My 1979

Chapter 1602 Master leads the door in

He took the menu and looked at it carefully. It had everything from cold dishes to hot dishes and pot dishes. The dishes were more complete than those in a big restaurant. The only drawback was that dishes such as dry-pot bullfrog and boiled fish were ordinary and lacked special features.

He said to the fat man, "You have to study some signature dishes, such as boiled fish. I eat the most in Hankou. Each restaurant has its own characteristics, but it can be spicy but not dry, numb but not bitter, basically Very few, most of them just put some chili pepper and peppercorns to fool people.

Like here, most of the fish we eat comes from the Huaihe River. It is still different from Wuchang fish, and the cooking method should be different. "

He went to university in Hankou for four years. Although he was very poor, he never felt uncomfortable with his stomach. He never hesitated to spend money on what he wanted to eat. He had eaten all over the streets and alleys of Hankou.

The fat man said, "The peppercorns in the market are not good."

He Zhou said, "You don't know how to buy online. Find a dozen stores and buy one from each one to try. Which one is better and which one you end up using? Hey, it's useless to tell you."

Fatty never shopped online, and he probably didn't even have an account. He couldn't help but look at Liu Yuanyuan.

Liu Yuanyuan smiled and said, "I'll look online. Many online stores still have good things. We are a small place here, so it's normal for the goods not to be full."

"I want Doubanjiang from Pixian County." The fat man suddenly interrupted.

He Zhou smiled and said, "In the future, if you don't know what to do, just ask Sister Liu to help you. Don't hold everything in your heart and not say a word every day. When doing business, sometimes you have to follow Many people communicate.”

The fat man said, "I know."

After he finished speaking, he, his father and several waiters began to clean up the door.

When it was close to five o'clock, Qu's father stood at the door, looking towards the bustling street from time to time. It was dinner time, but why hadn't a customer come in yet?

He Zhou was squatting on the curb smoking a cigarette and said with a smile, "Let's stay away. Blocking the entrance will affect the appearance of the city too much. People who originally planned to come for dinner would not dare to come in. Let Xiao Li and the others welcome the guests."

Father Qu glanced at the waiter at the door. The little girl was pretty and smiling. She was more ostentatious than the bad old man like him. What He Zhou said made sense, so he hurried to He Zhou's side.

However, he became more and more anxious. It was six o'clock and no one had come to eat yet.

"Can't you be a pornographic person?" He wanted to get some comfort from He Zhou.

He Zhou couldn't laugh or cry and said, "It's only the first day, why are you in a hurry? We don't have confidence in ourselves, but we have to have confidence in Fatty. His level of chef is one of the best in the county. Doesn't his old master always have confidence in him?" Compliment him?"

"Hey, don't talk about his master," Qu's father sighed, "We can't afford that salary, otherwise I would have come here."

"What do you mean? Isn't the old master retired?" He Zhou asked in surprise.

Qu’s father said, “What’s the point of retiring? His son suddenly bought a house in Nanjing, and the couple’s savings were wiped out.

Let’s not talk about it for now. The key point is, what about their two sons? Will the younger son be willing to spend 500,000 to 600,000 yuan to buy a house for the eldest son?

If the bowl of water was empty, he would have to continue to tire himself out and fill it up for his younger son.

I came out after the New Year. We were drinking together last night. We can’t go back to the original hotel. The location has been overtaken by people. Now we are thinking about where to go. "

He Zhou clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Uncle, you are wrong again. What's wrong with the high salary? He is worth that price. If you listen to me, call me now and say hello. Whether it can be done or not, we have to negotiate." Just for a moment."

Fatty's chef has been in the catering business for decades and knows the hotel industry very well. If he is brought over, he can take care of everything and take care of all aspects.

Therefore, He Zhou thought it would be good for Fatty to invite him over.

Qu's father said, "I guess it's impossible if the salary is less than 8,000 yuan a month."

He didn't know how much the restaurant could earn in a month.

He Zhou said, "He is Qu Yang's master. You don't know how good he is to Qu Yang. With his help, you don't have to worry about anything in the future. And, if you think about it this way, if the hotel starts up, how much net profit will it make?" I dare not say it, but it is common to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month."

