My 1979

Chapter 1512 Are you happy?

As soon as the old lady appeared, she no longer looked slovenly like before. If she was not familiar with her, she would even wonder if she was the same person just now, as if she was a different person.

The old lady is mentally ill, but she has no stress in her heart and does not live in a state of sighing. Her overall mental state seems to be better than that of a normal person. Her face is rosy and shiny, and there is not a single wrinkle in her face.

After the old lady was pinned on the chair by Qu Fu, Qu Yang quickly ran out of the house and brought a gust of wind in front of He Zhou. He skillfully stabilized the old lady's head with both hands. Qu Fu gave the old lady an ear cutter. He picked out his ears carefully and said, "Don't move, it will hurt. Don't blame me if it hurts."

The old lady was obedient and motionless as expected.

The hair on the pig's trotters was plucked cleanly by Qu's father.

Afraid of omitting something, Qu Fu lifted it over his head again, faced the light, turned it around a few times, and was about to rinse it with the faucet. Before he could turn on the faucet, he heard Qu Fu say, "You can't use a basin to catch it, it's all over the floor." Water, it’s easy to walk.”

"You are the only one who has many things to do." Qu's father was unhappy, but finally brought a basin over and used the basin to collect water for washing.

Under the faucet, I was collecting water and washing at the same time. Before I could wash, the faucet was turned off. I raised my head and looked at my daughter and said, "What are you doing again?"

Qu Fu said angrily, "The price of tap water has increased. It's three yuan. You pay it yourself. Don't you feel it? Why, Boss Qu has become rich and he doesn't care about three yuan or two anymore?"

Qu's father patted his head in annoyance and said, "I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me, grandma is such a bear."

He turned to Qu Yang and said, "From now on, you can take a shower yourself from the well. It only costs you three yuan to take a shower. If you are guilty or not, then you still have to take two showers a day."

The fat man was stupid and couldn't speak in a hurry. When everyone ignored him, he clapped his fingers and muttered in a low voice, "Three yuan once, six yuan twice."

He Zhou said with a smile on the side, "It is true that you use enough water to take a bath. In the future, you must save water."

Fat people don’t have mysophobia, but fat people’s troubles are most easily manifested in summer. When the weather gets a little warmer, beads of sweat drip down from the body. There is no air conditioning in Qu’s house, and the little fan blowing has a limited impact on fat people. The best cooling effect is naturally taking a cold bath.

A normal person just takes a shower or wipes his body casually, but a fat man can't do it like a normal person. When the weather is hot, he can't wait to plunge into the water tank. With his fat body, he doesn't have such a wide water tank, so he just has a basin. Pour water on your body from a basin.

Sometimes, He Zhou feels sorry for the wasted water.

The fat man nodded, "It's okay, it will get cooler soon, so there's no need to take a shower."

He Zhou said, "That also costs money. With your physique, I use one foot of cloth, but you have to use three feet of cloth."

The fat man said, "I'm afraid of the cold."

The sound of Qu's father talking to someone came from the front room. After a while, a tall and thin old man walked into the yard from the front room. He first greeted He Zhou, "He Zhou is here."

He Zhou said, "Hello, uncle."

This is Fatty's uncle, who lives not far next door. He Zhou often comes to the Qu family, and he knows almost all the neighbors and relatives of the Qu family.

Uncle Qu turned to the fat man and said, "Where is your shovel? Let me use it."

The fat man turned around and went to the corner to get the shovel and handed it to him.

After he left the yard, the fat man said, "My uncle is rich."

He Zhou asked with a smile, "How come you are rich?"

But the fat man hesitated and couldn't speak.

Qu Fu explained on the side, "There is no money, but now the state provides pensions for the elderly, so there is no need to worry. Now as long as the veterans have eaten chaff, carried guns, and been injured, the government will provide preferential care and pension subsidies."

He Zhou said, "That's really not much."

His second grandfather was also a man who had eaten rice bran and carried a gun. The amount of special care money was only three to four thousand yuan a year. During the two years when his second grandfather was sick, he took his second grandfather's rural cooperative medical passbook to help him withdraw money. .

Qu Fu said, "Uncle is different from others. He won two second-class merits and two third-class merits in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and one of his ears was shot off by a bullet. He is considered a disabled soldier due to war. He was a company-level cadre before he retired. He will definitely be given preferential treatment." Higher than the average retired soldier.

I also worked in a railway unit and received retirement pay, as well as grain subsidy, rural insurance, pension, and comprehensive subsidy. If you just calculate, one person can get five or six salaries, which amounts to one hundred and eighty thousand a year. "

He Zhou said, "Isn't that too little?"

Qu Fu said, "It used to be very low, but it has only risen in the past few years. He has just had a heart bypass surgery, and he still has a lot of debt. Now he has no money."

He Zhou asked curiously, "How do you know so clearly?"

It is completely beyond the scope of the questions in the "5-Year College Entrance Examination and 3-Year Simulation" and is not something that a high school student can know.

Qu Fu rolled his eyes at him and said, "My uncle loves to show off so much. He wants to tell people about this. If he says it once, I won't remember it. If he says it twice, I won't remember it. I'm not a fool anymore." .

Do you drink tea? Can I make you a cup? "

"That's right." Fatty said suddenly, "I'll make you tea."

"I have a teacup in the car." He Zhou called to the fat man, went outside, opened the car door, and found the teacup from inside. He didn't have any hope for the Qu family's tea, so he simply took out the can of tea he took from home.

In the northeast corner of Qu's yard is a shed made of asbestos tiles, which contains gas tanks and stoves, as well as some pots and pans.

He Zhou put the tea leaves on the table, pinched a handful and put it in the cup, and asked the fat man to fill the cup. Then he gave the tea can to the fat man and said with a smile, "Leave it for you to drink."

This was the tip of a bud and a leaf that someone else gave to his mother. Her mother didn't drink much tea, so he and his grandfather took most of it away.

Now his grandpa is in poor health and the doctor requires him to control his tea intake, so the good tea at home is basically cheaper for him.

Every time he goes back to school, he always takes a few pounds with him. He has always been generous and is naturally willing to share it with his roommates, but it has improved the taste of tea in the dormitory by several levels.

They were no longer satisfied with quenching their thirst and protecting their throats, and slowly began to have a need for taste.

No matter how you buy tea outside, you can't find tea with the taste of He Zhou.

The fat man happily accepted it. As long as He Zhou gave him something, he would never refuse.

Passing by the door of Qufu's room, He Zhou glanced inside inadvertently. Qufu was sitting at the table reading a book, his other hand still writing on the page.

He Zhou leaned on the door frame and couldn't help but knock on the door. Qu Fu turned around and asked with a smile, "Are you taking the college entrance examination next year?"

Qu Fu said, "Of course, otherwise there would be nothing to make up for during this season."

He Zhou asked, "Are you confident?"

Qu Fu said, "What a joke, why don't you ask me, are you happy?"

He Zhou joked, "You have been online a lot, and you know all the buzzwords."

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