My 1979

Chapter 1501 Convince the Public

He is about to reach the age of fifty. Whether it is business or official career at this age, based on his achievements today, he deserves to be praised as being young and powerful, but he is more anxious than ever before.

He is a hard-working boy from the countryside. He has endured hardships and worked hard to move forward. Looking back, he still doesn't understand how he got to where he is today, and he is a little confused.

Is it the help of his boss, a great opportunity in history, or is he extremely smart?

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. This panic did not make him lose confidence. It just made him worry about whether his future could replicate the miracles of the past. The energy burst out in the Internet era was constantly impacting his old experiences and thinking. .

Naturally, Li Lan didn't know what he was thinking. He just thought that the old uncle wanted to complain, so he comforted him, "You are doing good for us. We all know it. Don't worry. My eldest brother and I understand it. We just haven't suffered any losses." , we still don’t understand the human heart and the sinister nature of society, we will all grow up in a few years.”

Li Long said, "I think it's too much to count on your two brothers. Li Yi and Li Ke are both better and more motivated than your brothers. Your sister and I haven't paid any attention at all. I have to make my own decisions about exams and work."

Both men and women in our family are the same, and we never favor anyone. But my idea is that it is not difficult for women to be as tired as men. I don’t know how you live. Anyway, I haven’t slept much since I started doing business. Sleep peacefully. No matter how late or late you sleep, you must get up at six or seven o'clock. People will work for you and do things for you. If you don't set an example yourself, rules will not be established.

There are also the messy social activities outside, which are not only about drinking, but also having to waste time thinking about things, accidentally nodding to someone less, missing someone's words when talking, and unintentionally offending others.

Yes, I don’t need to be afraid of anyone. I have your support. But in society, there are all kinds of people. Learning to deal with people is the most basic ability. If you don’t even have this ability, it’s useless for me to protect you. Is this the truth in reasoning?

Anyway, it’s not easy.

Look at your Aunt Zhaodi. She is only in her early fifties. She has more white hair on her head than the old women who farm in the village. She cannot go out to meet people unless she dyes her hair.

Drinking red wine and talking a few words to close the business is like what was shown in TV dramas. If doing business is so easy, who would bother going to work and earning those three melons and two dates?

I can't bear for your sister to go out and suffer. As long as the family doesn't lack their money, it's best for you and your brothers to go out. Men have thick skin and are hard-wearing. "

Li Lan had never heard his old uncle say so many words in front of him. Usually even when the two of them chatted, they just repeated a few common words.

"We will take good care of my sister and my sister from now on. I really don't know much about business, but I will work hard to learn."

Most of his understanding of business comes from his father, so he only has a rough idea.

Li Long nodded and said, "I don't have high requirements for you two brothers. Just hold on. Don't wait for us to be defeated while we are still alive. Just watch and make trouble. If you want to make trouble, just wait until I and you close our eyes. Out of sight, out of mind." bother."

The two of them walked to their residence while chatting.

Sang Yongbo was standing on the lawn at the door making a phone call. When he saw the two people coming over, he quickly made a few explanations on the phone and hung up. Then he asked, "I'm ready to leave, will you leave?"

Li Long said, "I have something to do in the provincial capital tonight."

Li Lan said, "You just spend the night here, why are you in such a hurry."

Li Long said, "I made an appointment with someone."

He and Sang Yongbo were leaving, but Pan Guangcai and others did not stay. After a while, their respective drivers drove in and Li Lan personally put them in the car.

Pan Shaojun did not follow them, but squatted alone at the door, smoking.

Li Lan asked, "Is the video broken? Why don't you go inside and lie down for a while, and we can continue drinking in the evening."

Pan Shaojun said, "Drink to sleep, sleep and drink, really drunk and dreamy, she also looks down on me."

His words made Li Lan feel strange and asked, "Who looks down on you?"

Pan Shaojun knew he had made a mistake and said hesitantly, "It's nothing."

Li Lan pondered for a while, then asked with a smile, "I heard that you chased Sister Wu You before?"

Pan Shaojun stood up in a panic and hurriedly denied, "Who said that?"

Li Lan said, "My old cousin said so."

"Yang Huai?" Pan Shaojun stamped his feet, "He's spreading rumors! It's complete nonsense! Next time we meet, I will tear his mouth open!"

Li Lan said, "Hey, who of us doesn't know who, are you pretending to be innocent with me? Look, you are even shy. Please, don't be like this. Who doesn't know that you are an expert in love?"

Pan Shaojun sighed and said, "She said the same thing about me. In fact, I was really wronged."

Li Lan said, "I'm not used to you talking like this suddenly. Can you take care of my feelings?"

Pan Shaojun touched his bald chin and said, "I'm actually a good person."

"Talk like a human being." Li Lan has known this guy since he wore crotchless pants. As for his virtues, although he can't say that he knows everything about him, he understands quite a bit.

Pan Shaojun said with a sneer, "I have been chasing girls since junior high school. You all know the old gossip. I have eight girlfriends out of ten before I got married. It's not that I look down on children from poor families, it's just that most of them They talked to me all because of my family, who I am, and how my mother is. They investigated eight generations of my ancestors more carefully than I did.

I love to play, but my mind is not online when I play. To be honest, I really don’t care about anyone at that time. Anyway, it’s me who spends the money. You have to coax me to make me happy. There is nothing normal about emotions. equal relationship.

It wasn't until I met her that I realized that what I was doing before was not called dating, but trading, and playing with other people's feelings. "

His eyes were blank.

Li Lan said, "After a long time, you still know that you are playing with other people's feelings?"

Pan Shaojun said, "That's not a matter of youth. I learned a lesson later. After I got married, I devoted myself to my wife and was determined to be a good husband. The result was ironic. My marriage failed miserably. I was on the front page of the news for a week in a row, in front of the whole world. I’ve lost a lot of face, but now I realize that those who came out to fool around will have to pay back sooner or later.”

