My 1979

Chapter 1499 The power under the shadow

He moved a chair and sat at the door, with the Lion King's head resting on his feet. He smiled, took out his mobile phone, and opened Penguin, where an avatar called "Gust Gun" flashed around.

This was from Li Lian, the son of his cousin Li Kuo.

"elder brother"

"Brother is here?"

"My dear brother, are you here?"

"Hurry as the law dictates! My dear brother will appear soon."


There were about ten items in the series, and he didn't have time to read them all.

He replied, "For what?"

The other party's profile picture was gray, and I thought he would be offline. Unexpectedly, as soon as he sent the message, his phone started buzzing.

"He's really my brother. Are you here?"

“I’m so anxious that you didn’t even reply to my message!”

I sent two in a row.

"Are you complaining?" Li Lan replied.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. Let me discuss something with you." Li Lian replied quickly.

Li Lan didn't need to listen to what he said to know what was going on. It was just borrowing a game account. Since the implementation of the real-name system in the game, no matter which area Li Lian's account is played in, that server area will instantly become a ghost area.

This is of course Li Laoer's masterpiece.

Li Lian is addicted to games and can't help himself, and the anti-addiction system can no longer stop him.

Li Kuo found Li Laoer, and Li Laoer gave orders.

From then on, the difficulty of the game that Li Bing faced became a hell mode. No matter how cool the skills were, he could not kill the monsters, he could not form a team, he had no PK targets, no gangs, and he could not experience the fun of the game at all.

No matter how stupid he is, he will understand something over time.

With no other choice, he could only borrow his classmates' accounts to play. However, the end result was the same. Because of his involvement, his classmates' accounts became useless.

The classmates thought he had done something to destroy their accounts. Which one is more important, games or friendship?

Of course it's a game.

As a result, the boat of friendship capsized, and no one was willing to lend him an account anymore.

He has borrowed so many accounts, and the only account that has never had any problems is his brother Li Lan's!

Therefore, if he wanted to play the game, he could only beg his brother Li Lan. As for his father and uncle Li Laoer, he did not consider it at all. Getting good things from them was nothing more than wishful thinking.

Li Lan replied, "Today is not a day off. What games are you playing? If you don't go to class and you play on your mobile phone, I will take advantage of you."

"Brother, it's summer vacation!" Then he put on a face-covering, laughing and crying emoticon.

Since graduation, Li Lan doesn't pay much attention to time. Getting up early and going to bed late has become his daily life. Whether it is a working day or a weekend has nothing to do with him.

"I've finished my summer homework. You're so addicted to the Internet. It's only polite that your dad didn't send you to electrotherapy. Just calm down and focus more on your studies."

"Brother, my dear brother, can you hope for me?"

Before Li Lan had time to reply to the message, he received another one.

"Well, I don't play games every day. Don't worry, I only play for an hour. I'm outside now. Don't worry, my dad won't know."

Li Lan is soft-hearted, and actually sympathizes with Li Lian a little. After all, his brother-in-law has no education, is blindly rigid in taking care of children, and does one-size-fits-all. He does not understand the principle of combining work and rest, so he replied, "The password is the middle eight digits of the mobile phone number, two I’ll change my password in an hour.”

After replying, he put the phone on the table and didn't care what Li Bing said.

After drinking a cup of tea, I ran to the toilet and finally felt that my throat felt much better.

After closing the door, Lion King threw it into the car and drove out to buy a fishing rod and some bait.

One person and one dog were fishing under a big willow tree.

More than three hours passed, and the sun became more and more fierce. Li Lan only caught one crucian carp cub. He couldn't eat it or raise it, so he simply threw it into the river again, closed the pole and went home.

Qi Yue's car was parked at the door, and Li Lan knew they were back.

Qi Yue stood at the door and said, "How was the result?"

Li Lan put the fishing rod upright at the door and said with a smile, "My fishing skills are not good. I catch nothing when others pull one."

Qi Yue looked at the bucket and found that it was indeed empty. She was very knowledgeable and stopped asking further questions. She just said, "Miss Gao and I visited my classmate's company. Miss Gao may be a little worried and may need to think about it."

Li Lan said, "What is the key point? What did your classmate say? He said yes, and I will make the decision here."

Qi Yue said, "If she has money to extend her life, she has no reason to disagree. She just wants it. She is looking for investment everywhere, and it is very difficult to find it. It is very difficult. People nowadays are very impetuous, and their funds are willing to go to the stock market, real estate, If you enter the Internet, the money you get is higher than in traditional industries, but it is hard and tiring, the rate of return is low, and the benefits are not immediate.”

