My 1979

Chapter 1497 Love

Li Lan smiled and said, "What's the matter with immortality? If you really die, I will have to follow behind and take responsibility."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li is right." An Fen hurriedly agreed. His attitude now was completely different from before. His groveling attitude was even a bit pitiful. It was too undignified to live like me. People are not worthy of your dirty hands and feet."

Heaven, earth!

Where did this fairy come from?

Even though he was apologizing, he didn't know where Li Lan suddenly appeared from!

However, there is no way. He has two big mountains, She Ziling and Pan Shaojun, pressing down on him. Just one of them can send him to Anjia to be destroyed. There is no need for the two old guys Pan Song and Wu Shuping to come forward. Therefore, he is I have to bow my head!

His father is a hero, he started from scratch, and his father has no sons, so naturally he will not be too stupid.

He started running nightclubs at the age of sixteen, and he chose nightclubs that fit his status. He would not go to any nightclub that was too low-end or too high-end. He was obviously a sheep, but he chose to join the wolves. It is to make yourself uncomfortable.

What's more, there are many monsters and monsters from all walks of life. If you are not careful, you will be kicked to death.

Now, he didn't expect it but he actually kicked the iron plate, and he kicked it so inexplicably that he almost wanted to die.

Li Lan blew smoke in his face, but he didn't dodge or avoid it. He endured it and had to squeeze out a full smile on his face.

Pan Shaojun suddenly snorted coldly, "Stop showing such aggrieved face."

He whispered to An Fen, "You should be glad that my father and Wu Shuping are not here today, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"Director Pan and Director Wu" An Fen's jaw dropped in shock and he couldn't close his mouth.

He finally realized something. Pan Shaojun and She Ziling stood up for Li Lan not because of personal relationships, but because of family relationships.

This at least shows that the status of the Li Lan family is higher than that of the Pan family and the Wu family.

Pan Jiazhi is the leader in China's express logistics, shipping and warehousing. Dongfeng Express and its holding companies have annual revenue of more than 100 billion, and their size is not small.

The Wu family is no longer just a real estate developer, but the largest city operator in the world. It has never announced its financial revenue to the outside world. However, in the field of real estate, their family believes that they are number one, and no one dares to believe that they are number two.

What does it mean if these two families want to curry favor with this person named Li?

The Li family can crush him to settle down like an ant!

He couldn't help but shudder, and finally there was a hint of fear in Li Lan's eyes.

Nian Feng was on the side and could hear clearly. If he was bitter just now, he felt like crying now.

"Before, I actually let it go." Li Lan paced back and forth, and everyone's eyes followed his footsteps. They had the same thought as An Fen.

Where did this come from? It can actually push An Fen and Nian Feng to the ground and rub them together!

Needless to say, An Fen, the only son of An Xin Chenggong, chairman of the board of directors of Essence Group, will inherit tens of billions of wealth in the future and will definitely leave his name on the wealth list.

It’s not easy even in a good year. Speaking of which, how many simple ones can open nightclubs?

From restaurants and hotels to entertainment venues, he has made a lot of money, and his net worth is over several billion. Why did he bow his head so easily?

Everyone then heard Li Lan say, "If I just let it go easily, it would appear that I don't keep my word, and you will definitely call me a fool behind my back."

"No, no." Nian Feng and An Fen said in unison.

An Fen said, "Mr. Li, this is because you are magnanimous and don't have the same knowledge as us. We are blind to the mountains and offend the power of the tiger."

Regardless of the contemptuous looks of others, he just said something softly. As for face, he didn't want it, so he didn't believe it. How old were those who despised him? If he turned around and said something harsh to them, they would still have to say something to the pug. Just cuddle up.

So, why should he care about other people's opinions?

If he fails to succeed this time, the Pan and Wu families are Pujiang tycoons, and their business is already involved with his family. If he gets ruthless, his family's business will be damaged, he will become penniless in the future, and he will be ridiculed for a long time. .

Nian Feng said, "Mr. Li, just tell me how you can vent your anger."

"You think I can't cure you?" Nian Feng's sly look couldn't escape Li Lan's eyes.

"Mr. Li, you are worrying too much." Nian Feng had his own thoughts. He opened his business as a catering and entertainment business, and the store was bought out. Unlike An Fen, he had nothing to do with the Pan and Wu families in business. You're so cool, you can still stop customers at the door of the store and prevent them from entering?

As long as there were customers, he would still lie down and earn money.

The only thing he was worried about was that Li Lan might not be a son of an official.

If it was true, he would have no choice but to bow his head.

Therefore, at this moment, without knowing Li Lan's true background, he was unwilling to break up.

Li Lan smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, my family also does business, but the business scene is a little bigger."

"Mr. Li, please show mercy to others." Nian Feng straightened his body.

Li Lan said with a half-smile, "Very good. I respect you as a man. You really begged me for mercy. I'm a soft-hearted person, but I'm embarrassed."

