My 1979

Chapter 21 Rebirth is not omnipotent

The argument that "intellectuals are part of the working class" has led to the formation of a culture of respecting knowledge and respecting intellectuals in the entire society.

Comrade Xiaoping called for "building ambitions, setting great ambitions, and marching towards the modernization of science and technology." Therefore, all universities basically set up science subjects. If there are no conditions, you have to create conditions. "Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid of traveling all over the world." Although it has not been widely spread, the status of science students is also top-notch in various universities.

Although the majority of liberal arts universities like Peking University still have liberal arts students, there are still some workers, peasants and soldiers college students who really can't take on the responsibilities, so at this time, Li and his science students have become popular and are quite taken seriously, and they live in the dormitory. Both are the best quadruple rooms.

The majors are still divided very roughly. Li He applied for the physics major, which was later changed to the School of Physics. Now it is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Electronics. When filling out the application form, there was no reference book for filling out the application, and there was no Internet search, and the teacher could not I knew a lot more than the students, but I just vaguely thought that I could come to the capital to study, and it was famous, so I filled it out.

As for whether your brain is flooded or not, what else can you complain about if you are in college?

Because Li He came to register on time, everyone in the dormitory was already here, but he came at the bottom.

The four of them each finished introducing themselves. Because Li He was the youngest and everyone wanted to call him Little Plum, he immediately became unhappy and screamed in his heart. He would take off his pants to show anyone who shouted, and told her loudly that I am not a eunuch!

What's annoying is that someone younger than him calls him that!

I originally thought that as I got older, I would slowly turn into Old Li, but in the end, I still kept this label for my whole life. Li He felt that it was necessary, must, now, immediately, to block it at the source, so he was strong and firm without any reason. Everyone is asked to call "Old Li".

At this time, the movie "The Great Eunuch Li Lianying" hasn't come out yet, so everyone doesn't know why he is so determined.

He had no choice but to call him Lao Li with a strange tone. The oldest Zhao Yongqi here is already 31, and the children in the family are 9 years old. He was reluctant to call him Lao Li, a young man who is only a few years older than his son. .

Although Gao Aiguo and Chen Shuo are not married, they are still young men in their mid-twenties. They have no choice but to comply with the nonsensical demands of adolescents who are still developing. Even if their own brothers at home are only Li He's age, this A scoundrel like this would get impatient a long time ago, but no matter his age, he is his classmate and there is nothing he can do about it.

Beating up a classmate who is younger than him right after school starts is unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally.

Only Li He and Zhao Yongqi in this room are standard proletarians. They are three generations of poor and lower-middle peasants with good roots. Their clothes are quite shabby. In their previous lives, they had a feeling of sympathy for each other, or they had a feeling of sympathy for each other, and they always got along better.

Chen Shuo and Gao Aiguo were accustomed to being city dwellers, and it was not their fault when they went to the mountains or countryside. They were inevitably a bit aloof like city dwellers, looking down on others, but their classmates were still decent in appearance, and they were polite to Zhao Yongqi and Li He. .

Li He saw several people in the room. Except for Chen Shuo who went abroad and didn't know the details, he had not contacted him. The remaining two seemed to be much better than him in the future. He had worked in his own unit for ten years before he reached the administrative level. Strictly For me, he should be the county deputy director, and he is still a young man. He would only call him director Li to give him face.

After going to the sea to make a fortune, it is not bad in theory, but facing these serious ministries and commissions, it is a step lower. The fifth level of administration and the fifth level of ministries and commissions are simply incomparable.

After staying in the dormitory for two days, we walked around together and became more familiar with each other. We went out together every day and ate in the cafeteria together.

As for dinner parties, Li He is a nouveau riche, so he can't invite dinner parties even if he doesn't have enough money. He is the youngest here and shows off, who can tolerate it?

If people in their twenties and thirties want to save face, they will inevitably have to return invitations. Whoever has a lot of money has a tight life, so they "knock their teeth out and swallow it in their stomachs", and they are simply hated.

He only smokes occasionally, and he can scatter a few more, and he can please people and appear to be up to something.

Li He bought a toothbrush, an enamel jar, a towel, and a razor blade at the store in front of the school. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he called in the corridor of the dormitory building to go to the first floor of the science teaching building for a class meeting.

