My 1979

Chapter 1556 Bad news one after another

A matter of words.

The girl asked in disbelief, "Are there really scholarships or something?"

Fatty Chen said cheerfully, "Who is your Uncle Li? Do you still know?"

Liu Yaping nodded and said, "I know."

Li He is a legendary figure in Li Zhuang. Ever since she was a child, she has been hearing cocoons in her ears. The most mysterious rumor is that every time Li He returns to his hometown, leaders of the provincial party committee come to visit him.

On the alumni list in the County No. 1 Middle School Showroom, Li He's name always occupies the first place.

Therefore, Li He's name was like thunder to her ears.

Driven by curiosity, I have seen it several times from a distance, but I never dared to get close. Today is the only time I have a close contact.

Fatty Chen said, "That's it. I believe Uncle Li. He said you have a scholarship. You must have a scholarship. Study hard and work hard to get into college."

Liu Yaping hesitated and said, "What should I do if my parents don't believe me?"

Fatty Chen said, "Then let them come to me, can I guarantee it? Ask your dad, is it so difficult for me to speak?"

Liu Yaping lowered her head. It was difficult for her to express her opinion even if her father treated her badly.

Li He said, "Okay, go back. Go back and tell your dad that if you really want to be admitted to college, you must invite us to a wedding banquet. We will definitely go."

Liu Yaping smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Li."

Li He looked at her retreating back and sighed, "What age are you in? Sons are still favored over daughters. Those who don't know think that there is a throne in the family that they want to inherit."

Chen Yongqiang said, "Hey, these people have shit in their heads. The biggest regret in my life is that I don't have a daughter. None of the two boys in the family know how to be cold and hot, and they are easily pissed off to death."

Li He asked, "Your two sons haven't returned to China yet?"

Chen Yongqiang shook his head, "You are a prodigal. He is enjoying himself outside with my money and talking nonsense with me. He just can't bring himself to do it. Otherwise, he would have run out of ammunition and food long ago."

Regarding his two sons, he did not seek Li He's advice or learn from Li He's education methods like others, but after careful consideration, he sent his eldest son to the United States when he was in junior high school.

As for the second son, the same is true.

The two children in front of me have already graduated and are working in the United States. None of them is willing to return to China.

A few years ago, the boss Chen Qixun got a green card from the United States and made him angry to death.

On the issue of identity, he completely trusted Li He's judgment. If a Chinese company wants to become a national enterprise, whether it is the founder or the successor, his identity is very important.

In his heart, he was actually not willing to let his eldest son out. He was very proud of his eldest son who was willing to study, work hard, be thoughtful and cultivated.

However, every time his eldest son comes back, he doesn't like anything he sees and always criticizes him. However, he tells his son to be careful about what he says, but his son expresses disdain for him.

In some ways, he recognized his eldest son's pursuits and ideals, but reality was reality. If his butt was crooked, anything he did would be wrong.

As for the younger son Chen Qiyao, he is childish, noisy, kind-hearted, and has no ill will. Compared with the elder son in terms of ability, he is not even a bit inferior to the elder son, and he is not suitable to take charge of the family business.

But he only has two children, and if he doesn't let the eldest son take care of them, then he can only take care of the younger son.

Li He said, "Take your time. It's not like you can't do things now. The child's ideas will always change in two years. It's too early to make any judgment now."

He didn't want to get involved in the Chen family's affairs. It was best for each family to recite their own scriptures.

Fatty Chen asked, "It's not an option for you to stay at home all the time. You have to pay attention to it, lest He Fang becomes unhappy again."

Li He said, "What can I do about her situation now? Come with me. She is not happy with her life and death. I don't feel comfortable if I leave by myself. It won't work for Li Long and his wife alone."

Fatty Chen said, "How about I help you find a nanny, cook three meals for the old lady, do the laundry and so on."

Li He shook his head and said, "You haven't seen what she has become now. She has this attitude among our family members, let alone outsiders. I guess not many people can bear it."