Li Lan interrupted, "To get to the point, what will happen between you and Sister Wu You?"

Pan Shaojun said listlessly, "In order to train me, I let me manage the Guangdong branch. Yang Huai invited me to dinner, and she was there. You don't understand how I felt when I first saw her. Before I don’t believe in love at first sight, I didn’t believe it until I met her.

When you truly like someone, you will feel like a toad in the mud, worthless and forgetting your own status and wealth.

Even if it is necessary to abandon my own face and dignity, as long as I have her, I don't want anything.

I started to approach her shamelessly. I'm a notorious playboy. How could she like me? "

Li Lan asked, "You didn't work hard? It's not your character to give up easily."

Pan Shaojun murmured to himself, "This is the first time I have had the idea of ​​inferiority since I was a child. How can I be worthy of her?"

Li Lan said, "What about now?"

Pan Shaojun said, "From tomorrow on, I can no longer drink with you."

Li Lan stretched out his hand and said, "Come on then."

Pan Shaojun said, "Thank you."

After chatting casually with Li Lan, he drove away.

The moment after the house fell silent again, Li Lan suddenly felt the urge to run.

His life was too easy, his life was too monotonous.

At this time, not only he felt this way, but He Zhou also felt the same. What he felt was monotony.

The seven-foot-tall man was trapped in a small freight station, sweating like an ordinary worker every day, which was called exercise.

Seeing Liu Shan leaning on the container with a toothpick in his mouth and gloating at him, he flicked the towel around his neck and said angrily, "What are you doing? It's a brother, isn't it? You're happy to see me like this, aren't you? Have a smile."

Pan responded, "It's impossible to laugh. We just laughed. How about we go and have fun with my sister in the evening?"

He Zhou waved his hands and said, "Forget it. At the end of the day, my back is sore and I don't even want to eat. I can fall asleep right next to the bed. I don't have the time to accompany you."

Liu Yaodao said, "That's alright. If you really don't work, Aunt He can't really beat or scold you."

He Zhou really hoped that his mother would hit him and scold him, so that he would feel better. He didn't want to see her disappointed eyes, so no matter what, he still needed to persist and said, "It's easy for you to say, I'm a man. Can you escape? Oh, my great future."

As he spoke, he sighed unconsciously. He didn't know how long his mother would let him exercise and when it would end.

Liu Shan put away the cynicism on his face and said seriously, "I'm here to say goodbye to you."

He Zhou was stunned and said, "Do you really want to go abroad?"

Liu Shandao said, "Yeah, studying is secondary. I still want to take advantage of the time now to walk more, see more, and broaden my horizons. I don't want to be that frog in the well. My dad is getting older and older, and I'm afraid There will be no chance in the future.”

He Zhou understood what Liu Shan said. Liu Laosi was in his early sixties, and he was about to turn seventy. As he got older, his body was not as good as before. The only consolation was that he was still strong. If Liu Shan didn't go out now , When Liu Laosi gets sick, he really won't be able to get out. The Liu family is a single lineage, and he is the only son.

There is not much time left for Liu Shan to be cool.

He asked, "What school do you go to?"

Liu Shandao, "Wharton is studying business."

He Zhou looked at his unnaturally smiling face and suddenly felt very sorry for him. His dream was to be an astronomer. A person who aspires to be an astronomer should study business?

He forced a smile and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

Liu Shandao said, "What do you think about it? He protected me from the wind and rain when I was a child. It's time for me to make him proud of me. You don't want to disappoint Aunt He, so I can't bear to see him disappointed."

What he is most proud of in his life is that he has earned this family fortune and has become a so-called master from being penniless. You said how sad it would be for him if I showed indifference.

I can't be so cruel.

In fact, there is nothing to be pretentious about. My life is effortless. Compared to many people, it is much easier. I don’t need to worry about money, work, or house, so I don’t need to make any compromises. , even God can’t stand it. "

He Zhou stretched out his hand and said, "I support you."

Liu Shan looked at each other and smiled, "Thank you."

Pan responded, "Hey, you two don't want your mother-in-law anymore, are you going out or not?"

He Zhou threw the towel on his shoulder on the shelf and said with a smile, "Let's go. I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman tonight. I won't come back until I'm drunk."

Liu Shandao, "It's necessary."

I found a popular food stall and drank from four o'clock in the afternoon until seven o'clock in the evening.

Liu Shandao, "I have already booked the flight ticket, it will be next Monday."

He Zhou asked, "Why are you going so early? It's not the beginning of the school year, right?"

Pan Ying said, "It's a study tour. First go for a tour and then study slowly. It doesn't matter if school starts or not."

Liu Shandao said, "I will go to the United States to explore the road first. After I get familiar with it, I will be able to receive you when you go there."

Pan responded, "Actually, I'm a little tempted, but my dad won't agree if I want to go out. Hey, he still wants to keep me close to him. He will go to the company to work after the Chinese New Year, and the comfortable days are coming to an end. .”

Liu Shandao, "Uncle Pan has high expectations for you."

Pan responded, "He has a grandson now, and it is true that he has high expectations for his grandson."

He Zhou picked up the cup and said, "Come on, keep drinking. We promised you won't come back until you get drunk."

The three toasted again.

After drinking, Liu Shan asked He Zhou, "Didn't your mother tell you when it would be done here?"

He Zhou said, "My mother said that I have to convince the public before I can leave. There is no way to quantify this standard. I applied for the job at the freight station on my own. No one knew me, and I was not a leader. I was just an ordinary worker, like an ordinary worker." There is no difference, who can convince me? Talking about convincing others is even more of a joke."

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