The corridors were divided into dormitories in groups of twos and threes towards the science teaching building. As soon as Li and the four people in the dormitory arrived at the classroom, the first half of the rows were occupied. Li and the four people in the dormitory had to look for a seat in the back.

They are all good students who are innocent and cute. If they look forward to it in the future, they will be eager to crawl into the cracks in the wall at the back. The teacher can't see them. The teacher calls the call and the one who answers will win.

When everyone in the classroom arrived, there were two classes in one major, more than 50 people, a head teacher, and two counselors.

Li He looked around and saw that many people seemed to be unable to name them.

There are mostly boys, in fact, they are almost men. Many are married, and a few of them later became Chen Shimei, who abandoned his wife and children. There are only a dozen girls, most of them can be considered pretty, and only one or two are remotely beautiful. .

The class teacher was a middle-aged man in his 40s. Neither Li nor He could remember his name. He watched people sit down one after another, walked up to the podium, knocked on the big wooden triangle ruler on the table, pressed his hands, and said, "Classmate Guys, please be quiet, please be quiet."

Seeing everyone calm down, he said, "My name is Wang Qi, and I will be our class teacher from now on."

Pointing to a middle-aged man wearing glasses, he said, "This is Teacher Liu Qiang, the counselor of Class 1."

Then he pointed to a female teacher with perfect temperament next to him and said, "This is Teacher Zhang Shusheng, the counselor of Class 2."

When Li He saw that tall figure again, his heart warmed up, and he fell in love for the first time, and he had been secretly in love with him for many years.

The second class suddenly got excited about the female teacher. In fact, it was just a hormonal boy who suddenly met a temperamental mature young woman.

Even Chen Shuo, who has always been aloof than Gaobi, grabbed Li He's hand and whispered excitedly, "We are from the second class, we are from the second class."

Wang Qi, the head teacher, continued to knock on the table to ask everyone to be quiet, and said, "Now we will roll call, and the students who have been invited will say 'arrive'."

"Liu Dahai."


"Chiang Aiguo."


Every time he heard a name, Li He looked for it and searched slowly in the missing memory.

When he heard about He Fang, Li He finally met someone. Gein always saw one of the girls sitting by the flower bed smoking Dayun, and he was instantly shocked...

This person is He Fang.

Wang Qi finished the roll call and continued affectionately, "We come from all over the world, and we come together for the same goal. The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. With the instructions of parents, with expectations Hope, with novelty, you will step into the university campus that you have longed for for a long time. I hope you will not disappoint the hopes of the party and the country and the people's entrustment. You must study hard. "

What follows is the old-fashioned self-introduction, especially for boys who are eager to express themselves.

Every time Wang Qi named someone, he would take turns to come on stage. It was nothing more than what his name was, where he came from, how old he was, and how to help each other in the future. Those who were a little bit cool would quote a few lines of poetry to express their ambitions, or make a few self-righteous witticisms.

When everyone was introduced, Li He was quite indifferent. Only when He Fang came on stage, he listened carefully. Hello everyone, my name is He Fang. You can call me Fangzi. I am 25 years old. I am from the Northeast. I love learning and working. I hope Everyone helps each other. "

When it was finally Li He's turn, Li He made up his mind not to show off and said politely, "Hello everyone, my name is Li He. I am from northern Anhui. I am 18 years old."

After another pause, he continued, "Please call me Lao Li. I hope you can help each other in the future."

After saying this, the whole class burst into laughter. Li He scratched his head, what are you laughing at?

This never happened in my previous life.

A student below shouted, "How old are you, so I call you Lao Li?"

Someone else shouted, "My surname is Li too, and I'm older than you, so don't call me bad!"

Li He was speechless to this group of people, and they just said, "You don't have Mao Changqi." What about the honesty you promised, and the friendship you promised?

There is no one who is not hated!

He had no choice but to step down in despair.

When it was over and everyone was rushing to the dormitory, people passing by him patted him on the shoulder and called him "Little Plum".

He couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh. Sure enough, rebirth is not a panacea. He will never be able to get rid of this title for the rest of his life.

When he arrived at the door of the dormitory, he heard someone calling his name. When he looked back, Wang Yu was looking at him with a smile.

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