My 1979

Chapter 1468 Proud Scoundrel

"Look, it's okay for you to talk like this." Fang Qiong blinked and said, "You are so old-fashioned. I don't have to guess. I know who you learned it from. You are you, why should you imitate others?"

Li Lan was amused, "Are you willing to listen to my nonsense? You don't like my 'superego', but you like my 'id'."

The superego evolved from repressing instinctive demands, masking the inner self and shaping the outer appearance.

The self is the intermediary between the individual's internal needs and the external environment. It is the executor of instinctive desires and regards itself as the center of the world and the universe.

Fang Qiong said, "At least it's the real you. As a human being, you can't lose yourself. I hope you show your true self. This way you are the cutest."

"Cute?" Li Lan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure you're not pitiful and unloved?"

Fang Qiong said, "You mean you want me to introduce you to a girlfriend?"

"Do I need an introduction to find a girlfriend?" Li Lan said, "I don't dare to say how handsome I am, and I don't dare to say that I am talented and knowledgeable, but finding a partner is no problem."

"You have a girlfriend?"

"No." Li Lan shook his head.

Fang Qiong walked a few steps forward, stopped in front of an oak tree, and saw a cluster of large mushrooms.

"Hericium!" Her fingers were very thin, very long, and very white. She slowly picked up the Hericium from the root without daring to use force. After picking it, "If you have just a few kilograms, you will be rich."

Li Lan said, "As long as it has something to do with nourishing, it's not cheap."

Fang Qiong looked at the Hericium mushrooms in the basket and said with a smile, "If I could pick up hundreds of dollars a day, I wouldn't even want to go out to work."

Li Lan said, "So easily satisfied?"

"Then what else?" Fang Qiong changed the topic and continued, "But, in other words, spending so much on college tuition and living expenses are all investments, and there must be some benefits, otherwise The loss is huge. You can’t make back your money by picking mushrooms at home, and you have to travel a long way to make money.”

Li Lan joked, "You are a biology student. You farmed and picked mushrooms in your hometown. You applied what you learned. It's not a loss, right?"

"Do rich people always talk like you?"

When Fang Qiong rolled her eyes, her upper lip was slightly deflated, and her tongue pressed against her lower lip. The mismatch of facial features was also a kind of beauty.

Li Lan spread his hands and said, "Envy or jealousy? It's not my fault that I have money."

Fang Qiong said seriously, "I think it's cuter if you lose yourself."

Li Lan laughed, "Haha, why don't you encourage me to be myself?"

Fang Qiong snorted coldly, turned away and ignored Li Lan. While walking with his body low and his head down, he used the branches in his hands to pull the grass carefully and carefully.

Li Lan looked at her angry look and didn't take it seriously.

He put his hands behind his back, stood on tiptoe, looked around, and whistled.

He is the only person who has learned the true inheritance of Li Zhaokun's whistling skills. Although he and Li Zhaokun didn't spend much time together, he probably has a talent in this area, and his food is louder than Yang Huai's and more rhythmic than Li Pei's.

Fang Qiong obviously quickened his pace, and Li Lan followed behind him slowly, whistling louder.

She turned around and shouted angrily, "You scoundrel!"

"Thank you for the compliment," Li Lan said with a smile, "I am a rogue and I am proud."

Fang Qiong said, "I have never realized that you are such a shameless person. Really, I am so simple, so stupid, and so naive. If I had known you were like this, I shouldn't have ignored you."

"You are right no matter what," Li Lan said, "Then what do you think I should do?"

Fang Qiong said, "You should treat me to a restaurant as an apology."

Li Lan asked, "Would you like to treat you to a movie by the way?"

"Are you so kind?"

Li Lan said, "Am I the one who is short of money?"

"The face of a rich man." Fang Qiong turned around and snorted coldly.

Walking along the twists and turns of the mountain road, I heard the sound of children playing and chasing each other. The two mountain roads that originally bifurcated merged here.

The women shouted at the lawless children from time to time. Some of them who were disobedient would catch up two steps and slap their buttocks twice. The children's cries suddenly rushed into the sky, followed closely by The others laughed.

Here, Li Lan felt a different taste.

The old aunt's basket was full. Li Lan walked over, took it, and held it in his hand.

The old aunt said, "Let's go back. We have enough for two meals."

Li Lan didn't know the way back, so he followed behind him. He didn't see Fang Qiong's shadow either in front of him or behind him.

Just after arriving home, before the bench was warmed up, He Long came back with a gun on one shoulder and two pheasants on the other hand.

"Look, you're lucky." He Long pulled the chicken's neck and waved it in front of Li Lan's eyes. "I shot it down before it could flutter away. It's unlucky for it. I'll give it a try at worst. I Come cook and try my skills."

The chicken feathers were full of blood. Li Lan couldn't bear to look at it and just muttered, "It's only two pounds, so thin."

He Long said, "What do you know? Game food has its own taste. Don't worry, I promise to give you a big bowl."

He threw the pheasant to the ground, walked to the back of the house with the gun, stuffed the gun directly into the pile of dry wood, and after a few random pulls inside, there was no trace of it.

He clapped his hands with satisfaction, picked up a pile of chopping wood from the side, placed it next to the large stove in front of the door, and poured half of the pot of water into the pot.

Li Lan helped light the fire and add firewood. After a while, hot bubbles jumped out of the pot one by one.

He didn't have much experience, so he added a lot of firewood. When the water boiled, the fire was still very strong. He quickly scooped out a splash of cold water and extinguished half of the fire, leaving only a few sparks.

He Long put the pheasant into the basin, poured several ladles of boiling water on it, and began to skillfully pluck the feathers despite burning his hands.

The younger brother of the Fang family's uncle is Fang Laoliu. He came over and said with a smile, "Dalong, you are not the restaurant owner for nothing, Ma Liu."

He Long said, "What kind of boss is there? He is just a bad cook."

There are very few restaurant owners who are not chefs. When he first came to Beijing, he relied on his unique skills in roasting mutton.

Fang Laoliu said, "There are planes flying around the forest bureau now. You should stop playing with guns. Getting caught is no joke."

He Long said, "Hey, don't worry, it's not much fun anymore. I used to carry a gun and play all day long. Now that I'm older, I'm getting lazy and can't play anymore."

Fang Laoliu said disdainfully, "You haven't even reached fifty yet, and you're still shouting, "Am I still alive?" Oh, by the way, I'll go back and catch two more fish. You can stew them together. Remember to add two fish. Big pieces of meat, stewed together, look like that."

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