Gao Siqi was cleaning there and wiping the table. Li Lan waved to her, and when she came over, he said, "How is it? What's the harvest today?"

"I haven't seen much here yet. You guys chat first while I go for a walk by the river." After Qi Yue finished speaking, he went straight out of the house and headed towards the river.

Li Lan took out a cigarette, sniffed it in his nose, refused the lighter handed over by Gao Siqi, and said with a smile, "I won't smoke anymore. I'm becoming more and more shameless now. I smoke too hard. I'm going to stop. Let's smoke and drink together." .”

He finally became someone he hated.

Gao Siqi said, "When men socialize outside, they must smoke and drink. Just smoke less."

"It's nonsense to fool people." Li Lan said with a smile, "Some people smoke just to cater to the group. Wanting to join the group is a sign of lack of self-discipline."

Gao Siqi said, "It's best if you don't smoke. I went there today and saw that the company is very grand and has many employees. Miss Wu is Miss Qi's classmate. She is also a very good person. She talked to me a lot, but still Many people don’t quite understand.”

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, "I didn't finish high school, I'm very stupid."

Li Landao, "The key is confidence? If you have confidence, this thing can be done. No matter what you do, it relies on people to do it. It is not about technology. It requires knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry. The main content of a cosmetics company should be marketing and management. Take your time, study hard, and you should be able to do it.”

Gao Siqi said, "Then do you think I can do it?"

Li Lan said, "Don't worry and do it boldly. Even if you don't believe in yourself, you have to believe in Miss Qi and Miss Qi's classmates. As for how much to invest, Miss Qi and I will discuss it later."

Gao Siqi hesitated for a moment, then said, "The company over there is a bit far from here. It takes two hours to drive. If you transfer to the subway or take the bus, it will probably take more than three hours."

Li Lan said, "Then you can pack your things and go directly to Miss Qi. Let her help you choose a house to rent. It is close to the company's commute and will save you the trouble of going back and forth."

Gao Siqi said, "Are you driving me away?"

Li Lan said, "Not only men need careers, women also need their own careers. Believe me, when you become financially independent, your perspective on problems will be completely different."

Gao Siqi lowered her head and said nothing.

Li Lan went to his bedroom, took out a wad of money from his bag, put it in front of Gao Siqi and said, "Ten thousand yuan, you use it first."

Gao Siqi said, "I still have some money left over from the money you gave me last time."

Li Lan said, "Take it, you have a lot of money and plenty of money. Don't worry, you won't be charged interest."

Gao Siqi finally picked up the money, turned around and went upstairs.

Qi Yue came back from wandering around and found that Li Lan was the only one sitting in the living room. She asked with a smile, "Miss Gao agreed."

Li Lan said, "I agree, but I'm not that confident. What conditions does your classmate have? How many shares are he willing to sell, and what's the price?"

Qi Yue poured a cup of tea by herself, hugged the teacup and said, "Some time ago, she was still holding it a little, but now after experiencing setbacks and being hit, she can no longer be proud. As long as money comes in, she will be Amitabha.

Of course, in business, I also had serious talks with her. She was willing to transfer 50% of the 12 million. The price was probably still negotiable. As for asking her to give up her status as a major shareholder, it was probably unlikely. It's like asking her to sell the company. "

Li Lan said, "I believe you. You can just decide the price. I won't get involved in this. Gao Siqi doesn't understand anything and just lacks a leader. If you, a classmate, sells the company directly, you are afraid that she will not be willing to do her best. Since one person can own half of the shares, that’s the best thing.”

Qi Yue said, "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will take care of things. If she fails to live up to your hopes, I will not show favoritism."

Li Lan said, "In terms of funds, do you think this will work? Go to China Commercial Bank and provide a guaranteed loan for Gao Siqi in my own name."

Qi Yue said, "Mr. Li, why bother? There is a financial company under Liuliu Technology. As long as you agree, you can borrow money from Miss Gao in the name of the company."

"Is this legal?" Li Lan asked next.

Qi Yue said, "You are the big boss of Liuliu Technology, and this financial company is wholly owned by Liuliu Technology. As long as you agree, there will be no problem at all."

Li Lan nodded and said, "Then you have full authority to handle it. Let her go with you later and help her rent a house. She doesn't have to run back and forth from my side."