Qu's father hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll fight now."

He took out his cell phone, walked to the side and started making a call.

As the sun set, the sky gradually darkened. What was gratifying was that the neon sign at the door of the hotel lit up, as if pointing the way, and many cars slowly stopped at the door.

Groups of guests began to enter the restaurant, and the upstairs and downstairs became lively for a while.

Qu's father's face lit up with joy, and he suddenly remembered that there was an old lady at home!

He quickly rode his tricycle and ran home.

"Old Qu, where are you going?" A bald old man shouted after Qu's father.

Qu's father didn't hear it, and the car pedaled further and further away.

He Zhou came over and greeted, "Master Niu, you are here, please come in."

This is Fatty's master, and he is no stranger to it either.

"Small boat." Master Niu took He Zhou's cigarette and said with a smile, "Then what is the old man doing in such a hurry? He didn't pay attention to me when I called him. He just called me over and left me alone?"

He Zhou lit a cigarette for him and said with a smile, "He has been out for a day and left the old lady alone at home. Why don't you tell me to wait for you here?"

Master Niu said, "Hey, it's time to go back. The old lady can't be alone at home."

He also understood the Qu family's situation, so he didn't mean to be offended.

He followed He Zhou into the restaurant. There were five or six tables on the first floor, and then looked towards the stairs.

He Zhou said, "In addition to the lobby, there are also private rooms upstairs. Follow me up and have a look."

The dozen or so tables in the upstairs hall were empty, and there were private rooms on both sides of the wall.

Master Niu took advantage of the moment when the waiter came in with the food and pushed the door open to look into the box and couldn't help but nod.

When he went downstairs, he said to He Zhou, "Where is the kitchen?"

He Zhou said, "It's outside."

He leads the way.

The kitchen was more than 80 square meters, spacious and bright. Master Niu stepped on the floor drain of the steel pipe shop and said with satisfaction, "Okay, the kitchen is well done."

The fat man turned around to transfer the vegetables from the pot to the plate when he accidentally spotted Master Niu and was very pleasantly surprised.

He took off his mask and shouted, "Master."

On the plate was stir-fried chicken with pickled peppercorns. Master Niu picked up a piece with chopsticks, stuffed it into his mouth, smashed it and said, "Where did you buy the pickled pepper? It doesn't taste right."

The fat man lowered his head.

He Zhou said, "It can be improved slowly, but it is difficult to start from the beginning."

Master Niu said, "It didn't taste good the first time, so don't expect to come back a second time. For any closed shop, it's mostly not because of location, service, rent, etc. It's because of the taste."

If the taste is right, no matter how out of the way the restaurant is, people will try their best to come and eat it.

When I used to cook lobster at our place, the lobster was so good that people from all over the city and county next door came to eat it, and some even came from Beijing, Binhai, and all over the country.

Every night until early morning.

Later, I was unhappy with the boss, so I simply stopped working. After I left, the store couldn't continue to operate.

The boss came to my door to beg me, but I didn't go either. That's how bad I was.

I have this kind of craftsmanship, no matter where I go, I will have nothing to eat. "

He Zhou smiled and said, "Master Niu, the oil smoke here is choking. Let's talk somewhere else."

Master Niu waved his hand and said, "A cook can still despise cooking fumes. I won't be pretentious anymore. I can see that this is his shop. If I really stay here, he can't lose his money."

He Zhou said, "I feel relieved because of your words. Master Niu, one family does not speak the same language as the other. Fatty, you and your father share the same love as father and son. Your salary will be as before."

"No," Master Niu interrupted directly, "He hasn't made any money yet. When he does, I can feel at ease with how much I can take. Now I don't need him to do everything for me. He can only afford me six thousand."

No one knows his apprentice's condition better than him. He spends more time with his apprentice than even Qu's father!

It's not the apprentice's ability to cause such a mess, it's because of a good buddy like He Zhou.

He Zhou supported his apprentice in his career. As a master, he had no reason to hold back and had to help out a little.

