My 1979

Chapter 1612 Li Yi’s considerations

Li He said, "Where do you get so many crooked theories? It was said that it would be easier to go to graduate school, but you don't go to graduate school anymore, and you don't know what you want to do."

Li Yi asked curiously, "You shouldn't be angry with me because of this, right?"

Li He said, "It is not our family's character to do things from beginning to end. If you are willing to continue studying, a classmate of mine is a tenured professor in Massachusetts and can help you contact him."

Li Yi said, "Dad, I really don't want to study anymore. In fact, I understand that if you want to make a name for yourself in physics, you either have to have great perseverance or have a brain like Einstein. I have neither, so I barely If you continue reading, you won’t achieve any big results. You might as well just keep doing it like this. I think it’s pretty good and it saves you a lot of trouble.”

He Fang said angrily, "Why don't you have any ambition? If you don't continue reading, how do you know it won't work?"

Li Yi said, "I act within my ability."

Li He waved his hand and said, "It's up to you. Since you don't want to study, then go to work in the company. It's okay to be idle every day. Tell me, what kind of job do you want to do?"

Li Yi put her legs down from the sofa, sat up straight, and said with a smile, "How about I think about it again?"

Li He said angrily, "What are you considering? Then, I will report to the company with you tomorrow, and I will first learn from Uncle Qi Hua."

Li Yi said, "I don't understand anything about business."

Li He said, "That's why you need to study. If you don't study, how can you make progress?"

Li Yi said, "How about we wait until I come back from my hometown? I'm going to go back and see my milk before I talk."

She was sure that her father would not object. In the end, as expected, her father nodded without saying a word.

In spring, flowers are in full bloom, and bees are buzzing back and forth in the sunshine, working tirelessly.

She got off a bus carrying a backpack and stood at the end of the Honghe Bridge. She unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, took a sip with her lips pursed, then re-screwed the cap and put it in the net pocket on the left side, holding both hands Standing on the railing of the bridge, looking at the slowly flowing river.

She came back by herself without notifying her uncle and aunt to pick her up. She always believed in independence and could do things by herself, and did not like to trouble others.

Walking along the road to the village, she had not walked more than ten meters when a car came from behind. She heard the sound of the horn and leaned towards the roadside.

The car stopped in front of her, pulled down the window, and revealed a red face. It was Li Hui. He shouted to Li Yi, "Daughter, when did you come back? Why are you walking?"

"Uncle, I just got off the bus. I came back on my own. It's only a few steps away. It's okay if I walk by myself." Li Yi smelled a strong smell of alcohol before he even got close. "You don't drive if you drink. You don't drive if you drink." Drinking, you've gone too far, drink so much, be careful if your aunt makes you kneel on the washboard when you get home."

Li Hui said with a smile, "I had a drink at the restaurant in front, not much, a bottle of beer, and drove home in a few minutes. I am also an experienced driver, so I still have some skills. Let's go, get in the car. , how tiring it is to walk.”

What's more, he is not afraid of being investigated locally.

In a small place, human relationships are the most important thing, and the criss-crossing network of relationships cannot be penetrated by a needle or water poured into.

Seeing that Li Yi was smiling and reluctant to get in the car, he opened the door and got out of the driveway, "Come on, come on, if you are worried, just drive. You are more cautious than me. I drink and drive and you still sit still."

Li Yi got into the driver's seat with a smile, put the car into gear and started, saying while driving, "You must be aware of safety at all times."

Li Hui said, "You have learned how to speak from your father, and you can speak well. Why, are you the only one coming back this time?"

Li Yi said, "I'll come back to see my baby."

When Li Hui mentioned the old lady of the Li family, he just smiled and didn't say much.

The car stopped in front of Li's house. He got out of the car first. The door was open. He stood at the door and shouted, "Auntie, your granddaughter is back."

Wang Yulan poked her head out from the yard, saw Li Yi, and said cheerfully, "My little granddaughter is back. Is it hot or not? Let me fan you."

"No, it's not hot. I'll wash my face." Li Yi put her backpack in the room, took off her coat, found a washbasin, and took the water herself. She didn't mind the dirty towel handed over by the old lady. , squeezed out the water and wiped it on the face casually.

Li Hui was smoking on the side. After she washed her face, she said with a smile, "Come to my place tonight. I heard your mother said you can also drink some. Have a drink with my uncle tonight?"

Wang Yulan said, "Are you bad or not? It's a girl's business. Let her drink whatever she wants. Go and do your business."

"That's right, that's right, why should I, a girl, drink? Uncle Hui, please go home and lie down for a while." Looking at him like this, Li Yi must have drank not only one bottle of beer, but also a bottle of liquor.

Li Hui waved his hand and said, "We'll talk about it later."

Li Yi sent him to the door, waited for him to drive away, then entered the room and said with a smile, "Mistress, what can you make me something delicious tonight?"

Wang Yulan said, "I'll stew chicken for you."

Li Yi quickly grabbed the old woman who was about to catch the chicken and said, "I don't want to eat. I'm trying to lose weight. Why don't you make me some braised fish?"

Wang Yulan said, "Lao Pan is not at home. He has to go to the fish pond to catch it by himself."

"Then Pan Ying is at home or not. If she is not at home, I will go by myself." Li Yi drank some more water.

Wang Yulan said, "I saw her in the morning."

Li Yi said, "Then I'll go find her."

She rushed to the door of Pan's house and shouted, "Comrade Xiao Pan, Comrade Xiao Pan"

Pan Ying took off the headphones from his ears and said with a smile, "No one is big or small, and I don't call you sister."

He looked around and asked, "Are you the only one?"

Li Yi smiled and said, "I'm the only one who has nothing to do. Come back and see. You haven't gone out?"

Pan Yingdao said, "My father is not at home all year round, and my mother is in the provincial capital. I am the only one left in the family, and she is unwilling to go with us. I come back often to visit when I have nothing to do, which saves her from being alone."

Li Yi whispered, "Then you are much more filial than me. Hey, are you okay now? Come with me to your fish pond to catch a fish."

Pan responded, "No need to go to the fish pond. I caught a few fish from the fish pond this morning. They are in the water basin. You can just take them away later."

Li Yi smiled and said, "That would be better. Can we sisters have a drink tonight?"


"Look down on me?"

Pan Ying smiled and said, "I can drink both of you!"

"Hey, who gave you the courage!" Li Yi said with a smile, "I have to compete with you tonight. Who else is at home? Let's have a table and let everyone witness what strength is!"

Pan responded, "Sister Wu You is back too, why don't you go to her house for a drink? The old ladies go to bed early now, so let's not make trouble with them."

Li Yi smiled and said, "No problem."

After exchanging a few words with her grandma, she and Pan Ying went to the old house left by Wu Tuozi.

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