My 1979

Chapter 1509 Regret

Chu Dongpo dialed the phone with a smile. After hanging up the phone, he said, "It's agreed, let's meet at Migu Lane."

He Zhou said, "Drive your car. I won't drive my car. If I don't drink anymore at night, I won't even be able to find a driver."

He opened the door and got into Chu Dongpo's car.

Chu Dongpo drove to the gathering place. Before the car stopped, he saw through the window glass that six or seven people were standing at the door of a canteen, smoking and drinking water.

He Zhou said, "Just let you greet two or three people. Who asked you to call so many people? Well, you have to pay for the dinner tonight. I can't afford the treat."

"I told Lao Kui and Qian Qian, "The county is not big, so Chu Dongpo is not surprised that everyone came so quickly, but it was beyond his expectation that so many people came, but he was relieved immediately. After all, why did he come? He greeted people in the name of Zhou, "You are the boss. If you ask me to treat you, I will treat you. What's the big deal."

Their circle is different from Liu Shan, Liu Jiawei and others. In their circle, He Zhou is the center. Although He Zhou has never regarded himself as the boss, they unconsciously regard him as the leader.

When people at the canteen saw Chu Dongpo's car, they came over to greet him.

Chu Dongpo pulled down the car window and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, I'll park the car."

He Zhou got out of the car first and threw a cigarette one by one. These people were either his elementary school and junior high school classmates or the children of his mother's partner. He asked a young man with a big mouth and thick lips, "Lao Kui, What have you been busy with lately? I don’t see you every day.”

This is Xiang Kui, his elementary school classmate and neighbor. The two have been getting along very well since childhood.

Xiang Kui said, "I'm busy going on blind dates every day. A few minutes before I came here, I was drinking milk tea with a girl. It's boring."

He Zhou said, "You don't like him?"

Xiang Kui said, "Although men don't rely on their reputation to make a living, they don't look down on me. No matter what, I'm not a shameless person. It's impossible for me to chase after someone on a pole."

He Zhou said, "That's because you haven't met someone you like. When you meet someone you like, you will naturally chase her."

Xiang Kui said, "My family doesn't know what's going on. The person who introduced me was either a nurse or a teacher. I have been afraid of injections since I was a child. I tremble when I see doctors and nurses. I hate seeing teachers. I finally don't need to go to school." , I can’t survive if my family has another teacher.”

"If you can't catch up, just say, why are you making so many lies?" The young man standing next to him has a high nose, big eyes, and a pretty face. The only flaw is that he has rabbit teeth, which can be said to ruin his whole face. A typical face.

He is the incisor Wang Dong that He Zhou mentioned.

After Chu Dongpo parked the car, he asked the two of them to accompany him to the Dream Internet Cafe next to him for a walk. When he came back, he said, "You guessed it right, all the kids are here."

He Zhou said, "They are all children. Don't be too harsh, just teach them a lesson."

Incisor said, "Bullying children is my favorite thing."

Chu Dongpo said to a fat man standing next to him, "Fat man, go in and scare him out."

The fat man was very tall. He stood out in the crowd like a chicken. He had a thick waist and a round face. When he heard Chu Dongpo's words, he said angrily, "Okay, I can carry two in one hand."

He Zhou smiled and asked, "Fat man, are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

The fat man was his elementary school classmate. When he was in the first grade of elementary school, he had grown to 1.7 meters. Although he was big, he was not very smart and he had been bullied by his classmates since he was a child.

He Zhou himself didn't understand why he was in elementary school. He always liked to help him out. Fatty always got a share of his snacks. From then on, Fatty obeyed He Zhou's words. Later, no one could tell who was helping whom. Yes, because Fatty will hit whomever He Zhou says to hit.

He Zhou relied on Wu Song behind him to dominate all the way from elementary school to junior high school, becoming the king and dominating.

When he was in the second year of junior high school, the leader of the school's "Thirteen Taibao" wanted to establish his authority in front of him. Naturally, he was not afraid. He just said: Fatty, come on!

He, Chu Dongpo and others didn't have a chance to take action. The fat man was one against five. When he was stunned, the fat man, who was full of stupidity, killed him with a brick.

The so-called ‘big brother’ cries less than a baby. Parents come to make trouble and make trouble in school. No matter what my son’s faults are, after all, he is still a child.

He Zhou said to the fat man: A good man is responsible for one person's work.

He was afraid that if he let his mother know, he would inevitably get a beating.

However, he did not consider that by doing so, he almost destroyed a family beyond repair.

In the office, as a witness, he saw with his own eyes the fat man's lame father and his stupid wife, kneeling down to the so-called victim, begging for forgiveness, while the fat man next to him had been beaten black and blue by his father.

The arrogant family members of the victim demanded 2,000 yuan for medical expenses.

Even so, Fatty didn't confess him.

In the end, I don’t know who informed the whistleblower, maybe it was Liu Shan, maybe Chu Dongpo or Qian Qian Wang Dong, but his mother still found out, and her mother asked Chu Yang to come forward to settle things.

To this day, he still comforts himself with the fact that he was young. Sometimes he also wonders, if no one reported on him, would he have the courage to confess to his mother?

It's a pity that there is no if. If means it didn't happen, but this kind of thing did happen.

To this day, this is what he regrets the most.

He couldn't help but feel a lot more guilty about the fat man.

The fat man doesn't have enough brains, he failed in the high school entrance examination, and his family conditions are not good, so naturally he cannot afford to pay the tuition fee.

His father ran a car repair stall at the intersection of Qipan Street. One stall could not use two people. He was introduced to the fat man and worked as a waiter in a restaurant. He was too clumsy to do such a thing and was fired within a week. Apart from.

The boss said he didn't have enough customers to offend him.

Later, he went to work as a security guard in a community. The job suited him. He was tall and strong, and he looked pretty good wherever he stood. However, his luck was not good. When the big boss inspected, he looked down at the big boss with an expressionless face and a very polite attitude. Not respectful.

The big boss was so angry that he was not going to keep him for the New Year.

He was unemployed again.

Later, he moved bricks on construction sites, and no one bothered him anymore.

No matter how hard He Zhou's pockets were, he would occasionally support him with three hundred and two hundred yuan. He would also rob the rich and give to the poor, and give some to the fat man from the pockets of Chu Dongpo and others.

After graduating from high school, he was going to college. He was worried about Fatty and begged his mother to make a place for Fatty. His mother did not refuse and arranged for Fatty to work as a chef apprentice in a restaurant through acquaintances.

From Fatty, he understood the meaning of "I am born with talents that will be useful". He was born to be a cook, and now he is a chef in a restaurant.

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