My 1979

Chapter 1673 The routine is wrong

She was still a little nervous, because she felt guilty or because of the other person's wealth and status, she didn't know.

However, now she is trying hard to forget the other person's identity. If the other person is rich, she will not try to get involved with him, and it has nothing to do with her.

What's more, nothing happened between her and He Zhou, so there was no need to feel guilty.

She has always done things right.

The only thing she could have any extra thoughts about afterwards was her brother's restaurant. Was He Zhou helping his brother open a restaurant out of friendship with him, or because of her?

She wanted to stand tall and face Zhaodi, but her confidence was still so weak.

Having a soft mouth and short hands for taking advantage of others, since you have already taken advantage of others, and then act like "the rich cannot be praised, the poor cannot be bullied", it is a bit pretentious and even disgusted by others.

Therefore, no matter what she thought in her heart, she still couldn't hold her head up.

It is true that her brother returned the money, but the favor is still there.

"Don't stop with the chopsticks," Zhao Di said with a smile, "I've seen it a long time ago. You're not that stingy. You're just like me. You're silly and bold. You treat this place as your home. Don't be so polite. Otherwise, you'll end up being disrespectful. Make yourself uncomfortable.”

"Auntie, don't praise me like that. I'm one percent as good as you. I can wake up from my dreams with a smile." Hearing this, Qufu picked up a piece of spareribs from the plate and put it in his mouth, only to realize that it was sweet and sour. .

If it's not her favorite taste, it's not home-cooked food.

But I still had the courage to finish it.

"Don't like it?" Zhao Di said with a smile, "I thought you should be used to local food after living in Pujiang for so many years."

She turned to her aunt Bao Suhua who was standing at the door and said, "Sister Bao, didn't you just bring the salted duck from home? Cut it into a portion."

"No, Auntie, I'm not that picky, I can eat whatever I want." Qu Fu stopped him quickly.

"Are you polite again?" Zhao Di said with a smile, "They were all stewed last night. I originally wanted to save them for that boy He Zhou, but he has no good luck. The delicious food and delicate things are gone. I went there, but I just loved eating these heavy foods.

I called you over for dinner, but I didn’t have the nerve to serve it. Since you don’t like local food, try the food from your hometown. "

Qufu wanted to say thank you, but finally held back.

After a while, Bao Suhua brought a plate of duck.

Qufu glanced at the thin black tubes of unplucked villi on the duck's neck and knew it was a shelduck from his hometown.

The hair tubes of ducks are difficult to remove, especially shelducks, which are the most difficult to clean. The duck necks in most duck neck restaurants are definitely peeled.

Zhaodi gave her a piece of duck leg and said with a smile, "Let it simmer in the bottom of the bowl for a while, otherwise it will still be a little cold."

After putting down his chopsticks, he turned around and said, "When I was your age, I could finish three bowls of rice in one go. It's not just a small bowl like this, but a big bowl."

Qu Fu was amused by her and laughed, and then said, "I was the same in high school. I was very good at eating. I couldn't get enough no matter how much I ate. I seemed to be hungry at any time."

"Hey, so you should eat as much as you can when you're old enough," Zhao Di said while gesturing, "I don't even understand how I can eat seven or eight of such big steamed buns in one go. Now, it’s no longer possible. Even if you kill me, you can survive three more.”

As he spoke, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Qu Fu said, "My mother can still eat five or six now, but she is old and we don't allow her to eat that much."

"Your mother is lucky," Zhao Di said with a smile, "Human, the clearer you think, the more tiring you will be. It's rare to be confused.

When I was pregnant with He Zhou, I actually wanted to have a daughter. A daughter is considerate. My old lady has a few sisters like us, and her life is so comfortable. However, my son has become a burden to her.

As a result, a son was born, and his personality was like that of a girl. "

As he spoke, he couldn't help but laugh again.

"He has a good personality." Naturally, she couldn't speak ill of someone's son in front of his mother. Strictly speaking, He Zhou was a rotten type and definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Zhao Di said, "You don't know that when he was a child, he was thin-skinned and shy about everything. Later, when he went to school, not to mention the boys, even the little girls in the school would bully him and cry. Hey, I'm here all day long. Follow me. On tenterhooks.

I thought it would be fine when I grow up, but as it turns out, I deserve to have to worry about it all my life, and I will still be a coward when I grow up. "

"He's quite courageous." This point came from Qu Fu's sincerity. She really didn't think He Zhou was timid.

"Why not?" Zhao Di said confidently, "Otherwise, I would still be single now, and I have been chasing a girl for several years with no results. What would I be if I wasn't a coward?"

Qufu was not stupid, but he was not sure what He Zhou meant by his words, so he simply pretended to be stupid and smiled without saying a word.

"Here, have a drink." Zhao Di smiled and raised the cup, "I'm old and like to chatter about useless things. Don't mind."

"Auntie, I respect you." Qu Fu picked up the cup and stood up.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, something was wrong!

Shouldn't we give her 10 million to let her leave her son?

Then she cried with joy and patted her chest and promised!

However, according to the routine of romantic dramas, there is something wrong with this plot now!

There was no tit-for-tat, but it became a happy relationship.

It wasn't until she came out of He's house that she was still in a daze and realized that she had lost a hundred yuan in taxi fare today!

After Zhao Di saw her getting into a taxi, she felt relieved and said to Bao Suhua who was standing next to her, "What do you think?"

"There's absolutely no choice in her looks. I'm still wondering when there was such a beautiful girl in our corner. I was shocked when I saw her," said Bao Suhua, who has been a nanny for the He family for more than 20 years. , but she understood Zhao Di’s temperament. The more he hesitated, the more troubled Zhao Di was. She simply said carelessly, “Those little girls outside now, it’s amazing, I feel like they look the same. They do somersaults like a woodpecker – showing off. Ass, not many people are willing to go on the right path."

"Do you think it's okay?" Zhao Di asked back.

"Let me brag for you, in a family like ours, do daughters-in-law find randomly?

This girl is very good, she comes from the family, she knows everything about her, she speaks with the same accent, and when mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarrel, they can speak in harmony without any distortion. "Bao Suhua didn't say yes, nor did she say no. She just took advantage and said, "My little daughter-in-law, who is from out of town, always says the same thing when quarreling with me. It's really boring. "

After speaking, looking at Zhao Di's color, she knew she had hit on Zhao Di's thoughts, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why she has been able to survive in the He family for twenty years is not just because of her cooking skills.

"That's true." Zhaodi nodded, convinced.

ps: Recommend a book called "Supernatural Game"

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