Turning his head to look at An Fen.

An Fen said hurriedly, "Mr. Li, don't worry. If you have any requests, just ask me. I will definitely comply with your requests without any hesitation."

Li Lan sighed. The other party was so spineless and condescending that it was difficult for him to say harsh words. "I won't say any more. I still want to teach you a lesson this time. If I say that I am in trouble with your family, I will appear to be unreasonable. How about this."

He pointed at Wang Kun and said, "Look at my brother, his face is disfigured. I don't ask for more, as long as you look similar to him."

Almost the same?

The people next to him almost couldn't hold back their laughter when they heard this. Wang Kun's eyes were so swollen that he could hardly open them. His face was bruised, with bruises here and purples there. Although An Fen suffered a little loss at Li Lan's hands, he was still fair and fair. It's fine, but the corners of my eyes are a little swollen.

If you want to be like Wang Kun, you have to kill him!

An Fen gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and said, "Mr. Li, do it."

"I won't do it. I am a person who understands the law. Can I do this?" Li Lan said, "You can do it yourself?"

The people next to me finally couldn't hold back their laughter, and later they burst into laughter.

"Should I do it myself?" An Fen said with a frustrated face, "I can't do this myself."

Li Lan pursed his lips at the person next to him, "Don't you still have a group of friends? Let them do it."

"Ah" An Fen sighed and said to a young man with earrings, "Xiaohui, come here."

After saying that, he closed his eyes, but after hearing nothing for a long time, he opened his eyes again.

Xiaohui said dumbfounded, "Brother Fen, I can't bear it."

I really don’t dare.

Li Lan looked at the watch on his wrist and said with a smile, "I'll give you two minutes. Don't wait until it expires."

"Hurry up!" An Fen shouted.

"Then I really hit you?" Xiao Hui said coyly. Seeing An Fen nod, he raised his palm with a big gesture, but when it landed on An Fen's face, it was very light. He repeated this twice.

Sang Chunling joked, "There's still one minute and thirty-eight seconds left."

"You haven't eaten!" An Fen roared at Xiaohui.

Bang, Xiaohui's slap passed, and the sound was very clear.

Wang Kun pointed at his face, "I remember hitting him with my fist just now."

"Malgobi, hurry up!" Although An Fen's face was a little painful, his heart was even more anxious, "You are so fucking useless!"

No use at all?

This sentence seemed to sting Xiaohui's fragile heart.

After thinking about it for so many years, he followed An Fen back and forth because of his weak family background. He would do whatever An Fen asked him to do. He would never go east when An Fen asked him to go east. He would never chase the dog when he was asked to catch chickens. He was simply following his advice, and he was the only one who followed his lead.

However, he never failed to say a good word, and An Fen either hit or scolded him!

His parents, including the eighth generation of his ancestors, had already scolded An Fen! Even scolding in different ways every day.

Dignity does not exist!

On the surface, he was still respectful to An Fen, but secretly, he had already cursed An Fen's entire family!

If An Fen is in trouble in the future, he will definitely be the first to step on her.

Sang Chunling said, "There is still one minute and fifteen seconds."

"You're stupid! You're a fool!" An Fen kicked Xiaohui in the face.

"Well, Brother Fen, I really do it." Before An Fen could close his eyes, Xiaohui smashed him with his fist.

An Fen did not resist or scold, which made Xiaohui even more excited. After waiting for many years in his dream, he finally got this opportunity.

An Fen lay down.

Xiaohui felt that one fist was not enough, so he took turns hitting An Fen's face with two fists. An Fen's nose bleeds, his eyes swelled, and his forehead was broken.

Li Lan didn't call for stop, and the others didn't dare to call for stop.

"Ah, it hurts me so much." An Fen screamed repeatedly, pushed Xiao Hui away who was still waving his fist, and cursed angrily, "You want to smash me to death!"

Xiaohui finally came to his senses and said cowardly, "Brother Fen, you asked me to hit him."

An Fen couldn't open his eyes. He felt something astringent in his mouth, as if it was left in his nose. When he touched it with his hand, it was sticky. He said to Li Lan, "Mr. Li."

Li Lan turned his head and said to Fengnian, "Boss Nian, we are just waiting for the outcome of our matter."

He was willing to let An Fen go so easily just because the other person was a young man with the common faults and vanity of young people. He was not necessarily bad in nature. If his fist hit the flesh, it would be considered honest.

However, Nian Feng was different. Li Lan could feel the meanness and ruthlessness of this person. Since the other party refused to bow his head, he had no reason to hold back.

Li Lan looked at the five or six thick-shouldered men brought over by She Ziling and Pan Shaojun, and said to Pan Jun, "The culprit has been found, and the accomplices cannot be spared."

Pan Shaojun understood and waved to the people behind him. Several big men rushed into the younger brother who was greeting Pan Shaojun and punched and kicked him violently.

