My 1979

Chapter 208 Academic Performance

Li He entered the house and took a closer look, and found that it was more luxurious than the previous rooms. The beams were higher, the room was more spacious, the floor was made of high-grade cement, and the furniture in the room was all newly made. It seems that the third child has put some thought into it.

He took Lao Wu's grade book in his hand and looked at it several times. The grades were simply unreadable, which made him a little annoyed. "I said, are you embarrassed when you go out? Why can't you pass any of them?"

The most important aspect of grades is to intuitively and roughly display the learning status and results of the previous period of study.

It is true that not everyone can achieve good grades, and there is no shame in having poor grades. After all, everyone has their own strengths.

Many people will say that they are very capable, but there are still many people with average grades but strong abilities. The excuse is that you are not adapted to exam-oriented education. To be honest, it is not difficult to get a passable score if your ability is really good. Those who can't do it are either lazy, don't want to learn, or don't understand.

Either way, it is not a case of being capable but not adaptable to exam-oriented education. The extremely scarce educational resources are not within the scope of discussion.

What you're afraid of is not getting good grades and not doing anything else well - if you haven't discovered that you have other strengths yet, then you'd better study hard until the day you discover your true strengths.

Lao Wu was dissatisfied, "I scored 100 points in sports, why didn't you tell me?"

She is already 10 years old and is growing very fast. The weather is cold and dry. Her face is red and even a little chapped. She just doesn't want to apply cream and the like and dislikes the greasy look. He talks like a little adult, with sharp teeth.

He has a mostly naughty personality, loves to play, and is very optimistic. Even if he was scolded one minute, he can continue the next minute. Normally, no one cares about him, so he has long been used to being wild.

His thoughts were clear and he spoke in a precise manner, but he was still a little childish. As soon as the sheets were draped over his body, a whole kingdom was born.

Children understand everything, but parents think that children don’t understand yet.

Li He said angrily, "Okay, you are serious about partial subjects. But you are already in the third grade, why can't you pass Chinese and Mathematics?"

If beating, scolding and scolding were effective, Li He would just close the door and beat him all day long, but everyone was out to fool around. Thinking about myself back then, when I was in the first grade of elementary school, I knew how to cheat and bully. Others know how to change the scores on the test paper in a clumsy way.

But at least I can pass.

In Li He's view, primary school grades are very important. In physics, there is a word called inertia, and in economics, there are two terms called expectation and stickiness.

When you are accustomed to a certain state, even if you realize that the environment has changed, you will not immediately change your state. Because when you get used to this state, this state becomes your expectation. Once expectations are formed, it is very difficult to change them.

Therefore, no matter whether the academic performance is in the upward stage or the downward stage, there is inertia and it is not easy to stop, let alone turn around and run in the opposite direction.

Learning in primary school seems to have little connection with later learning. In fact, it is a critical period for children to form expectations about their own positioning. If a student does well in his first few tests in elementary school, he will develop an expectation that he is a good student. When you later discover that the actual situation has deviated, you will take the initiative to study hard and try to return to your expectations. This is the expected stickiness.

Unless a long period of hard work does not pay off, ordinary children will never take the initiative to modify their expectations.

Those who shout that "grades are not important" can easily turn their children into ostriches by giving them to them. In the end, when they reach the prairie of the college entrance examination, they will only become a meal for lions and tigers. What's worse is that his habit of not facing the problem squarely and only making excuses ruined more than just his school days.

Of course, Li He will also find a way out for the fourth or fifth child, such as sending them to schools in Singapore or Hong Kong, but if their learning attitude is not correct, it will actually be the same everywhere.

"Little Fatty is hanging duck eggs, and his father said he was mixing them with porridge for breakfast in the morning." The Little Fatty that Lao Wu was talking about was Pan Guangcai's son.

"Why don't you compare yourself to those with good grades? You are not allowed to go anywhere before and after the new year. You read to me at home. If you dare to cry, I will make your ass bloom today and make you cry enough." Li He saw Lao Wu. With a straight face, as if he was about to cry, he turned to the fourth child who was watching the fun next to him and said, "Don't be idle, give her good tutoring. Keep a close eye on her. If she dares to run around, give her a beating, I said so." ,You are welcome."

Lao Wu is still very clever, but he has little patience and is too restless. Without force, it will be difficult for him to be effective.

The fourth child accepted the errand with a smile and said to the fifth child, "Did you hear me? Read your book carefully and let you run around all day long."

Lao Wu said angrily, "I want you to take care of it."

"Brother lets me take care of it, and I can still beat you."

Li He didn't want to listen to the two girls grinding their teeth, and said to the fourth child, "Where is your report card, bring it here, don't even think about running away."

Li Zhaokun or Wang Yulan didn't ask anything about their studies, and even if they wanted to ask, they couldn't get involved.

Most parents are short of personal energy and personal experience and knowledge. Often parents lack the necessary behavioral norms for their children, and they may even be the model for the problem themselves. It rarely helps children’s education and seems to rely more on children’s talents and personal abilities.

The fourth child had already been prepared, and handed the report card to Li He casually, "Here I am, not the fifth child, who is a coward."

The fourth child is getting older and taller, and is a head taller than the eldest sister Li Mei. Maybe he has been in school for a long time and does not go to the ground much, so his skin has become a lot whiter.

Li He finally felt relieved when he saw the results of the fourth child. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry were basically close to full marks. Although his English was poor, it was still within the acceptable range. He touched the fourth child's head and said happily, "Okay, keep going. I'll take you to the county town tomorrow and buy whatever you want."

"Okay, keep your word."

Li He looked at Lao Wu who looked unhappy and said, "Don't be embarrassed. If you are capable, you will be treated like this."

Li He looked at Li Zhaokun who was playing with his children in the yard and asked the fourth child, "When did you come back?"

The fourth child said, "I've been back for more than two months."

"You're not making a fuss, are you?"

"I don't know, I'm at school every day."

Li Pei is three years old and can already run hard on his short legs.

Li He held him in his arms. He was no longer afraid of people. He just stared at Li He and scratched Li He's hair from time to time.

Li He fetched some water from the well and was not afraid of the cold. He took a shower in the yard and changed his clothes while shivering.

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