My 1979

Chapter 1592 Different

Sales work is indeed a job of youth. No matter what results you achieved yesterday, after receiving commissions and commissions, you must continue to work hard to develop new customers.

After reaching a certain age, most people think that they have been engaged in business work, broadened their horizons, expanded their social circles, and honed their skills, and then happily embarked on the road of starting a business and becoming a boss. However, they failed. Halfway through, he died.

The part that is not aggressive and unwilling to earn a job with the kids who just graduated, also sadly changes careers.

In her view, this is the fate of most low-level salespeople.

She shouldn't start regretting that she didn't seize the opportunity and was still messing around with a group of half-grown children after she was in her mid-thirties.

Jiang Yaoyao said, "If you work hard, you can still be a store manager. There are promotion channels."

Wang Yue said disdainfully, "Lina only earns more than 10,000 yuan a month."

Lina is in her forties and is their store manager. She also started out as a salesperson. Although she was promoted, her salary is still not as high as when she was a salesperson.

Jiang Yaoyao said unconvinced, "It's stable. Just go to the office and have meetings every day. It's not tiring."

Wang Yue said, "Where is the stability? Many large international companies have laid off employees, mostly those in their thirties and forties. For example, when Nokia, Motorola, and Lehman collapsed, the middle and senior management were all laid off.

There is a house loan, a car loan, both young and old, how do you live?

Didn’t the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States occur because home loan borrowers simply gave up repaying their loans, leading to an increase in bad debts of financial institutions? "

Jiang Yaoyao said, "Then after you follow He Zhou, do you still want to be his leader? Aren't you still working with him?"

Wang Yue said, "Follow Brother Zhou. As long as he doesn't mind my small capital, I will buy shares. As long as I have shares, I don't care what the ratio is."

Brother Zhou, do you think this is true? "

He Zhou smiled and said, "You are risking your life."

Wang Yue said, "Although I am a girl, I also understand that life is a rare struggle."

Jiang Yaoyao sighed and said, "Crazy, crazy, you girl is hopeless."

Wang Yue said proudly, "I'm happy."

Jiang Yaoyao continued, "Didn't you plan to go home for a blind date before? Find a doctor, a civil servant, a teacher, etc. It would be a sure thing. It would be great to go back and live a small life."

Wang Yue said, "That was my previous thought. Anyway, my current thought is that if I lose, I will go home and get married."

Jiang Yaoyao rolled her eyes at her and said, "Your thoughts change so quickly."

He Zhou raised his cup towards Wang Yue and said, "Thank you for your trust."

Drink it all in one gulp.

Wang Yue also tried to take a sip, but halfway through the drink, he choked out. Fortunately, he covered it early, otherwise it would have gone straight to He Zhou's face.

He Zhou handed over a napkin and said with a smile, "Slow down."

Jiang Yaoyao looked at the two of them in disgust, coughed heavily, tilted her head and asked He Zhou, "Well, I know you are the second generation and a rich man. As long as you are willing to start a business, you will definitely have a lot of resources. You know I am a poor person from a rural area, and I went to a second-rate school. I studied water affairs and worked in credit, which is a bit unprofessional.

What if, you want to start a business, one less person like me is not a small thing, right? I feel that even if I go there, I won't be able to help much. "

He Zhou smiled and said, "Working together, having the same goals and mutual appetite is very important. I don't want to work with someone I don't like."

Jiang Yaoyao said, "You are rich, so it doesn't matter if you pay 1.8 million or tens of millions. We are different. Look at the clothes and cosmetics on your body, none of which cost more than 1,000 yuan.

In addition to paying off student loans, giving some money to my parents, and the remaining money, I earned this amount of money through frugality. You don't know how hard I worked to save. "

He Zhou said deliberately, "No matter how much it is, I don't mind less, so just take it."

Jiang Yaoyao said, "You have no conscience, but you also care about my little money."

He Zhou smiled and said, "Okay, no more joking. I just have an idea for the time being. Let's celebrate the New Year. We will see the situation after the New Year. We will call you then."

He was still reading the messy pages of his father's notes, and the more he read, the more interesting they became.

"Smart mobile phones will become more and more popular, and the time people spend glued to their mobile phones will increase exponentially. Those who dare to make big bets on the mobile Internet may become the ultimate winners."

In this sentence, he saw two key words, one is "gamble" and the other is "winner".

He understood it as: only those who have courage and ambition can win.

He decided to set his entrepreneurial direction on the mobile Internet.

He majored in communications, so he didn't go too far in the direction.

However, he has never been able to figure out what content to focus on on the mobile Internet. Social communications, maps, and shopping are not areas he understands.

He barely knew a thing or two about credit, but his little capital was completely inadequate before he could raise funds, and it was difficult to even set up a framework.

Besides, in this business, he only wanted to treat it as an understanding and didn't want to get involved too deeply.

Besides, his mother had solemnly warned him that there were too many minefields in this business and it was enough to stop.

In the business world, he decided to listen to his mother.

If I don’t understand the business of starting a business, I might as well stop thinking about it. No matter what, I’ll go home and celebrate the New Year first.

In the afternoon when I got home, I went to the field to visit the graves of my grandfather He Laoxi and my second grandfather He Weibao.

According to local rules, women are not allowed to visit the grave. Only he and his two uncles can visit the grave. Unfortunately, neither of his two uncles, He Manjun and He Yao, came back.

He Manjun is an old bachelor who lives all over the world. He is nowhere to be seen and has no news.

He Yao has a family, a job, and a good income. He wants the whole family to live freely outside, and doesn't want to come back and see the faces of his sisters.

Therefore, He Zhou was the only one standing on the grave.

One person piles graves, another burns paper, and another sets off firecrackers.

"What's the point of raising a son?"

He felt wronged for his grandfather and second grandfather.

This year’s Spring Festival is very different from previous years.

The atmosphere at home has changed, not just because there are fewer people at the dinner table, but because there is no longer the sense of sacred ritual in the past.

For as long as he can remember, his grandpa has been very particular about New Year etiquette. Although his grandma disdainfully called it "poor and fastidious", his grandpa still insisted on it.

Be very careful when "receiving the gods" and "sending off the gods". You cannot go wrong in burning incense and paper towards the gods of happiness and wealth.

On the night of New Year's Eve, his mother cooked a table full of dishes.

His grandma sat at the head, his mother sat at the left, and he sat at the head.

He opened a bottle of red wine, first filled a glass for his grandmother and mother, then opened a bottle of white wine and filled a glass for himself.

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