My 1979

Chapter 1677 Awareness

"It's hard to be a good person when your mouth is on them, and it's even harder to be the person others talk about." He Zhouhun said nonchalantly, "I can't sew them up for them. I don't care how I love them. I choose the best way for myself. The solution is to mind your own business.”

"That won't work." Pan Ying said flatly, "Do you still remember what happened with Pan Shaojun? A divorce case turned into entertainment gossip, and in the end it affected business."

Born into a family like theirs, they may not feel anything, but when something happens, they can truly feel their status in society, and they can easily and unconsciously become the talk of others.

"Hey." He Zhou understood what she meant, but still said, "Is it possible that I still have to be beaten by others, greet them with a smile, and then do it in front of them?"

Pan responded, "That's not necessary. At least you can't be so impulsive. Learn how to settle accounts after the fall. A gentleman takes revenge and doesn't rush to the moment."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." He Zhou was afraid that she would continue nagging her, so he just dealt with it casually.

The rain is getting heavier and the wind is getting stronger.

"It's really disappointing." Pan Ying muttered.

"Go to my place." He Zhou turned the car around and returned to his home.

After parking the car, he said, "Wait a minute, I'll go back and get an umbrella to pick you up."

"No, I'm not that squeamish." Pan Ying followed closely behind He Zhou and rushed into the violent storm.

After so many steps, both of them were basically soaked.

As soon as he entered the house, He Zhou changed his clothes first. After coming out of the house, he threw his shirt to her and said, "If you don't mind, you can wear it. It may be bigger."

When she came out after changing her clothes, He Zhou's eyes almost went straight.

The loose shirt covered her body, and the protruding parts were not ambiguous at all.

And the hem of the shirt can't hide those perfect long legs.

He had never looked at her so carefully since he was a child.

For a moment, he felt that he had missed something?

Why is she different from usual?

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Pan Ying's face turned red and he asked knowingly.

"Let me make you some ginger soup to save you from catching a cold." He Zhou had to admit that she was really fierce.

"No, I'll do it." Pan Ying ran into the kitchen by himself.

After a while, He Zhou was enjoying the warm ginger soup. They were sitting on the sofa, far away from each other. He found that he no longer had the courage to get close to her.

Sang Yongbo's 8.6 billion yuan cash acquisition of No. 5 Store caused an uproar in the market. However, only He Zhou knew that this was just the beginning, because Li Laoer, the leader of Li Zhuang, also came to Pujiang.

If it was such a trivial matter, Li Laoer would definitely not bother to move. Everyone knows how lazy this person is.

Although they had psychological expectations, the Sang family was still shocked by their actions. They actually purchased a cultural tourism project from a Liaoyang company for 46.7 billion.

He thought it was over, but within three days, the Sang family had annexed China's fourth-ranked supermarket chain, with a total cost of 25.1 billion.

For a time, Sang Yongbo's image grew taller in his heart.

The two families lived in the same community and lived very close to each other. Every time I went to see him to get some news, Sang Yongbo was not at home, either in Hong Kong or Shenzhen.

It wasn't until Sang Yongbo called him to eat that he realized that the Sang family's movements had finally stopped.

A large box that could accommodate more than twenty people. Except for a few people in Li Zhuang who were familiar with each other, Pan Guangcai introduced everyone to him one by one. Then he discovered that he knew most of the people's names. I’ve heard of it, and I’ve even seen photos of it, but it’s just hard to relate to the person for a while.

There shouldn't be a place for him here, but he represents his mother and the world's number one provider of basic logistics facilities. No one can underestimate him.

However, as a junior and a newcomer, when it's time to drink, he is still unambiguous.

"In a trade war, the essence of the cake is that the cake is too small and there is not enough portion. The Americans are ready to flip the table and act rogue. In fact, they are not afraid of being beaten. If someone can't be slapped, you let him stand and I will try to slap him. Try it and see if it works."

When He Zhou was half drunk, he began to listen carefully to Li Laoer's analysis of Sino-US trade friction, and he started to laugh while listening.

"How many years have it passed and you still can't stand up and talk?"

Everyone laughed.

"Some people are used to kneeling, and it's difficult to get them to change." Wu Shuping said with a smile.

"They often threaten my companies with bans. I said I'm not afraid. Half of the companies in Silicon Valley are invested by me, so this is hurting each other." Li He continued, "However, don't be afraid of return, everyone. You all have to be prepared to see if you can hold on once the ban is lifted. Don't take chances. China has already reached this size and will definitely have to fight with the Americans.

Then by then, chips, electronics, and software will all be affected."

He Zhou listened with great interest.

After eating, many people dispersed, and for a while only Li Zhuang was left in the hotel.

There was a tea cup in front of everyone, and they took a sip from time to time. Unconsciously, everyone started talking about the children.

He Zhou was naturally affected.

He smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry. I'm not too old yet."

Almost none of the second-generation rich people he has met got married before the age of thirty.

He felt that it was normal for him to get married so late and should not be the target of siege.

Turns out he was wrong.

"How old are you? You can't let your mother worry about it." It was Li Laoer who spoke. He said with a smile, "Get married early and let your mother have a grandson or granddaughter. Then you can start your career with peace of mind. She’ll also stop nagging you.”

"Nothing suitable." He Zhou said helplessly.

Li He said, "I have been here before. There are some things that I know better than you. To be honest, don't mistake affection for love, and don't mistake sympathy and pity for love. There are some things that you should think about more."

How could he not know about the girl from the Qu family?

Although He Zhou drank a lot, his mind was the clearest of the day. He reacted instantly and knew what Li Laoer meant.

I feel unhappy in my heart, why can I say anything to others?

I’m not afraid of people’s jokes either!

Li He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Find someone who loves you and you don't hate him. That's enough."

He also hoped that his future daughter-in-law would be Pan Ying. This girl was impeccable in terms of temperament and appearance.

Moreover, the situations of the two families are similar and the relationship is very pure.

As for Qufu, he didn't think that the other party was coveting the He family, but the He family's "wealth" would be part of the reason.

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