My 1979

Chapter 1594 The best relatives

As her career gets bigger, she has less and less energy to focus on her family, and she really doesn't want to focus on these trivial and insignificant family matters.

The two old ladies are the same age, who takes advantage and who suffers, is it really that important?

She's not stupid.

But she couldn't understand either.

Seeking a harmonious family is much harder than she imagined.

When Zhao Chunfang heard her daughter's words, she turned her head and snorted, "Who is laughing? Pan Guangcai and his mother are laughing!"

"There are also winter plums." He Weibao's wife added in a timely manner.

Zhao Chunfang nodded in rare agreement, "In the past, Dongmei and her family opened a consignment store, which ruined their lives. They thought they were living a good life, and looked down on this one and that one.

Unexpectedly, things would turn around and we would be here today, eight hundred miles behind them. "

She was very proud that the once richest man in the village was reduced to a "poor household" in the village.

He Zhou listened on the side and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two did not quarrel.

But I finally came to understand my grandma’s feelings.

Dongmei's son and daughter-in-law own a large hotel in the provincial capital, with an annual income of five to six million. Although they are not rich people, they definitely cannot be called poor!

His grandmother redefined the standards of poor households.

He Weibao's wife didn't respond. The He family was rich and she belonged to the old He family, but she had already established her own family. After the man died, his son He Manjun took over the family. However, his son was not able to help. In terms of poverty, her family was the one. In Lizhuang, there is no one with a lower income than her.

Dongmei’s family should be considered second to last.

As for the daughter He Manrong, the conditions are good. The son-in-law is treated well by Zhaodi, and he is doing well and gradually showing his prowess, but the son-in-law lives in the next village.

Seeing that she was silent, Zhao Chunfang said to herself, "Zhao Di is doing well, everyone's face will be bright."

He Weibao's wife said, "That's right, Zhao Di is really impressive. From now on, it all depends on He Zhou. He Zhou is also a good boy."

She owed Zhao Di a favor and liked He Zhou, so she sincerely wished them well.

Zhao Chunfang was halfway through drinking, the wrinkles on her face rolled together, she picked her ears, held her head high and said, "That's natural."

She continued, "I'm so angry at those snobbish gangs. When the fourth child was born, Zhang Erqing said, "How can your family feed you with so many children?" I was so frightened that I immediately threw the fourth child onto the river slope. If Lao Xi hadn't secretly brought it back, it would have been gone long ago."

Zhang Erqing is Li Hui's mother. Although her daughter has a good relationship with Li Hui, she never looks at Li Hui's mother.

It seems that it was Zhang Erqing's idea to abandon his daughter.

He Zhou mourned for his aunt in his heart. What a fate to meet such an unreliable old lady!

He Weibao's wife said, "What I enjoy now is the blessing of several daughters. Otherwise, a lonely old woman can't afford to live now. Liu Chuanqi would have thrown me into a nursing home long ago and squeezed me into a courtyard with those sloppy old men."

She had a grudge against Zhao Chunfang, but Zhao Chunfang's four daughters were her biological daughters, so to the outside world, she claimed that she had five daughters.

Dogs barked one after another outside, but no one paid attention to it. People were coming and going on New Year's Eve, which was normal.

After a while, a car stopped at the door. He Zhou stretched his head to see. It was his aunt He Manrong and his family.

He Manrong was equally surprised when he saw the two old ladies sitting at the same table, but he didn't say much and said hello to Zhao Chunfang with a smile.

Zhao Chunfang asked, "Have you eaten?"

He Manrong said, "I'm full, but I haven't drunk enough. I don't want to drink some with you."

He Zhou brought her a bottle of beer, but she refused. She picked up the liquor on the table and refilled it for herself.

He Zhou felt that the women tonight were too crazy.

He did not participate in the women's war. He picked up cigarettes and lighters from the table and went to play cards with Liu Jiawei and the others.

The poker game ended at three o'clock in the morning.

When I got home, my grandma and second grandma were already busy in the kitchen, and my mother was burning incense.

I know I can't sleep anymore.

I stared at him for a while on the sofa, and was poked by my mother to set off firecrackers and set out the dishes.

After getting to the table, I didn't drink any wine. I hurriedly finished two bowls of rice, went back to my room, took a shower, went to bed and fell asleep.

He was awakened by the sound of gunfire.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found a man sitting at his computer desk with his back bent, playing games. The sound was turned up to the maximum, echoing throughout the room and shaking the floor.

He looked at the time and saw it was only nine o'clock.

He was so angry that he turned his neck left and right, but couldn't find anything convenient, so he simply smashed his pillow.

The person who was hit turned around and saw a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old with neat short hair and earrings on both sides. He turned off the stereo and said angrily, "I'm sick, why did you hit me?"

"You..." He Zhou jumped out of bed. The other party's mother was his second aunt. He couldn't curse, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't you watch me sleep?"

This is his little old cousin Qiu Li, who is ignorant and immoral, and he despises it very much.

Qiu Li squinted and said, "You can sleep on your own."

Go back and continue playing.

"How can I sleep with such a loud noise?" He Zhou stepped forward and clicked off the power supply on the socket board. The computer screen suddenly went dark and the stereo stopped working.

Qiu Li stood up and was half a head taller than He Zhou. He lit his cigarette and said, "What's wrong with playing a game? You're so stingy."

He Zhou opened the door and window to disperse the heavy smell of smoke in the room, and said angrily, "You idiot, don't make me beat you."

Take a deep breath and tell yourself!

It’s New Year’s Day!

This is my own cousin!

Qiu Lidao, "I didn't offend you. Why are you so angry? If you don't let me play, I won't play."

"Did you touch my drawer?" He Zhou found that the drawer was not closed tightly, "And you still looked through my books?"

The books on his bookshelf are placed in a certain order.

Qiu Li said nonchalantly, "I didn't break it for you. Is it necessary to yell like this?"

He Zhou remained silent, checked the bookshelf, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his father's notes were safely tucked away in the folder.

He pointed to the door and said, "Get out, get out, you'll cause trouble, you know."

Qiu Li said unconvinced, "This is my grandma's house. I'm here to pay my New Year's greetings. You can't drive me away."

"This house is mine, leave my house now, okay?" He Zhou was really afraid that he couldn't help but do it.

The key point is that he really wants to beat his cousin, and let outsiders laugh at him. Besides, his mother can't spare him for the Chinese New Year.

Qiu Li frowned and said, "Are you serious?"

"Get lost." He Zhou forced him out of the house, then closed the door and locked it from the inside.

If he doesn't beat this guy a lot and feel unhappy, he will get his inner demon sooner or later!

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