He Zhou looked at the fat man and saw that he was in a daze, so he kicked him.

The fat man came to his senses and said hurriedly, "Master, you are 25% involved."

This is what He Zhou told him.

An outsider like Liu Yuanyuan with no experience was given options, but an experienced chef like his master should be given more options, not options, but direct shares!

"Give me a share?" Master Niu thought he had misunderstood. It was pie in the sky. How could such a good thing happen?

He has been a cook all his life and has never encountered such a good thing!

His boss only negotiates salary and benefits with him!

He Zhou said, "If you have an old man in your family, it's like having a treasure. You've been working in restaurants for so many years. Is there anything you don't understand?"

"No." Master Niu answered without any hesitation. He has never opened a restaurant or been a boss, but there is nothing big or small in a restaurant that he doesn't understand.

He Zhou said, "That's enough. From now on, your apprentice will be the big boss and you will be the second boss. If you two masters and apprentices join forces, this hotel will definitely do well."

Fatty all listened to him, so he said he would give Master Niu a share, but Fatty didn't even say "no".

Only Qu's father hesitated a little. After he patiently explained, Qu's father did not object.

Mainly because it was He Zhou who took the money and managed the hotel, so he had no choice but to listen to He Zhou.

Doing business requires both grandeur and stinginess. These are what he observed from the businessmen in Lizhuang.

In the words of his mother, you should be generous in life, what kind of person is worth what kind of price, and your efforts will be rewarded.

As long as he has the ability, his mother will never blink an eye when giving him money or shares.

In the initial stage of development, his mother tried her best to win over the so-called "capable people" in the village like Li Hui and Chu Yang in the early years.

Facts have proved that these "capable people" are indeed capable. While helping my mother, they also achieved self-fulfillment.

Nowadays, although each has established its own hills, they are still inextricably linked to each other.

When his mother said hello, these people who had received the favor were unequivocal.

His wife's ability to influence the business community in the province mainly relies on their support.

As for being stingy in doing things, that’s what I said. You need to be careful in business, which is the opposite of being a human being.

The fat man put out the fire on his stove and took the initiative to drag Master Niu to the office next door.

The office is also built in the yard, separated from the kitchen by only one wall. It is about 20 square meters, with a table, a sofa and a chair, and the arrangement is very simple.

"You are still so reckless." Master Niu's hand was pinched so hard by his apprentice that he broke away only when he got to the office. He couldn't get angry even if he wanted to.

He is afraid of losing his life if he gets angry with someone like his apprentice.

The fat man scratched his head and realized that he had done something wrong.

He Zhou took out a contract from the drawer and handed over the pen, "Master Niu, take a look, sign your name here, and press your fingerprint. From now on, you will be the second boss here."

Master Niu is worth the price.

The contract was very simple, with two pages in total. Master Niu glanced up and down, a little unbelievable.

"Are you serious?" He held the pen and tried hard not to tremble.

The fat man said, "Master, seriously, you know more than me."

Master Niu looked at He Zhou.

He Zhou said, "Master Niu, you have to see clearly. It's not all about benefits. The hotel has a loan of 1.1 million yuan. If you make a profit, you have to pay me back first."

Master Niu said, "That's what it should be."

The conversation changed and he continued, "You underestimate restaurant owners, let alone such a big restaurant. As long as it does well, it will be ranked high in the county in the future. Let me tell you this, the daily turnover is over ten thousand , it’s easy, minus the expenses, I can pay you back in less than a year.”

He Zhou smiled and said, "Master Niu, as long as you have this confidence."

"Of course." Master Niu signed his name on the contract without hesitation.

After signing, he didn't even drink any water. After finding some clothes to change into, he went straight to the kitchen.

He stood in the middle of the kitchen and said in a loud voice, "Stop what you are doing. Turn off the stove. Listen to me for two minutes."

Without hesitation, he took on the responsibility of kitchen management.

The cooks that Fatty recruited were all Fatty's former colleagues. Like Fatty, they used to work under Master Niu, and now they are under Master Niu's leadership, so they don't resist.