When Jiang Yuanhua, Du Shixin and others saw two people quietly hiding in the crowd, they excitedly pulled them out and started punching and kicking them. Young people usually indulge in sensuality and neglect to exercise. No matter where their opponents are, even their opponents do not dare to resist. They can only squat on the ground and barely protect their heads with their arms.

When An Fen saw that Fang was beaten, not only was he not angry, but he was a little relieved. If he was beaten alone, it would be better for everyone to be beaten together. At least he would feel more balanced.

Moreover, the other party did not let these big men beat him just now, so he was obviously showing mercy.

Nian Feng has been silent. Seeing this situation at this moment, it has nothing to do with him, so he is naturally concerned about it. Although he heard Li Lan's threats, he felt a little uneasy, but it was just uneasy.

Coming from a humble background, how can one not be courageous?

Li Lan told Jiang Xingyuan and others to leave, and Pan Shaojun also signaled to the big men behind him to stop.

In the spotlight of everyone, Li Lan led a group of people out of the bar.

Pan Shaojun said, "Why don't we go drink some more? It was too disappointing just now."

"Wait a minute." Li Lan asked Wang Kun with concern, "Brother, how about I send you to the hospital for a checkup?"

Wang Kun waved his hands carelessly and said with a smile, "I felt relieved, everything went smoothly, it's okay. Do you want to drink? We will continue to accompany you."

Wang Ou said, "Brother Li, I want to have a few more drinks with you. Thank you very much."

Du Shixin also said, "Let's go, I'll treat you, where can you go to eat?"

But no one wants to leave.

Li Lan smiled and said, "As long as everything is fine. Is there a barbecue nearby? Let's go to the barbecue. It's convenient to walk and there's no need to drive."

Pan Shaojun finished his cigarettes one by one and said with a smile, "Put the car here. Everyone, follow me. There is a barbecue stall at the intersection ahead."

He took the lead and walked side by side with Li Lan.

Behind them are Sang Chunling and She Ziling.

She Ziling held a cigarette in her hand and refused Sang Chunling to light her cigarette. She took her lighter and lit it herself. Then she frowned and said in a low voice, "You are too ridiculous. You two dare to come here." This kind of place?

I don't even dare to tell my mother, otherwise she will be furious, you guys."

Hu Ling heard it strangely.

Why are they just two people? Apart from her and Wang Ou, the two girls don’t count. Wang Kun doesn’t count as a human being. Du Shixin doesn’t count as a human being? Jiang Xingyuan is not considered a human being?

Although he was confused, he could only keep it to himself because he didn't know She Ziling and there was no room for her to interrupt.

Sang Chunling said, "I don't know when he came to Pujiang or whether he came to find me. A classmate was a chewing gum maker and wanted to go to the supermarket shelves. When I came, they had already gathered here.

I didn't expect that An Fen and his gang would cause trouble today. "

"Into the supermarket shelves?" She Ziling suddenly stopped.

"Really?" Sang Chunling stopped and Hu Ling continued walking forward so as not to make them suspect that she was listening to them.

"Classmate Li Lan?" She Ziling continued to ask doubtfully.

Sang Chunling pointed to Jiang Xingyuan, who was walking in front, "That's the tall guy who opened a chewing gum factory. There is no sales. In fact, the quality is a bit poor. It is difficult to open the market for valuation."

She Ziling said, "Then what, you refused?"

Sang Chunling said, "Supermarkets have supermarket rules."

"Haha." She Ziling sneered.

Sang Chunling said, "What do you mean?"

"You are very smart." She Ziling took out a cigarette and took a deep breath and said, "It's better not to be so smart. You'd better ask your father and your uncle about this kind of thing. I think they must have the correct answer."

Sang Chunling said, "I know I'm stupid, can you explain it more clearly?"

She Ziling said sincerely, not only is he stupid, he is simply hopelessly stupid!

However, due to the faint emotion, it was hard to explain, so I just said, "You are a fan of the authorities. Do you think your friendship is just because you are from the same village, fellow villagers, and grew up together?"

Sang Chunling said, "Who in our village, including you, has not received favor from Uncle Li?"

She Ziling spread her hands and said, "What else do you want me to say?"

Sang Chunling said, "I understand what you mean."

Compared with other families, the Sang family only has a layer of fellow villagers' affection, which after being exposed, is simply not worth mentioning.

She Ziling continued, "You should know Li Lan's character better than I do. He never asks for help."

After saying that, he felt inappropriate again, "No, it's because he never bothers anyone. He always does what he can do by himself. He has this attitude towards Uncle Li, let alone an outsider?"

Sang Chunling patted her head in annoyance, "I'm really a pig-brained person."

What supermarket procedures are you talking about?

What about product quality?

She should have agreed!

"Hurry up." She Ziling urged with a smile, "They are all running ahead, let's follow them quickly."

ps: I promised to make up for it by 600 words, and I will make it up tomorrow. Thank you for your support.

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