My 1979

Chapter 1650 Increase the burden

He Fang stirred the bowl with a spoon and said, "Sea cucumber and three delicacies soup, what do you mean by adding yam?"

Li He said with a smile, "It's very good for clearing away heat and detoxifying, replenishing spleen and stomach deficiency, and treating Qi deficiency. I even searched online, and they all said they are incompatible."

He Fang rolled her eyes at him and said, "It doesn't taste like that if you put it together. It's okay if you put bamboo fungus on it, but it's not suitable if you put yam on it."

Li He said, "If it tastes bad, I can't help it. Let's talk about it next time."

He Fang said while eating, "Just say it's not intentional."

Li He said, "If you don't pay attention, I can't make soup for you."

"You are very good at fooling people." He Fang said with a smile, "Don't worry about me, it's time to eat."

After finishing the bowl of soup, she ignored them and went upstairs first.

Only Mr. San was left at the dinner table, and the food was cooked by Li Yi. Li Lan tried a piece of braised pork ribs, which was not bad, but it was not the flavor he liked. He cooked two bowls of rice without using two chopsticks.

"Hey, are you so disrespectful?" Li Yi complained. Her father only picked up edible vegetables and ate a few bites. She couldn't pick them out, but her brother was not taboo, but he didn't use chopsticks much.

Li Lan smiled and said, "You did a good job, really. It's just that I can't taste it. That's my problem and has nothing to do with you."

He and his father actually have similar tastes. They can both eat salty pork, salty duck, salty goose and dried vegetables, and they eat it with gusto.

I also particularly like braised food, such as pork head.

However, this does not mean that the two of them have a strong taste. In fact, the two of them have a bland taste. They do not eat MSG, do not touch heavy sauces, and cannot eat even the slightest salt.

He is the opposite of his mother and sister.

His mother also said that the two of them were pretentious. After all, salty food has a stronger salty taste.

Li Lan couldn't explain it clearly.

"This clam is okay too. There isn't much sauce." Li Yi said with a smile, "If I had known I could just boil it in the water, you could dip it in and eat it yourself."

Li He said, "That's how it should be eaten."

He then pointed at a cucumber and scrambled eggs and said, "Your mother finally changed her ways, but now she has taught you how to fry cucumbers. Just fry cucumbers. Soy sauce doesn't cost money. Why put that thing there when you have nothing to do?"

"It's okay to add some soy sauce to braised pork and braised fish." Li Lan also echoed, "Who can stand to add soy sauce to stir-fry vegetables?"

Li Yi was suddenly squeezed out by the two people, and now she was not happy. She picked up a large shrimp without peeling it, bit off most of it in one bite, and muttered, "I have decided, starting from tomorrow I will not cook anymore, let Auntie Do."

Li Lan smiled and said, "I don't care."

He doesn't usually stay at home much, and eats and drinks outside.

Li He said, "That's fine. I'll tell your uncle Song Gu and the others later."

There is an aunt over there in Song Valley, so there is no need to invite someone else.

Li Lan said, "I don't have time, otherwise I would still be able to cook. I can't say the taste is good, but you will have no problem eating it."

Li Yi said, "Will you die if you don't brag?"

Li Lan said, "Why are you talking to your brother? Pay attention to your attitude."

"This is my attitude of seeking truth from facts." He swallowed all the prawns in his mouth, and after stumblingly taking out the shell, he said, "Oh, by the way, I have to say that I have decided to take a vacation."

Li He said, "It's good. I can spend some time with your mother at home."

Li Yi said, "What if I travel?"

"Then go, I won't stop you." Li He believed that his daughter's life was too simple. Even after graduating from high school and going to the United States, the surrounding environment was very simple.

Behind the scenes, he is quietly contributing to the anti-drug cause and public security work in the United States. He feels that the Americans owe him a medal.

Li He still hopes that his daughter will go out more often and gain more experience.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Can you bear it?"

Li He said, "Well, go ahead. Don't be an eyesore at home."

After a rain, the dust that had been in the air for a long time finally fell to the ground. The air was much fresher. He Fang went upstairs and took a hot shower. She sat on the balcony holding a tea cup. Li He came out from behind her, and she also Didn't pay much attention.

Li He asked, "If you get hungry later, I can go down and spread out an egg pancake for you, okay?"

He Fang shook her head and said, "No, there are a lot of snacks at home. Do you want to eat anything? Aren't you going for a walk?"

Li He said, "Don't worry about you. Don't treat me like a fool. I always feel like something is wrong. Tell me, what's the matter? Don't hide it from me. We are husband and wife. There is nothing we can't talk about."

He Fang leaned back on the chair and said lazily, "What's wrong? You, you think too much, maybe you are older and a little heavy-minded, and time is not forgiving."

"This is not you." Li He still didn't believe her, "You really don't want to tell me? It would be meaningless if I investigated it myself."

He Fang snorted coldly and said, "Then go investigate."

After being squeezed like this, Li He immediately lowered his posture, unwilling to provoke her, and said with a smile, "I didn't say anything, I'm just a little worried about you. Look at what you said, as if I'm targeting you."

He Fang said, "It's okay. Don't think too much about it. Please go out and let me lie down for a while."

"Hey, are you going through menopause again now?" Of course Li He would not leave so easily.

He Fang said, "It will be fine if you pass the stage. There is no need for menopause. In fact, an old colleague of mine passed away a few days ago. This old colleague of mine has never been married and has no children. After retirement, he lives in a nursing home and has a house." I gave birth to my nephew, and when it came time to die, only a few of our former friends were there.

I happened to drink some wine at Li Long's place yesterday, and I felt emotional, and I still feel uncomfortable. "

"Really?" Li He was doubtful.

He Fang said, "I found out that you are in menopause and you are so verbose now."

Li He said with a smile, "As long as you're fine, I'll go for a walk and come back to fry you some eggs and pancakes."

He turned around and heard her calling him again.

"Wait a minute." He Fang said with a smile, "I just forgot to mention it."

"It's not too late to say it now." Li He said with his hands behind his back, "I'm listening."

He Fang said, "At our age, we should enjoy the blessings. Our children have grown up and become sensible. We should put more burdens on them. We can't always think that they are little brats who need to be protected and spoiled. They will never grow up."

Li He said, "Just now, your daughter said she wanted to take a vacation and go out to play for a while."

"You agreed?"

"There is no reason to object."

"I don't agree." He Fang said flatly, "We can't indulge her like this."

Li He said, "Then you go talk to her. I don't want to have a reputation of not keeping my word."

Li Lan stood at the door, looked up at his parents who were talking on the balcony, waved, said hello, then opened the car door and drove away.

Only when he returned to his own little nest did he truly feel relaxed.

ps: Carvin is really in pain. It gets harder and harder to write as you go to the back. I just want to say it weakly. If you can’t wait for the update at six o’clock, you don’t have to wait. I have to take it easy. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

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