When Qi Yue heard this, she seemed to realize something, nodded and said, "I understand Mr. Li."

Gao Siqi staggered down from upstairs carrying a large box. Li Lan ran over and took it into his hands.

Qi Yue got in the car.

Facing Li Lan, Gao Siqi hesitated to speak several times.

Li Lan said, "Get in the car, call me if you need anything."

"Thank you, you are a good person." Gao Siqi said this after a long silence, and finally got in the car.

Watching the car gradually go away, Li Lan did not feel nostalgic, but breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had fulfilled some responsibility.

After Gao Siqi left, Li Lan was left alone, and the villa suddenly seemed empty again.

However, he has always been used to being alone, and it has nothing to do with whether he has company or not. Only lonely people need company.

As the sun set, I sat on the grass, holding a book in my hand, paying attention to the movement of the fish float from time to time. When the sun went down, I still found nothing as at noon.

When I got home, I ate something in a hurry and studied the chess records for a while, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was probably because I had exhausted too much energy last night.

the next morning.

Because I forgot to put the Lion King in the cage, at half past five, as soon as the sun started to shine a little brighter, I was woken up by the Lion King.

"You are more punctual than the alarm clock." Li Lan stood up from the bed with a sudden movement, opened the door, and the Lion King suddenly got into the grass. He checked the room and sniffed his nose. There was no smell or urine. He felt relieved and said, "You are sensible. If you dare to pee in the house, I want you to look good."

After throwing the dirty clothes into the washing machine, I started to make breakfast. The so-called breakfast was just a pot of porridge.

After eating breakfast and hanging clothes, he drove to the market and bought two days' worth of vegetables.

When Qi Yue called, he was studying how to make braised pork ribs.

"Mr. Li, the final price is 10 million, 50% of the shares."

"If you think it's okay, just sign it." Li Lan tilted his head and held the phone between his shoulders. He held the pot handle in one hand and stir-fried the pot with a spatula in the other. Seeing that it was about to burn, he said hurriedly, "Okay It’s over, it’s hung up.”

There was too little oil and too much soy sauce, and the dark mass had stuck to the bottom of the pot. He had no choice but to pour water into it and then cover the pot.

I thought to myself, "I finally studied cooking skills, but I'm still confused. It seems I don't have the genes to be a cook, but it won't stop me from becoming a gourmet."

When I think about it this way, I feel a lot more at ease.

After the rice was served and the dishes were put on the table, Qi Yue's call came in again.

"Mr. Li, the contract has been signed."

Li Lan said, "That's good. I can't control the rest even if I want to."

Qi Yue said, "Mr. Li, Miss Gao wants to have a few words with you."

Before Li Lan could respond, he heard Gao Siqi's voice.

"Thank you, you don't have to worry. It's very nice here. Miss Qi has rented a house for me. The house is quite big, the environment of the community is also good, the company is very good, and Miss Wu gave me an office alone."

Li Lan said, "Then work hard."

Gao Siqi said, "I won't let you down."

“The key is not to let yourself down.”

After Li Lan hung up the phone, he picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of spareribs and tasted it. The color was not good-looking, but the taste was still delicious, and he expressed that he was quite satisfied with it.

For several days, he honed his cooking skills day by day, and finally the ribs were made into a shiny golden color that was close to the one mentioned in the book. As for the taste, he spit it out after taking one bite.

Pan Shaojun came in and saw the grim look on his face, and said, "You have no one. Cooking by yourself will make you sick."

Li Lan finished his mouthful and said with a smile, "I never put chicken essence, MSG or anything like that. Today I tried to kill myself by adding a little bit. It's a bit boring. How come you have the energy today?"

Pan Shaojun had already come once, but Li Lan didn't expect that he would come again the next day.

Pan Shaojun said, "My father heard that you were coming, and then I didn't tell him, so he scolded me. If you don't treat me to a big meal today, you are sorry for me."

Li Lan smiled and said, "It's okay to treat you to dinner, but how did Uncle Pan know that I'm here? Did Sang Chunling say it or did She Ziling say it?"

Pan Shaojun asked curiously, "You don't know?"

Li Lan asked, "What should I know?"

Pan Shaojun was even more confused and asked, "Didn't you tell Uncle Li what happened at the bar last time?"

Li Lan indeed hadn't told his father, so he realized something in his heart and urged, "Don't talk nonsense, just tell me directly, you are not being lazy."

