocket.

The children rummaged under the leaves in the bushes but couldn't find it, so they hurried to catch up with the adults who had gone away.

When Li Lan saw the children leaving, he took out the turtle dove from his pocket and looked up at the nearby treetops, but he couldn't find where the turtle dove was nesting.

He turned around again and walked a while along the way.

Finally I saw a bird's nest in a crooked tree. I put the turtle dove in my pocket and climbed up the tree carefully. I saw two little turtle doves quacking in the nest.

He took out the little turtle dove from his pocket. He couldn't reach the nest with his hands, so he simply gritted his teeth and threw it all the way away. Seeing that it was only a few centimeters away from the nest, the little turtle dove followed his lead and threw it into the nest. The family was reunited. .

"Hey, Li Lan, come down and pay attention." A girl stood under the tree and shouted at him with her head held high.

Li Lan looked down and saw that it was Fang Qiong, a distant relative from his uncle's side of the Fang family. He was of the same generation and one year younger than her.

"It's okay, I'm an expert at climbing trees."

Climbing halfway down, Fang Qiong jumped down amidst Fang Qiong's exclamation.

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