My 1979

Chapter 1583 Escape

"Hello." He Zhou walked in and only glanced at the girl. It was undeniable that the girl was very beautiful. She was not much shorter than him when she stood up. She was tall and had a figure. She would definitely be a popular welfare collection for otakus online and lick the screen. more than.

But he was absolutely sure that this was not his cup of tea. He was face-blind, and all girls with the same angular face looked the same to him.

Maybe he saw it today and forgot about it tomorrow, without any qualities that caught his attention.

"Hello." The girl also greeted briefly.

Shi Xusheng said politely, "Xiao Zhou, you're welcome, sit down, sit down. People say that girls change their age at eighteen years old, and the same goes for boys. They grow so big without even noticing. It's amazing, it's amazing."

He is tall and thin.

Standing up from the sofa seat, he was obviously taller than He Zhou.

"I'm not polite." He Zhou sat down next to my mother and said with a smile, "Uncle Shi, you sit down too."

In the middle of the sofa seat is a stove commonly used in rural areas. A waiter is burning wood underneath. There are two large pots on it. Steam is coming out from the tightly covered pot lids.

Shi Xusheng said, "One pot contains fat fish heads, and the other pot contains native chicken. If you want to eat more, you can order it yourself."

Shi Xusheng's wife is dressed very delicately, and her age cannot be identified. Compared with the daughter next to her, she looks like a sister.

She smiled and said, "This is the menu, Xiaozhou, you can see what you like to eat."

He Zhou took it and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

Zhaodi said, "Don't spoil him. You can't spoil this child."

He Zhou wanted to roll his eyes at his mother, but in the end he had to hold back.

Ever since he was a child, his mother had never spoiled him at all.

He ordered a piece of frozen tofu and a piece of lettuce on the menu, then handed them to the waiter and thanked him.

Shi Xusheng said, "The child is still okay. I heard that he didn't work in your company? Now he is out on his own?"

He Zhou smiled and said, "It's just a fool's errand."

Zhao Di said, "It's good to know. If I have the opportunity to learn more from your Uncle Shi, I don't know how difficult it will be. It's either drought or floods, and there are big problems in eating. It's really hard for your Uncle Shi to go to the examination room on an empty stomach and still be the top scorer in the college entrance examination." , you kids, you have some problems now, you don’t know your last name anymore.”

Shi Xusheng waved his hand and said, "It's not worth mentioning. It's been so many years. Each generation has its own responsibilities. Our generation has worked so hard. If the next generation still suffers, it means that we have suffered in vain."

The waiter brought the wine.

He Zhou opened the beer and first delivered it to Shi Xusheng, and then opened another bottle. As soon as he delivered it to Shi Xusheng's wife, he heard Shi Xusheng's wife say, "You two drink beer, your mother and I will drink some red wine." "

But Shi Boying stood up, took the beer from He Zhou's hand with a smile, and said, "I drink beer."

"Uncle Shi, I'll do it myself." Just as He Zhou was about to stop him, his glass was already filled by Shi Xusheng.

Shi Xusheng said with a smile, "I drank too much a few days ago. I'm afraid I'll mess up if I drink again. Let's drink some beer first. When I get the chance, I'll invite you to my house and we can have a good drink."

He Zhou said, "Definitely."

The waiter opened the lid of the pot, and the aroma filled the private room.

Zhaodi said, "Don't be polite if you eat."

He Zhou casually ate two pieces of chicken, then picked up the cup and said, "Uncle Shi, let me toast you."

Shi Xusheng said, "Sit down and don't stand up. From now on, whoever stands up will be punished with a drink."

Zhao Di picked up the cup and said to Shi Xusheng's wife, "We'll drink too."

Shi Boying said to He Zhou, "How about the two of us?"

He Zhou said, "As you wish."

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

Shi Xusheng said, "Don't be anxious, take your time."

After three rounds of drinking, the wine table was still harmonious, and the issues between He Zhou and Shi Boying were not involved.

The waiter changed the bone plate, and Shi Xusheng stood up and pulled He Zhou and said, "Let's go out for a smoke. Don't let the ladies in the room smoke secondhand smoke."

At the door of the toilet room, the two of them stopped, and Shi Xusheng handed him a cigarette, "Stop taking it out, smoke mine."

He Zhou held the cigarette in his mouth and lit it for Shi Xusheng first.

After lighting it for himself, he took a deep breath. He didn't know what kind of cigarette it was. He looked at the brand and found that he had only smoked this kind of cigarette at Sangyong Bo's.

Sang Chunbiao told him that a cigarette cost more than thirty yuan.

Shi Xusheng said, "This is a gift from a friend. Do you like smoking? I have two in my car. I'll give them to you when I leave."

"Thank you, no need. I have some." He Zhou didn't have any craving for cigarettes, and he only took a few puffs when he was depressed or drank too much.

For him, there is not much difference whether the cigarette is good or bad.

But as a rich second generation, he is really pitiful. Until now, he has never even bought a pack of cigarettes worth more than 50 yuan.

Shi Xusheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "You're welcome to follow me."

"Thank you, uncle." He Zhou simply stopped refusing. One or two cigarettes were nothing to others.

Shi Xusheng said, "Are you ready to develop in Pujiang?"

He Zhou said, "That's it for the time being."

Shi Xusheng said, "If you encounter any difficulties, tell me. Your uncle has been out of society for so many years and he doesn't dare to talk about money. People still have some connections.

Your mother told me about your temper. It's not that you're timid, but it's a bad habit that all scholars have, and it doesn't save face. For example, when I first entered the sea, I couldn't pass the level of thinking. I was very speculative and was very polite. "

"I'm relatively thin-skinned." Shi Xusheng's words touched He Zhou's heart.

Shi Xusheng said, "Then we need to practice. When it's time to argue with others, we have to argue.

But one thing is that it depends on the level. Good porcelain cannot touch rotten tiles. "

He Zhou smiled and said, "Then you can't hold yourself back too much."

Shi Xusheng said, "Do you know why I want to go to college? I studied early and am considered smart. I couldn't bear the bad habits and vulgarity in the countryside, so I vowed to escape.

My biological mother was bought by my father for two yuan. When I was in junior high school, she was beaten and deafened by my father. My father and my grandmother held one of her arms while my father used a stick to beat her. It was a joke, but no one was willing to say a word. "

After saying that, he shook his head again and said, "I drank too much and talked some nonsense."

"Uncle Shi, it's not easy for you." He Zhou never expected that Shi Xusheng would say such private words to him!

The relationship between the two of them has not reached that stage yet!

Shi Xusheng said, "My father is in his eighties this year, and my grandma has passed away. How should I care? There are still many accomplices alive in the same village. I hate them, and I have to smile. They live in a world that they think is the truth. Here, I pity them now and don’t hate them at all.”

He Zhou took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself. He didn't know what to say for a while.

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