My 1979

Chapter 225 Expanding Production

Liu Lenovo's eyes lit up when he heard the word "Hong Kong businessman" and he hurriedly said, "Do you really know Hong Kong businessmen? Can you still invest?"

Li He said, "Of course, I can introduce you. You can talk about it yourself at that time. The extent of the discussion is entirely up to you."

"Foreign investors can't invest in vain, right? Are there any regulations?" Liu Lenovo was very anxious.

Li He said, "Of course, the investment cannot be in vain. People's money does not come from strong winds, right? I can try to persuade him to join a joint venture with you. Your research institute needs to establish a computing company with the goal of transforming scientific and technological achievements. This Do you allow it according to the joint venture policy?”

Liu Lenovo said directly and affirmatively, "There is no problem with the policy. I can guarantee this."

He is not only a researcher, but also a cadre who is familiar with policies.

Adhering to the policy of opening up to the outside world, developing the foreign economy, utilizing foreign investment, introducing technology, and promoting the construction of the "four modernizations" are our country's long-term strategic decisions.

Utilizing as much foreign capital as possible to accelerate my country's economic construction is a basic policy of my country's foreign economic relations.

In May, in addition to approving four special economic zones, the central government officially decided to open 14 coastal cities including Dazhan and Hainan Island.

At the same time, it was clearly announced that “foreign businessmen are allowed to establish wholly-owned enterprises.”

So a joint venture is not a thing at all.

"Then I will contact the Hong Kong businessman as soon as possible and ask him about his intention." He was considering whether to let Yu Dehua come over or that street lawyer Shen Daoru come over. If Yu Dehua comes over, it will become a partnership between him and Yu Dehua. If Shen Daoru comes over, it will still be his alone.

And if you invest in a computer institute, you will never lose money. This Hankalliu Lenovo sold more than 10 million in the first year it was launched in 1985.

In the selection of "my country's Major Engineering and Technology Achievements in the 20th Century", a total of 25 major engineering and technology achievements were evaluated, among which "Chinese Character Information Processing and Printing Revolution" ranked second after "Two Bombs and One Satellite".

Since the advent of computers, the promotion of PCs in China has encountered difficulties in processing Chinese characters, including input, output, display, encoding, fonts, Chinese character application software, etc. of Chinese characters. Driven by this demand, various Chinese character systems came into being.

As we all know, Wang Xuan was the first person to process Chinese character information. He made the Chinese laser typesetting system a commercial product in 1985 and widely promoted the Founder typesetting system in the market. This was a "printing revolution".

There are many developers of Chinese character information processing, and the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences is a pioneer in Chinese character information processing on the PC. Lenovo Chinese cards were one of the first to be launched, and soon became the Chinese cards with the largest sales and greatest influence.

"Teacher Li, I will report this to the institute as soon as possible, but you can't make fun of me." Liu Lenovo was still a little nervous. If he reported it in advance and found out that it was all in vain, he would be giving away the leader's pigeon. How can I still mess around in the future?

Li He said seriously, "Cadre Liu, although I am still young, I often like to tell jokes, but I don't have the habit of lying. Can I use my character as a guarantee? As long as there are no problems with you, I will go and tell them The Hong Kong businessman said. But because of the investment ratio, the investment amount collapsed, and I am not responsible."

"Of course, come on, Teacher Li, let's have a drink. I'll communicate with the leader immediately when I get back."

After the two clinked their glasses, Liu Lenovo took out a handful of cents, hurriedly paid the bill, said hello to Li He and left.

Summer is here, can summer vacation be far behind?

It's so hot that the leaves of the trees on both sides of the road are wilted, let alone the people.

Li He was enjoying the coolness under the grapevines. Fu Xia came back sweating profusely, picked up the teapot on the table, and drank it in one sip, "It's so hot that it kills me."

After saying that, he wiped the sweat from his face with the hem of his shirt, and his stomach was leaking.

Li He hadn't seen her since before and after, and even thought that this bitch couldn't take the money and run away.

Fu Xia was obviously tanned, the round face that she had managed to gain before was gone, and her chin was protruding, but she became more attractive.

Li He asked, "What are you doing, Fengfenghuohuo? I haven't seen you for so long."

"I just came back from Xianghe. I have to come several times this month. It's just that you and Sister He can't see me at school. If you don't believe me, ask Zhou Ping and Shoushan." Fu Xia sat on the chair and turned her head again. After walking around for a few times, he asked, "Where's Sister He? I didn't see anyone in the front yard."

Li He said, "I'm going back to my hometown. I think I'll be back in a few days."

Without He Fang, he could just eat and drink, either noodles or steamed buns. If he was more diligent, he would just go to a restaurant.

I was free, no, I was free every day. When I got bored, I went to the flower market and bought a lot of peonies and gladioli.

Fu Xia took out a notebook and handed it to Li He and said, "Brother, can you take a look?"



Looking at Fu Xia's expression, Li He must have known that he had made a profit. However, he took the account book into his hand, opened the last page, and looked at the profit, which was only less than 40,000 yuan.

In other words, Fu Xia didn't earn as much as he did in a week in half a year, so he immediately lost interest. But as long as he didn't lose money, he threw the account book to Fu Xia again, "Okay, not bad, keep working hard."

Fu Xia knew from Li He's expression that Li He was dissatisfied and she was ready to ask for praise.

Since the opening of the furniture factory, he has taken two young men from the village to all the supply and sales furniture stores in the city. A canvas bag and a good talk are the tools to win in business. Now that there are basically stable channels, there is no need for them. Ran.

Moreover, many second-rate dealers know the address and drive trucks or tractors directly to the door, and there is no problem in selling.

Although she was very tired, Grandpa Mao's smile gave her a lot of motivation. She often made a sum of money, dipped a little saliva on her fingers, and counted them one by one.

Fu Xia took out another wad of money from her bag and put it on the table. A dozen bills were all brand new, "Brother, count them. Excluding the half percent given to the village, this is all earned."

When she went to talk to the village, it was that the village only occupied 5% and provided the space and personnel. And she was responsible for providing the financing and running the sales.

Most of the male laborers in the village there work there, and they can be paid every month, which means the village has a stable income.

Since she made money, she has become more assertive in her speech. She can speak better than the brigade secretary there, and she is like a fish in water.

Li He waved his hand, "If you are short of money, you can take your 20% and I won't divide mine. There is a term in business called expanding production and reinvesting. If you make money, you can divide it. You can't make it big no matter what. Continue to buy equipment and continue to expand.”

He really doesn't like this little money.

Fu Xia gritted her teeth and said, "Then don't worry about mine, just continue investing."

Li He said, "There is another thing called salary. You don't get salary anymore?"

Fu Xia said directly without thinking, "Brother, I already got 20% of my share for nothing, how can I still get my salary? Don't you just want to tease me?"

"The entrepreneur's salary is also the company's operating and management cost, which of course must be reflected in the books. Only at the end of the year will we know the company's profitability. The time cost of the entrepreneur's investment is also a cost, and this must be included." Li He also Based on the general situation of start-up companies, it is necessary not only to issue more money, but also to make more money, make a loss on the account, and save taxes.

Fu Xia said, "I don't understand these things, but I know I can't take them, otherwise what kind of person would I become."

"Get fifty yuan a month. You can eat and drink, you can buy clothes, you can make friends." Li He looked at Fu Xia's crumpled red plaid shirt and continued, "How big are you?" You are now a boss, so hurry up and buy a good suit of clothes to look like a boss."

Fu Xia looked at her clothes and thought it was because Li He disliked her for being tacky.

After washing my face, I was not afraid of the heat and immediately went out to buy clothes.

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