"I have been working in the kitchen for so many years. Everyone knows that there are no rules in the kitchen. I won't go into details about things like walking around and smoking. What happened in other places before is the same here," he Staring at a young man holding a cigarette butt in his hand. The young man quickly stepped on the cigarette butt on the ground. He continued, "If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, no one will force you."

After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands and signaled everyone to do their own thing.

The kitchen was boiling again.

He was not in a hurry to start the stove, but checked the ingredients in the kitchen over and over again, and said to the fat man following behind, "Is this beef from the old Wei family?"

The fat man nodded.

Master Niu said, "You fool, you have been doing this for so many years and you still can't tell the difference between buffalo meat?"

The fat man lowered his head and said, "You can tell the difference clearly."

Master Niu said angrily, "You can still buy it if you can tell the difference?"

The fat man said, "My dad bought it. He picked it out cheaply."

Master Niu said, "From now on, please ask your dad to get involved less. He doesn't know anything about things in the kitchen. You, take it home after get off work and eat it yourself."

He shouted to the waiter who came in to serve the plate, "Tell them that the beef is gone tonight and don't place any more orders."

The girl said hello.

He Zhou said, "If you are here, I will feel relieved."

Master Niu said, "Those who sell water-injected meat are all lacking in virtue and are not afraid of giving birth to a son without eyesight. What about the cow? It takes more than ten hours to pour water on the fire cow. I really can't see it." , Everything has its limits, if you want to kill the cow, just kill the cow, and you’ll be happy, don’t do these things.”

"It's not that I didn't report that the time has not come yet." More and more guests came, and the kitchen became busier and busier. He Zhou didn't want to stay too long. After saying a few words, he ran to the office.

Qu's father came in through the back door on a No. 3 car. Sitting in the car was the old lady at home. After he put the old lady into the office, he was going to help in the kitchen.

He Zhou said, "Uncle, you can't help me in the kitchen. Why don't you go to the front door to help people look after the car? There will be no parking at the front door. Points will be deducted for parking on the road. If there are people who are not familiar with this place, you can take them from here." Come in through the back door and park in the yard.”

He felt that this was the most suitable job for Qu's father. If he really went to the kitchen to mix things up, he was afraid that the two old men would fight. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Qu's father slapped his thigh and said with a smile, "I can do this job."

He comforted his old lady in a low voice, telling her not to wander around, and then he ran to the front door. After a while, he ran back, rushed to the door of the courtyard, waved to the car, and arranged for the car to park in the courtyard.

Very busy.

When I came to Qufu, the hotel was crowded with people.

She walked to the office and touched the old lady's hand. It was cold and she glared at her father.

She complained, "You don't get a dime of salary, so why are you working so hard?"

Qu's father's eyes rolled around as he thought that this was really the case!

Old Man Niu is a second boss!

Liu Yuanyuan may become the third boss.

It seems like I am nothing! They are busy because they are paid, they are busy on their own, and they don’t get a dime!

What's more, the money the restaurant will make in the future won't be his son's alone!

The daughter's scolding was justified, and he said with a sneer, "You won't go to self-study tonight."

Qu Fu said, "I heard that it was opening on the first day, so I came to take a look out of curiosity. I will go back to school later. You should take your mother home quickly. The weather has not warmed up yet, and it is still very cold at night. Should you go out to the stall tomorrow?" If you want to go out, don’t worry about things here.”

Qu's father said, "I haven't left the stall for three days."

Although there is little business in fruit and roasted seeds and nuts, he still has to run his shoe repair stall, and he relies on this to support his family.

He hurriedly pulled the old lady onto the tricycle. After thinking for a while, Qu Fu took off his coat, put it on the old lady, and watched the tricycle go away.

He Zhou saw that she was only wearing a low-necked sweater and asked with a smile, "Aren't you cold?"

Qu Fu said, "It's spring, why is it so cold? Thank you. If my brother makes compensation, I will pay you back in the future."

He Zhou said, "It has nothing to do with you. It's a matter between me and your brother. I'll accept the loss."

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