My 1979

Chapter 1572 Playing devil’s advocate

The acquired Meijia is a start-up company that has been established for just over a year and a half. However, there are more than 1.5 million high-end accurate users on real estate information platforms including websites, mobile terminals, and public accounts, with more than 10,000 visitors per day, and it has a brand There are approximately 10,000 registered real estate brokerage agencies, with hundreds of thousands of agents, covering more than 100 cities and regions.

Already have strong brand awareness among the corresponding groups.

Through this acquisition, Fu Yao's Datong Real Estate Company suddenly became an Internet real estate company with a complete framework.

The original Meijia app and website have matured, and all he has to do is improve on the basics.

Gong Yicheng, the original founder and CEO of Meijia, was in his thirties. He was sitting in the conference room with his head hanging. He was not very excited when the company was acquired and he became a multimillionaire.

He was betrayed by capital.

The company is thriving, and he has already received two rounds of million-dollar financing. As long as he gets a third round, he will have a chance to make a profit.

Unfortunately, investors did not give him this opportunity.

There was no hesitation in abandoning him.

Capital can kill.

At that time, he even thought about jumping off the building.

He has a PhD in computer science from Stanford, and his team all have good education and strong professional backgrounds. There is no reason why they should not win!

What was unexpected was that they were acquired by a team whose founders had only a high school education on average. He was not convinced!

When Fu Bing proudly told him that he had a junior high school degree, he almost vomited blood!

How can such an unreliable group obtain US$400 million in financing?

What a joke!

So funny!

But this is indeed the case. Judging from the listing’s past investment records, they do not engage in loss-making transactions!

This is the world’s largest investment fund!

Very few of the projects they invest in are unsuccessful.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Fu Yao again.

Young, gentle and polite, like him, he has a good educational background and an international perspective. The two of them can communicate fluently in English without any Singaporean accent.

Fu Yao said, "Mr. Gong, we welcome you to join us. We hope to make progress together and make the company bigger and stronger together."

The acquisition was basically led by Ju Jiaqiang and assisted by Zeng Shiqiang. He actually didn't put in much effort.

Gong Yicheng said, "I would like to make a suggestion. It is best to keep the Meijia brand. It has been in operation for more than a year and has a certain reputation in the industry. Changing the name without authorization is not a very good idea."

This is his hard work, and naturally he is not willing to leave easily. He wants to see with his own eyes how far his career can go.

Fu Yao thought for a while and said, "I agree."

After speaking, he looked at Ju Jiaqiang and Zeng Shiqiang.

Ju Jiaqiang held the thermos cup and said slowly, "Okay, very good, use it first. If there are any shortcomings in the future, we will slowly improve it."

"I agree." Zeng Shiqiang glanced at him casually, not looking down on him because of his pot-bellied appearance.

After these days of dealings, Zeng Shiqiang discovered that he was a businessman who was delayed by officialdom.

He was born to do business.

This is what Qi Hua, Secretary General of China Re Group, said about him.

In the following days, what Fu Yao did was to expand the team. The R\u0026D department alone increased from the original 20 people to more than 100 people.

While he was busy keeping his feet on the ground, Ju Jiaqiang actually negotiated another acquisition target for 370 million, just waiting for Fu Yao to sign.

Fu Bing cursed, "You are the boss, and he thinks you don't exist, and he doesn't even ask you, so he makes a hasty decision? He's just a human resources manager! Usurping power!"

Zeng Shiqiang coughed lightly and reminded, "Mr. Fu also appointed him as the director of the strategic investment department."

He agreed with Ju Jiaqiang's decision. It was true that they were a start-up, but unlike other start-ups, they had plenty of money.

Mergers and acquisitions are the only way for a company to grow from weak to strong.

If Datong Real Estate wants to grow rapidly, mergers and acquisitions are currently the best way.

After all, they have nothing but money.

Fu Bing was about to speak, but found that Fu Yao had already signed the document.

He said in shock, "Do you really agree?"

Fu Yao said, "Don't doubt the people you employ, and don't use them if you doubt them."

This is what his mother warned him.

To be a boss, you don’t have to do everything yourself. The only thing you need to learn is to be able to make quick judgments in emergencies.

The weather is getting colder, and the leaves on the trees are getting more and more bleak.

Li He went to the company but was diligent.

Being idle at home, he wanted to find something to do.

He held the report in his hand and said to Chihuahua, "This kid is a bit decisive."

Qi Hua smiled and said, "At the rate they are burning money, they won't be able to survive for a year. My dear, now the subways and buses are full of advertisements for Meijia. The slogan is very simple. Find a house and go to Meijia. It makes your ears prick up. It’s cocooned.”

Li He said, "If the money is not enough, we will add more."

"Yes, Mr. Li." Qi Hua had no intention of refuting.

Meijia's development has exceeded his expectations. According to the current situation, listing will not be a problem, and their investment will definitely pay off by then.

Li He waved his hand and motioned for him to go out.

After he went out, he leaned back on his chair, still thinking about He Zhou.

This time, Zhao Di went a little too far and hurt the child's self-esteem.

It is wrong for a child to have strong self-confidence, but to have him suffer repeated setbacks at work and almost have self-doubt.

Now, He Zhou is bored in the villa and no longer works. He is deliberately going against my mother. This time he is not determined to give in.

In the scorching sun of Pujiang, in order to find a job, I went to at least three companies for interviews a day, but all I got was negative.

Denial, then constant denial.

Without exception, it was all done by his mother.

His mother never imagined how difficult it would be for him. He had never been so disappointed. He was a graduate of a major university and a well-off man, but he couldn't find a job to support himself?

It’s really embarrassing!

He almost doubted his life at that time!

Now, he decided to follow his mother's wishes and stop working if she didn't let him work.

He didn't have much money, but he owned the house and didn't need to pay rent. Moreover, he rented out all the remaining rooms.

There are a total of eight tenants, male and female, and he earns more than 20,000 yuan a month just lying at home.

Walking the dog, drinking tea, and sipping wine every day is simply the rhythm of a winner in life.

It snowed for the first time in Pujiang River.

He went to the electric power company and paid more than 3,000 yuan in electricity bills.

When I came back, I posted the electricity bill on the door.

A tall girl put her hands in her trouser pockets, glanced over her head, and said angrily, "I didn't turn on the air conditioner! Don't let me share so much!"

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