Pan Shaojun said, "The Anjia has been in bad luck recently. First of all, Anxin Copper, a subsidiary of Anxin Group, the bank seemed to have negotiated with them and canceled the credit extension and took out all the loans.

There is also Anxin Trust. Most of the pledges are real estate and stocks. Recently, two trust projects involving more than one billion yuan have been entrusted. One of the financing parties is a real estate company. Halfway through the construction of the building, they suddenly ran out of money. The same is true. The bank took out a loan. Another financier was a dairy company, which caused a melamine scandal. All the pledged equity was frozen by the court. Have you ever thought about it, if the financier's pledge depreciates or the building cannot be sold, resulting in What will happen if there is insufficient cash flow, unable to pay as scheduled, and unable to add new equity pledges? "

Li Lan said, "If Anjia has cash flow, it will naturally be able to survive the redemption crisis. There is another way, and that is to find an asset management company to take over."

Anxin said, "The key is that Anxin Group has paper wealth and little cash flow. Whether it wants to borrow from a bank or find an asset management company to take over, Uncle Li disagrees. Which bank dares to lend? Which asset management company dares to take over?" .”

When Li Laoer was mentioned, his eyes shone with admiration.

But Li Lan couldn't feel happy in his heart. He was finally sure what kind of world he lived in. He couldn't help but light a cigarette and asked, "What about Nian Feng?"

Pan Shaojun said excitedly, "Nianfeng? No need to ask, it must be cool. I never thought that this guy looks bright and bright on the outside, but is such a loser on the inside. On the outside, he is actually full of debts. He insists on not paying back. Listen. It was said that Chen Dadi had found all the creditors, contributed money and effort, and brought the lawsuit to the court together. If the money was not repaid, the court would enforce it.

He will definitely not be able to pay back the money. As for after the auction, he will definitely be a real loser. "

Li Lan scratched his head and looked distressed, which puzzled Pan Shaojun, and then said, "What's wrong with you? If you are not satisfied with the results of the processing, as time goes by, just take care of them slowly. Anyway, with Uncle Li's methods, These people have no chance at all."

He simply admired Li Laoer beyond measure.

Li Lan smiled and said, "It's okay. Did my dad call Uncle Pan?"'

He finally understood what kind of world he lived in.

We are in a world where Li Laoer is everywhere.

Pan Shaojun shook his head, "I didn't ask in detail, but this time it was Chen Dadi and that Chaozhou guy Zhang Xianwen who jointly did it. But you think, if I saw this movement, how could he not ask? If he asked, how could they not say anything? ?”

Li Lan went into the kitchen and took out a bag of peanuts, poured it on a plate, opened the beer, first put a bottle in front of Pan Song, and then took a bottle in his own hand, "Here, drink some with me."

Without waiting for Pan Shaojun to respond, he downed half the bottle himself.

After Pan Shaojun took a sip, he pinched two peanuts with his hands and said while chewing, "If you have anything on your mind, just tell me, brother. I'll be fine if I can do it."

Li Lan said, "What can I do? I don't lack food, drink, or even money. I have been destined to be a winner in life since I was born. How can I be dissatisfied? Don't you think so?"

Pan Shaojun said, "You have nothing important to do. Just eat and drink every day."

Li Lan responded, "Yes, just eat and drink. You can win without any effort. How great."

Pan Shaojun felt that something was wrong, so he smacked his lips and said, "The more I listen to your words, the more I feel that something is wrong. There must be something wrong with you."

After hesitating for a while, he asked, "You won't quarrel with Uncle Li, right? In fact, you should be more open-minded. I, like me, often scold me bloody. Between men and women, we believe that beating is kissing and scolding is love. , it is also more appropriate to use between the father and the mother.

I have a sister above me. She is abroad and has her own career. I am the only child left. They will all be mine in the future. If you think about it clearly, life is quite beautiful. All he needs to do is scold him for a few words. It’s a lot of money. Meat, even if he hits it twice, it doesn't matter. "

Li Lan said, "My mother said that father and son are mutually reinforcing each other. If you can't even control your father, what future will you have? Just listening to me blindly is not filial, it is ignorance.

Each generation should have its own ideas

That's generally what she meant. "

Pan Shaojun thought about it over and over, and finally asked, "Are you rebelling for the sake of rebellion?"

ps: Thank you for your support. I hope you will support the genuine version, so I will continue to add more updates. Please vote!

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