Fatty Chen said, "There must be brave women under heavy rewards. I don't believe it. If you give me enough money, there will still be people who can't live with the money. If you can trust me, I will find someone for you. It will be easy to find someone."

I have to find you until I am satisfied. "

Li He waved his hands and said, "You, stop making trouble. Even if others can hold it, I'm afraid I can't hold it. If the old lady doesn't agree, she won't have to play with me until she cries, makes trouble, and hangs herself. What can I do? Will we drive people away then?"

Many times, he had considered these options, but none of them were practical.

Sighing, he and Fatty Chen walked towards the village.

Halfway through, I heard a burst of firecrackers.

Liu Dazhuang's father was at the door of his house, looking in the direction of the firecrackers.

Li He walked over and asked, "Uncle, what happened to which family?"

Liu Dazhuang's father said, "Except for the He family, no one else lives there. I guess He Laoxi is gone."

It is inevitable that the rabbit will die and the fox will be sad.

Li He said, "No, Chu Yang will send it back in the afternoon."

Liu Dazhuang said, "I originally went to the provincial capital to see a doctor. The doctor asked me to admit her to the hospital. He was not happy, so I sent her back in the afternoon. Then I saw Zhao Di in the town in the afternoon. She was buying a shroud. This was prepared in advance. That makes sense.

You said that at this time, who else could be there besides his family. "

Before he finished speaking, a firecracker went off again.

Li He looked at the place where the smoke was rising, and was even more certain that it was Zhao Di's house.

Chen Yongqiang's phone rang. It belonged to Li Hui. After hanging up the phone, he said to Li He, "It's Zhao Di's family. Zhao Di just called him and asked him to help. I have to go and take a look."

Li He said, "You go first. I'll go home and see the old lady first, and then I'll go over."

After returning home, Wang Yulan was sitting at the door, waving a cattail leaf fan. When she saw Li He coming back, she said, "Whose firecrackers are there?"

Li He said, "He Laoxi is gone."

Wang Yulan said oh and said nothing more.

Li He said, "I'll go take a look. Just go to bed and leave the door open for me."

In fact, he didn't have the confidence to say so. It was unlikely that Wang Yulan would leave the door open for him.

There was a lot of cash hidden at home, and Wang Yulan was very cautious. Even if she visited Pan's house, she would lock the door.

It is absolutely impossible for her to leave the door open for Li He now.

When Li He saw that he didn't answer, he went into the house and changed his shoes, then went to He Zhaodi's house.

The He family's house was full of people at the moment, but Zhao Chunfang was sitting motionless on the pony at the back wall, eating melon seeds, as if the dead person had nothing to do with her.

Pandi can't stand it anymore, why should he howl twice?

A living person always has to do something to show to outsiders, right?

When no one was paying attention, she ran outside and poked Zhao Chunfang.

Zhao Chunfang ignored her and kept eating melon seeds, mouth and hands.

Pandi said, "Aniang, you can't be so cruel. You've been arguing with him all your life, and now that he's gone, why are you still like this?"

She was heartbroken.

My father is gone, but my mother is still like this.

Zhao Chunfang frowned and said, "What should I do? Get lost."

Pandi wanted to speak, but was stopped by He Weibao's wife who came over.

Pandi was pulled aside by He Weibao's wife, tears streaming down his face, and he sobbed, "Why is she like this? Second Aunt, tell me how cruel she is."

The old lady said, "You still don't understand who she is. It's better to be stubborn. She is obviously the most miserable among the people here. Just watch her. She probably won't be able to pass this test."

The two are sisters-in-law who have fought for a lifetime. Enemies usually understand each other best.

She knew Zhao Chunfang's temper very well.

He Laoxi was gone, Zhao Chunfang's face was unmoved, and her heart was probably half cold.

She is also widowed in old age, and she can understand the feeling of suddenly losing her husband.

The familiar man she had been with all her life was gone, and she was all alone. She usually woke up in the middle of the night with her pillow half wet.

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